#! rnews 0000000715 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!news.univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!news.emn.fr!irisa.fr!usenet From: ecario@irisa.fr (Erwan Cario) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Tout chaud... Date: 19 May 1995 07:36:54 GMT Organization: IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, FRANCE Lines: 8 Distribution: fr Message-ID: <3phhqm$g5a@news.irisa.fr> References: <3pg02p$qqg@arcturus.ciril.fr> Reply-To: ecario@irisa.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: laurel.irisa.fr In article <3pg02p$qqg@arcturus.ciril.fr>, Matthieu.Dazy@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Matthieu Dazy) writes: > Toubon au Ministere de la Justice... > C'est tout. Je trouve que comme humour, c'est quand meme tres noir. Toubon garde d'Esso... (Guignols hiers soir) #! rnews 0000004248 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!boulder!stripe.Colorado.EDU!kissingm From: kissingm@stripe.Colorado.EDU (sweet Poly) Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.postmodern,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,alt.cyberpunk.movement,misc.writing Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres! Date: 21 May 1995 15:46:53 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Lines: 69 Message-ID: <3pnn9d$1h7@CUBoulder.Colorado.EDU> References: <3odlf3$1oh@news.alaska.edu> <3oqek5$640@crchh327.bnr.ca> <3p978j$l7i@dingo.cc.uq.oz.au> NNTP-Posting-Host: stripe.colorado.edu Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4162 alt.cyberpunk:321 alt.postmodern:195 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:104 alt.cyberpunk.movement:44 misc.writing:1223 In article <3p978j$l7i@dingo.cc.uq.oz.au>, Taro Sumitomo wrote: >Ann Griffith writes: > > >>My vote for the progenitor of all genres goes to Mythology, which is >>mentioned several times above as though it were a mere pip instead >>of the motherlode it is. Mythology is fiction and non-fiction, religion, >>fantasy, and what not, all in one elegant package. If anything literary >>predates Mythology, what might that be? Frou-frou Neanderthal >>musings painted in caves perchance? I'm glad you've brought this up: I've begun talking about myths with some other people from alt.cyberpunk, and think a discussion of it would be valuable on a number of differend levels. In talking about Snow Crash, I asked whether there were any "mythic elements" in the story, specifically regarding Hiro and Raven. Great warriors, capable of moving at will throuth their landscapes, etc. My encyclopedia describes Myth as: "...a narrative that describes and portrays in symbolic language the origin of the basic elements and assuptions of a culture." I don't know if Hiro or Raven fit into that, but there are other elements of mythology in the book, specifically regarding ancient Sumer. My own attitudes towards myth are heavily influenced by Tolkien, especially the way his characters understood the roles they played in the continuation of myth: they knew their lives were part of the continuum of myth, understood how their lives were grounded in the past, and providing the mythology of the future. I would hazzard that Juanita, (in SC) for example, understood her accomplishment as part of the continuum of the Sumerians' culture. She almost seems like Inanna come back in another incarnation, to me. Mythology is not some dry, dusty, irrelevant odd collection of stories -- it's part of the way we construct reality, and so is a living part of who we are. The study of it is deserving of attention because we are at a point of origin for the culture of the future, and our actions may contribute to the mythology of the future. It would help if we could see how we are affected in our thinking by the myths of our cultures, and project those forward into the future, which is already here. >Mythology as non-fiction and fantasy? I must disagree, for all intents >and purposes, the people of that age actually believed that stuff. What age? What stuff? Goodness! Such contempt... yep, those funky people of the past, believing all kinds of irrational nonsense... Do you believe the myths of your culture? Believe that they describe fact, or that they provide a workable framework for the nature of reality, freeing you to cope with the details of living? >Frou-frou Neanderthal musings? Don't let an anthropologist hear you say >that- as far as artistic and cultural development of the human race is >concerned, those paintings are deemed of priceless value. Nah. I think they suck. I mean, look at them: they're painted in blood and junk, and in *caves*! What the hell kind of art can you expect from out of a cave? And what lousy subject matter, too. No portraits, or landscapes, or nude studies, or anything interesting, really -- just a bunch of animals that became extinct. Losers. My 7 year old niece could do better... T---A C---G Sweet Poly A-T C "I'm too young to worry and get wrinkles on *my* T-A pretty little face. What we need is some music C---G to cheer us up!" -- Shemp Howard C---G #! rnews 0000001706 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk!dundee.ac.uk!spey!rmccall From: rmccall@mcs.dundee.ac.uk (Rod McCall) Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Games & Graphics Programming Date: 21 May 1995 16:02:01 GMT Organization: The University, Dundee, DD1 4HN, Scotland, UK. Lines: 34 Message-ID: <3pno5p$2ps@dux.dundee.ac.uk> NNTP-Posting-Host: spey.dundee.ac.uk X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1] [ Article crossposted from comp.sys.atari.st.tech ] [ Author was Rod McCall ] [ Posted on 21 May 1995 15:50:28 GMT ] I have decided that once summer arrives I inted to start doing some serious programming on my Falcon. At present I have (or will have shortly) Pure C and Devpac 3. I am also considering getting Devpac DSP. Do the latter two packages come with information on how to program the graphics & sound system on the Falcon? Also are their any books that are particularily good at explaining how to program the ST/Falcon graphics and sound hardware? Rod -- Rod McCall, Junior Honours Computer Science & Accounts Dundee University, Scotland Home page: http://www.mcs.dundee.ac.uk/~rmccall/ Atari page: http://www.mcs.dundee.ac.uk/~rmccall/atari.html CD-ROMS for PC & MAC (perhaps even Atari) could *well* be available just give me a shout at cdsales@cix.compulink.co.uk. NEW LOW PRICES!! -- Rod McCall, Junior Honours Computer Science & Accounts Dundee University, Scotland Home page: http://www.mcs.dundee.ac.uk/~rmccall/ Atari page: http://www.mcs.dundee.ac.uk/~rmccall/atari.html CD-ROMS for PC & MAC (perhaps even Atari) could *well* be available just give me a shout at cdsales@cix.compulink.co.uk. NEW LOW PRICES!! #! rnews 0000009447 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!news1.digex.net!news3.digex.net!digex.net!not-for-mail From: mfterman@access5.digex.net (Martin Terman) Newsgroups: alt.best.of.internet,alt.cyberspace,alt.folklore.computers,alt.life.internet,alt.politics.datahighway,alt.society.futures,comp.society.futures,news.future Subject: Re: Future of the net? Date: 21 May 1995 12:15:21 -0400 Organization: Mutant for Hire, Inc. Lines: 169 Message-ID: <3pnoup$ana@access5.digex.net> References: <3nhk9h$d5k@netnews.upenn.edu> Reply-To: mfterman@digex.net (Martin Terman) NNTP-Posting-Host: access5.digex.net Xref: sct.fr alt.cyberspace:320 alt.folklore.computers:374 alt.society.futures:42 comp.society.futures:54 news.future:32 Okay, here's my long essay on the future of networking. The first thing to bear in mind is that the current Internet, when one gets off the local LANs, by and large is a subset of the phone system. When the phone system switches over to a networking protocol (except at the ends for those who just want phone capacity), it is quite conceivable that the Internet as we know it will dissolve in the much larger network. ATM has to some extent been overhyped, but due to increased performance capacity it will get implemented and will probably get implemented on a large scale, due to its telephone switching structure. For those who aren't familiar with it, in the current networking site, take four nodes A----B----C----D. If A wants to talk to C, it tosses packets down the line, and B relays them to C. If B is swamped, its going to run into delays sending the packets over. If D is talking to B (and may be the reason B is so swamped, C is passing them along. In an ATM network, you have A, B, C and D each sitting at the ends of wires that run into an array of cables and switches that conenct to the cables. When A wants to send data to C, it sends out an initial data packet. The switches between A and C set up a virtual line between the two of them, bandwidth dedicated to the use of A and C. No other sites like B or D are involved. Likewise, when B and D talk, they get their own virtual line. If a line is filled, the switches may try to route around. (of course, the dynamic switching protocols are still being written for ATM, but this is a futures newsgroup) If they can't, no connection will be formed. Like when the telephone system is swamped after a disaster. Okay, so why is this so bloody important? Well, aside from the fact that you can now do real-time networking, which is important on the functional side, it is even more fundamentally important in that one now has a metric for network usage. In my first example, where B and C are relaying messages for A and D as well as sending their own data, who gets charged for what usage? In your average Internet connection, it can get even more complicated as there is no guarentee that all your packets are hitting the destination by the same route. Trying to figure out how much to charge is rather difficult. One can do it by connection time or bandwidth, but its difficult to distinguish between a purely local connection from a long distance one, and indeed, a local connection might become long distance accidentally. With a switching style network, the problems go away. One has a metric. For time X, a connection between A and B along switches Y0 through Yn, of connection type Z was created. (ATM supports real-time and bursty modes of transmission) These can be recorded and the network can work out a billing system. Granted, they can be pretty strange about billing even now, but hopefully competition will settle the rates down to something rational. With this sort of structure, the Internet, which is one of the last bastions of communism in existance, transforms radically. Currently, since no one can really charge for bandwidth on the lines, no one does so, and certain practices which are both convenient and assume that bandwidth is free, will go away. The big ones are USENET and the current style of mailing lists. USENET and current style mailing lists work on similar principles, just on different scales. The big principle is to send a copy to everyone's site. This is convenient since you can read it on your local system, but it is also assuming that bandwidth is free since the relay sites are consuming huge chunks of bandwidth sending out redundant messages. In the case of USENET its to everywhere, in the case of mailing lists, the list recipients. Under a switching network, one can actually charge for bandwidth. Relay sites will get hit big time with charges under this scheme, since expenses will probably go to those who send the transmissions, like under the current phone system. Even if a reverse charge system is set up, people don't want to get messages they don't like and pay for the costs. USENET is going to have special problems there. The reason USENET exists in its current form is that no one has to pay for it. (at least not in any direct fashion) Now, the thing is that USENET and mailing lists fill a need. When one empties a niche, what takes its place? We already have the answer, and its been as long as the Net has. BBS's. Much maligned by many Net residents, the BBS takes on a new importance once people get billed for Net usage. A BBS can do the same things that a mailing list does, have a series of messages on a certain interest for a select (or open) list of people to talk about. The BBS works because its suited to the phone system way of dealing with costs, which is how things will work in the future. The big difference is that modems will be a thing of the past and the BBS's will provide stuff that is only possible with the high bandwidths that will be available. People dial in to the BBS, read the forums, post messages, read mail and so forth, upload and download stuff. Except instead of distributed transmission, it will be centralized storage of communal messages. What will fill the void of USENET? Presumably the big online services like AOL, Prodigy and Compu$erv. (I can hear the screams now) Those places will be upscale BBS's serving huge regions. They can get commercial presence, advertising, and all the fancy usages that one can do on a massive scale with a big presence and high profile. There will be more of them, and with competition from BBS's that get popular and grow in size. Again, these forums work well in a phone style system, and so will work in a switched network system. On the other hand a lot of things we have on the Net now, like telnet, MUDs, WWW and so forth which are effectively connection style services, will continue to work. (though people are going to be a damn sight more careful about where those crosslinks go). IRC's style is distributed and hence will go. Various game servers we have on the Net will continue, and will probably increase in number and type, since real-time connections can in fact be guarenteed if the caller desires it to be. The wild, carefree days of chatting realtime with someone in Finland while doing a long download from some ftp site over in Australia are going to be over, unless the phone companies really change from their current methods. On the other hand, with the increase in technology and functionality, there will be new services that I can't imagine. However the base structure I feel will be a cross of two different ends of what we have now. How will the transition happen? Slowly. Bear in mind that ATM (and in theory any switched network system) can support leased lines so even if the whole phone system spontaneously swapped over to ATM this instant, we could still have the Internet as we know it now. But businesses that have an Internet address can now start having a Net address over the switched network. Since people would pay for calls to that site the way that phone calls are being paid now, and they don't have to worry about paying for all that strange Internet stuff, they're going to be much happier with the ATM address. Many businesses will just go with an ATM address, since it gives them a more familiar method of network usage, compatible with how they've been handling phone calls. Over time, the commerical interests will stop offering Internet addresses as they can get people to have an ATM address to call instead. Indeed, since the phone network will be ATM, people can get an ATM connection trivially. The Net will start being associated with the new ATM networks linked together, rather than the old Internet. The final end will probably be everyone but the education and research networks falling off the old Internet, which can be the education/research subnet that it was originally. USENET and old style mailing lists, IRC and the like will probably survive among students on this network, while the rest of us go to the vast web of BBS's and online services that will surge in popularity around this point. So in fact, I'm not predicting the death of USENET, as long as -- Martin Terman, Mutant for Hire, Synchronicity Daemon, Priest of Shub-Internet Disclaimer: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but flames are just ignored email: mfterman@access.digex.com home page: http://access.digex.net/~mfterman/ "Sig quotes are like bumper stickers, only without the same sense of relevance" #! rnews 0000001381 Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!fdn.fr!sxpo.fdn.org!musical!sam From: ardoino@musical.fdn.org (Jean-Jacques Ardoino) Subject: Re: Emulateur PC-> ATARI Message-ID: Sender: sam@musical.fdn.org (Operator) Organization: Rock'n Jazz BBS (The Music Land) Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 06:20:40 GMT Lines: 28 In a message dated 05-16-95 sebmen@fusl.ac.Be wrote to ALL : > > Au sujet des emumlateurs PC, ils sont de 2 types: > > - logiciel: PC Ditto: vieux, plus commercialise et tres long > > - hard: emulant du 8086 au 486, mais depend de l'atari (ST ... > > Falcon).Certains sont externes, d'autres internes avec soudures. > > Bien que la rŽponse m'ai fait un tout grand plaisir je crois que je me > mal fait comprendre... je voudrais en fait exactement l'inverse. Il y a deux emulateurs Atari sur PC. L'un est GEMULATOR, l'autre est la carte JANUS. Mais je ne sais plus ou ils sont distribues. GEMULATOR, je crois, parvient a une emulation ST, tandis que Janus, sur 486, parvient approximativement a une emulation TT (68030 32 MHz) Bye, ----------------------- Jean Jacques Ardoino STMAG (France) ardoino@musical.fdn.org ----------------------- --- TIMM 1.0.2 - The Ideal Mac Mailreader. Essai n¡1 #! rnews 0000001509 Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!fdn.fr!sxpo.fdn.org!musical!sam From: ardoino@musical.fdn.org (Jean-Jacques Ardoino) Subject: Re: Divers Falcon. Message-ID: Sender: sam@musical.fdn.org (Operator) Organization: Rock'n Jazz BBS (The Music Land) Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 06:20:45 GMT Lines: 26 In a message dated 05-17-95 olivier@cygnux.frmug.fr.n wrote to ALL : > Quelqu'un pourrait'il me dire quelle est la meilleure carte > accélératrice en ce moment pour F030? Disons meilleur rapport > qualité/prix. Parce que la Barracuda à 800$ :-(((( Oui, mais dire que la Barracuda est chere pour une "carte acceleratrice" est un point de vue discutable. La Barracuda ne fait pas qu'augmenter la frequence du 68030 du Falcon : Elle est equipee d'un 68040 LC 33 Mhz (possibilite 68040 non LC de 33 a 64 Mhz), d'une carte graphique haute resolution, elle offre la possibilite de mettre jusqu'a 128 Mo de RAM. Et la ROM est en flashrom, ce qui permet d'updater le TOS tres facilement. Facteur d'acceleration annonce a 900%, et compatibilite avec Cubase Audio. Alors c'est bien plus qu'une simple carte acceleratrice ! J.Jacques Ardoino (STMAG, France) ardoino@musical.fdn.org --- TIMM 1.0.2 - The Ideal Mac Mailreader. Essai n¡1 #! rnews 0000001104 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!news.univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!irisa.fr!usenet From: fbruel@irisa.fr (Fabrice) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Nouveau gouvernement Date: 19 May 1995 12:12:53 GMT Organization: IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, FRANCE Lines: 19 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pi206$o1c@news.irisa.fr> References: Reply-To: fbruel@irisa.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: fregate.irisa.fr In article , Jean-Claude.Bellamy@der.edf.fr writes: > > In article <3phh0i$2ot@anemone.saclay.cea.fr>, writes: > > [...] > > Après avoir gardé les intellos à la culture, Jacques Toubon vient d'etre nomé > > à la justice pour garder les sceaux. > > Vous avez certainement note qu'il y a un Secretariat d'Etat a la > "Reconciliation entre les Generations" ou quelque chose d'approchant ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ " Cela correspond a mon idee que j'ai de la fracture tout ca machin bidule qu'il faut reduire et pis...." Ca c'est du changement !!!! #! rnews 0000000557 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!pipex!howland.reston.ans.net!newsjunkie.ans.net!Rezonet.net!altitude!rp.cam.org From: robert@RP.CAM.ORG (Robert Pellerin) Message-ID: <9862@RP.CAM.ORG> Date: 21 May 1995 14:35:55 -0400 (EDT) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Encore les femmes Distribution: world Organization: Fortin Fournitures d'Impression Lines: 26 Savez-vous pourquoi les hommes aiment la fellation? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A cause des quinze minutes de silence qui l'accompagne... -- Robert Pellerin, Montréal-Nord, Qc Canada #! rnews 0000000898 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!news.univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!irisa.fr!usenet From: fbruel@irisa.fr (Fabrice) Newsgroups: fr.soc.divers,fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Composition du gouvernement Date: 19 May 1995 14:46:33 GMT Organization: IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, FRANCE Lines: 19 Distribution: fr Message-ID: <3pib09$sqq@news.irisa.fr> References: <3pi975$qhm@vishnu.jussieu.fr> Reply-To: fbruel@irisa.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: fregate.irisa.fr Xref: sct.fr fr.soc.divers:538 fr.rec.humour:343 In article anique@masi.ibp.fr (Emmanuel Anique) writes: > In article <3pi6e0$emb@irgate.ifp.fr> > marques@irsun21.ifp.fr (Patrick MARQUES) writes: > > > COMPOSITION DU GOUVERNEMENT : > .... > > quartiers en difficulte > > Francoise de Pouetpouet > > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > C'est une erreur ? C'est de la famille a Seb le Pouet :-))))) ?????? #! rnews 0000060350 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!pipex!news.sprintlink.net!wizard.pn.com!mozo.cc.purdue.edu!not-for-mail From: jester@expert.cc.purdue.edu (rf /usere/jester) Newsgroups: rec.music.industrial,alt.culture.internet,alt.culture.usenet,alt.cyberpunk,alt.emusic,alt.music.alternative,alt.music.ebm,alt.music.misc,alt.music.synthpop,alt.music.techno,alt.rave,alt.wired,comp.music,rec.music.compose,rec.music.makers,rec.music.makers.percussion,rec.music.makers.synth,rec.music.misc Subject: ZINE: Sonic-Boom: The Net Industrial/EBM/Goth/Cyberculture Review Zine v3.3 Date: 21 May 1995 16:12:49 -0500 Organization: Purdue University Lines: 1713 Distribution: inet Message-ID: <3poach$euj@expert.cc.purdue.edu> NNTP-Posting-Host: expert.cc.purdue.edu Xref: sct.fr rec.music.industrial:845 alt.culture.usenet:163 alt.cyberpunk:322 alt.emusic:35 alt.music.alternative:30225 alt.music.synthpop:28 alt.rave:519 alt.wired:356 comp.music:521 rec.music.compose:283 rec.music.makers:255 rec.music.makers.percussion:418 rec.music.makers.synth:800 rec.music.misc:641 Here is yet another issue of Sonic Boom. This time we're chocked full of reviews, thirty in all, and an Interview with Crash Worship at the end of the Magazine. The interview was conducted by myself, my roomate Nick, and a friend Stephanie aka Provider or cigarettes. Summer is now upon us, and I will have a great deal more time to review music. My backlog of reviews has fallen within two weeks of arrival or about twelve CD's and 4 tapes. Expect another issue in less than a month with a really old interview conducted with Peter Stone of Xorcist back in Decemeber of 1994. Also of note, I am moving into a house as of June 1st, my last move before I graduate from this pedantic University, so if you decide to send me any mail, make sure to properly address the mail accordingly depending on the current date. Jester -- #define<20.minutes.into.the future.h> /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SONIC-BOOM The Net Industrial/EBM/Cyberculture Band List v3.2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Welcome to _The Net Industrial/EBM/Cyberculture Band List v3.2 Check out the Sonic-Boom ftp site where all the old reviews are posted, as well as sound files, lyrics, and band press releases. All bands previously reviewed are welcome to send me anything involving their bands including sounds, lyrics, press releases, and the like, and I will work through the site maintainer to get them archived. The address for the ftp site is as follows: ftp.netcom.com /pub/cv/cvoid/net-bands This site was donated by cvoid@netcom.com (Christian Void), much thanks to him for his time and effort, now and in the future, setting it up. Also, Sonic Boom has a web page and the bonus is all these reviews are already on the web site with cover graphics and links where applicable to the bands. So check out: http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/christcd/sonic-boom.html And give me all the feedback you can positive, negative, or whatever. I'm hoping to make the site as high quality as possible so no suggestion too small like a typo, would be apprciated. Look around, and get back to me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose behind this monthly posting: This list surveys the works of various net entities who in their spare time write and compose the sounds that make our ears perk up. Contents of these reviews vary from traditional EBM music, to ambient/atmospheric, to driving cyber music. Various reviews and discographies were written by the bands themselves, others sent demos for reviews. This is not by any means a definitive listing of a whose-who industrial band listing on the net, but to make a dent in the surface of a hugely untapped resource for audio enjoyment. Submissions of discographies, sound files, press releases, and reviews should be E-mailed to: jester@expert.cc.purdue.edu Demo's sent for review should be snail mailed to: Address Until June 1st Chris Christian 222 West Wood St. Apt #17 West Lafayette, IN 47906 (317) 743-4670 Address After June 1st Chris Christian 2355 North 25th Street Lafayette, In 47905 (317) 497-2241 Bands are by no means encouraged to send demo's, and are by all means welcome to send personal reviews of their work themselves. Of course, if you want an objective 2nd opinion, demo's are always welcome. This months band reviews numerically listed in alphabetical order. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3D House of Beef Alien Sex Fiend Birmingham 6 Black Lung Chrome Chromosome Number Four Short Arm Deletion Syndrome Collide Cosmicity Crocodile Shop Dead Voices on Air Die Krupps Do or Die Dyslexic Coup Dysphoria Electric Hellfire Club Fear Factory Killing Floor Kill Switch ...Klick Lights of Euphoria Mentallo & The Fixer Mephisto Waltz Necrofix Noise Level 9 Ooomph! Scorn Templebeat Thorn Tinty Music Voice of Eye & Life Garden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3D House of Beef _Crowning On a Ferris Wheel_ Side 1 1. Slow Color Orgasm 3:11 2. Slump 7:15 Side 2 1. Howway Texas 7:?? + 2. Question 7:?? + My suggestion is to skip the first half of this tape entirely and concentrate on the chaos ensuing on the second. The entire first half of the tape is horribly produced garage punk with second rate guitar noise, but the second side is another world altogether. Large chunky vesicles of noise irradiate forth from the shattered container of a fractured world. Thundering noise structures bellow outward threatening to disintegrate all those foolish enough to stand in the way. Next time perhaps the band will skip the metal regurgitation and go straight for more noise, we can only hope and pray. Contact: 3D House of Beef P.O. Box 1660 Duvall, WA 98019 (206) 844-2321 E-mail: n9220437@henson.cc.wwu.edu, nmcgaugh@hq.walldata.com http://www.wwu.edu/~n9220437/3d_house.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alien Sex Fiend _Inferno_ -the good- Inferno 3.04 Human Installation 3.10 Take Off Tune 1.04 Space I 4.07 Happy Tune 1.54 Planet I 5.09 Human Atmosphere 2.07 Happy Finale 1.40 -the bad- Alien Installation 3.05 Dramatic Tune 1.13 Moon Toon 3.39 Planet 2 5.05 Bad News 1.01 Space 2 3.57 Alien Atmosphere 1.35 Death Tune 0.59 Sad Finale 2.54 -the mixes- Moon Toon (lunarphases mix) Planet 2 (together's dreamscape mix) Inferno (oscar madness mix) Here's an interesting concept, take one well known goth artist, one video game designer, and let them co-design a new video game and score it at the same time and see where it leads. This of course is nothing new many of the small time industrial artists derive their musical roots from video game scoring. In this case however, the artist is none other than Alien Sex Fiend, and the music he scored for the video game sounds nothing like anything he's ever done before. (Thank God!) What strikes me is that while the music is absolutely perfect for a video game, why in the heck would you want to release it to the public as an album as well? All the tracks sound as if they were scored for a game, and as such are really out of place anywhere else. If I wanted to listen to the score, I'd buy the game, this isn't a movie soundtrack we're dealing with here. Contact: A.S.F c/o blue crumb truck P.O. Box 416 Cardiff cf1 8xu Unite Kingdom enclose IRC Contact: Cleopatra Records 8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd D-82 Los Angeles, CA 90045 E-mail: cleopatra@cyberden.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Birmingham 6 _Assassinate_ 1) Birmingham 6 2) Contagious 3) Mindhallucination 2 4) Who Do You Love? 5) Israel 6) 679 4700 7) Love Child 8) Dance 17 9) This Girl 10) Assassinate 11) Contagious (Virus) A rather captivating mix of hardcore dancefloor techno and the electro industrial sound. Some of the tracks can only qualify as pure rave value whereas others fight quite nicely into any industrial club. The thing that strikes me as the spark of brilliance on this album is its capacity to throw an incredible bpm at the listener each and every track while still maintaining both innovation, quality and lyrical content which doesn't need to keep up with the music. Normally most bands tend to fall apart with repetition and annoying fast vocals at these ludicrous bpm levels, but not this band. I actually find myself enjoying the techno rave qualities of this band, which has to be an all time first, then again this is the only band band which actually seemed vaguely original in its music offerings in that arena. Birmingham 6 are: Kim Lohde Peterson - Keyboards & Programming Michael Hillerup - Keyboards & Vocals Cleopatra Records 8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd D-82 Los Angeles, CA 90045 E-mail: cleopatra@cyberden.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Lung _Silent Weapons For Silent Wars_ 1. Theme From The Black Lung Pt-1 2. The Banque of Wars 3. The Trilateral Commission 4. Rex 84 5. Somatime 6. Prozac Parade 7. Ridjeck Theme 8. Everything You Know Is Wrong 9. Death Squad Blues 10. Theme From The Black Lung Pt-2 11. Meat Manager 12. Supermarket Dream 13. The Battle Of Brazil 14. The Bilderberg Group 1 Ever wonder what would happen is someone collected all those random noises you hear in your dreams and in the places around you compiled them into some semblance of music and sold the resulting album? The Snog side project Black Lung does just this and much more. It's like every note on the album I've heard somewhere in the past and the band has been following me everywhere I go through out my entire life collecting these experiences and then releasing an audio biography of my life for the world to hear. Damn eerie if you ask me. The soundtrack of my life brought to me live in digital stereo where available. Pardon me I think I hear the nice men in white jackets coming to take me away. Black Lung are: D. Thrussell & P. Bourke Contact: Machinery Records c/o CBM Inc. 8721 Sunset Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90069 E-mail: machinery@cyberden.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrome _3rd From The Sun & Into The Eyes Of The Zombie King_ 1. Firebomb 2. Future Ghosts 3. Armageddon 4. Heart Beat 5. Off The Line 6. 3rd Form The Sun 7. Shadows Of A Thousand Years 8. Trip The Switch 9. You Can't Do Anything 10. Walking And Looking For You 11. Into The Eyes Of The Zombie King 12. And Then The Red Sun 13. It Wasn't Real 14. Humans In The Rain 15. Don't Move Like That Post punk guitar with just an edge of goth and metal. Beyond the chunky and often whiney guitars, and morbidly silly lyrics, the album dies. Mindless guitar chords, unoriginal lyrics, the whole album reaks of an over the hill band attempting to still make music. In fact listening to this album twice in a row has given me a migraine from the annoying guitar style and rote lyrics. I guess I dont appreciate goth rock from someone whose been making music for the last fifteen years without any style change or maybe Chrome should just hang up its instruments until they come up with something slightly more creative and less nauseating. Chrome is Damon Edge & Friends Contact: Chrome Communications c/o Siren International 633 Post St Ste. 188 San Francisco, CA 94109 Cleopatra Records 8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd D-82 Los Angeles, CA 90045 E-mail: cleopatra@cyberden.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chromosome Number Four Short Arm Deletion Syndrome _Lacerate Your Mind_ chromosome damage psychedelic conversation social contagion in, through & beyond madness of the prophet whispering steel autocratic fatality letters of thanks from hell the circle waiting the broken key 102.4 FM dead children clear vision in a rented car... alliesthesia lycanthropy radio bullroarer the cleansing (edit) I was tuning my radio this afternoon and managed to get it stuck somewhere around 102.4 FM and could not change the dial. My radio then started to blurt out strange disconcerting noises and old movie samples amidst the static and throbbing rhythms. I furiously tried to change the station but all the channels had become one and I was subjected to this bizarre sound experiment known only as Chromosome Number Four Short Arm Deletion Syndrome. I only managed to regain control of my radio after being subjected to ninety minutes of terror and abuse. My body was found shortly thereafter by the police and I was rushed to intensive care mumbling something about lacerations in my mind. Chromosome Number Four Short Arm Deletion Syndrome are: Morph Dog - programming, vocals, guitar, bass, surfing, metal, modem, tapes, treatments, keyboards, sampling, radio, knobs, spectral enhancement, feedback Herr Doktor Wundt - vocals, turntables, text assimilations, metal, feedback, knobs, radio-bullroarer, guitar, vacuum cleaner, clock, nature, keyboards Jimothy Leering - guitar, bass, keyboards, programming, vocals, cows, treatments E-mail: cmmoore@oyster.smcm.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collide ...the crimson trial Side 1 1. Violet's Dance 2. Deep 3. Have Faith 4. Black 5. Strange 6. Dreams and Illusions 7. Falling Up Side 2 8. Violet's Dance - vocal mix 9. Black - vocal mix 10. Falling Up - instrumental chaos mix 11. Dreams and Illusions - instrumental dub There are few industrial bands with female vocalists and even fewer who do it well. Collide is one of those few. Sounding very much like Siouxsie in places Tripp's voice creates a distinctive mood with seems to mesh with whatever particular style of music being played whither it is hardcore industrial dance to ambient percussion. Her voice alone makes the album, without I feel the music itself would be a wash not being quite strong enough to instill a vibrance of life on it's own. However for a duo just starting out working together the music is incredibly lush and full of life. Tripp and Statik obvious work very well together and with any luck should go places if their music reaches the right people. Collide is: Tripp 9 - vocals, poetry Statik - noise, sonic matrix assembly Contact: Collide 4470 Sunset Blvd. Suite 542 Los Angeles, CA 90027 (818) 787-1091 E-mail: noiseplus@aol.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cosmicity _The Vision_ 1. M 3:09 2. Maybe 2:51 3. With The Moon 3:42 4. Egypt 3:15 5. The Vision 3:39 6. Free 3:36 7. Keep Me In Mind 4:13 8. Yeah, So What? 4:33 9. Not Long Now 4:14 10. M (David's Dub) 3:10 11. Enhance 3:38 12. Free(Of Vocals Dub) ?:?? Mildy danceable synth pop along the lines of New Order and Pet Shop Boys is what the flyer says advertising this album and it could not be any more succinct. The music lies closer to easy listening than dance oriented for the most part and the comparisons to the popular eighties synth pop bands are absolutely right on target. Not bad music from a band who put together all this music for a college class. The album has a few high points, but nothing outstanding to speak about, just good old synth pop. Cosmicity is Mark Nicholas To order send $8 + $2 shipping to the below address. Contact: Mark Nicholas 1756 Plymouth Rd. Dept 279 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 E-mail: markn@umich.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crocodile Shop _Celebrate The Enemy_ 1. Celebrate The Enemy 2. Growing Stronger 3. Said Said You Said 4. Temple Of Lies 5. [Re] Measures 6. Smack-Up 7. It Never Stops 8. Grey Day Reign 9. Crack The System 10. Growing Stronger [Steroid] 11. Temple Of Lies [Danse Assembly Mix] 12. Celebrate [Sneak Attack] In order to begin to accurately describe the events that occur upon this album, you need to first clean your mind of all that you know of electronic industrial music. Remove the dance rhythms, the political angst, the angry lyrics, and start again at the beginning. Supplant at the foundation the core anti- government belief held by some many industrial musicians, then in a slow methodical fashion, rebuilt the industrial movement from the late seventies totally from scratch, but this time, think analog, flat, monotone, think of the Orwellian view of 1984, mostly devoid of major technological advances. This will haven give you an firm ground on which to base your musical dissection upon. Now, in the place of mega-bass and pulsating lights, you have insipid drum rhythms, and grey programming styles. Crocodile Shop will creating wonderfully original music has also gone a bit to far over the edge and have created an album that from the onset is starkly monotone. The music has it moments, but it never really escapes from the utter lack of emotive content present in the music. Contact: Tinman Records P.O. Box 1114 New Brunswick, NJ, 08901 E-mail: tinman@cnj.digex.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dead Voices On Air _New Words Machine_ 1. Dream Catcher 2. Soul Catcher 3. Vran 4. Gessing 5. Powerlang 6. Vuls This being the second Dead Voices on Air release in two months came as a total surprise for me. Having just gotten over how good the previous album "Hafted Maul" was, and then to be graced with another so soon was like divine intervention. I originally picked up the old album on a lark mostly because it had been highly recommended to me by friends. I was more than a little afraid seeing as my only previous experience with Zoviet France consisted of 23 minutes of grinding glass noises, instead I was pleasantly surprised to be blessed with wavering sound sculptures and dark esoteric disturbances. The entire hour length album evokes convulsive nightmarish entity which wafts through the air threatening to choke the life out of the listener. Definitely the kind of music to be played in a dark room in the middle of a thunderstorm. So if you've been a skeptic about picking up either release of Dead Voices on Air, reconsider for your own sanitys sake. Dead Voices On Air is: Mark Spybey with help from cEvin key Cleopatra Records 8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd D-82 Los Angeles, CA 90045 E-mail: cleopatra@cyberden.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Die Krupps _Rings of Steel_ 1. Blood Suckers remixed by Bela B. of Die Arzte & Gordi Gerhardt 2. To The Hilt remixed by Erlend Ottem & Jocke Skog of Clawfinger 3. Crossfire remixed by Jim Martin 4. Language Of Reality remixed by Charlie Clouser of NIN with Mick Cripps 5. Fatherland remixed by Andrew Eldritch of The Sisters of Mercy & Rodney Orpheus of The Cassandra Complex 6. Worst Case Scenario remixed by White Child Riz of Gunshot 7. Paradise Of Sin remixed by Luc Van Acker of The Revolting Cocks 8. Iron Man remixed by Sascha of KMFDM & Chris Sheppard 9. Inside Out remixed by Jeff Walker of Carcass 10. New Temptation remixed by F.M. Einheit of Einstruzende Neubauten 11. Metal Machine Music remixed by Kirk Yano 12. Shellshocked 13. Bloodsuckers (Die Krupps with Biohazard) 14. Language Of Reality 15. Worst Case Scenario 16. To The Hilt 17. New Temptation Once again, Cleopatra compiles a bunch of remixes of a band's new album and we fail to actually what the album truly sounds like. At least in this case we have five original unmixed tracks, and they by far outshine any of the remixes by light years. The remixes tend to bring the guitar closer to the front of the mix, and drive everything else out and you end up listening to a metal band for the first half of the album. The one exception is of course the F.M. Einheit remix. Fusti never fails to amaze me with his musical talent of totally deconstructing a track and rebuilding it from it's core components. The man is brilliant. As for the rest of the music, although a little heavy on the guitar edge, the original tracks still provide a good entertainment value and hilight much of the talent that Die Krupps has developed throughout the years. Contact: Cleopatra Records 8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd D-82 Los Angeles, CA 90045 E-mail: cleopatra@cyberden.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do Or Die _The Best of_ 1. Psychoburbia 2. Time Zero 3. Fire 4. Will Of The Wind 5. Dance Or Die 6. Hearth of Silence Having initially first heard Do or Die on the Machinery compilation I was expecting more of the wonderful vocalics, catchy lyrics, and powerful dance industrial music, but as I listened to this collection of singles I quickly became to realize that 'Time Zero' was a sheer fluke and this band was yet another one hit wonder. Beyond the one track the music was mindless, repetitive, and very boring. However with any luck perhaps a new album, and not this collection of singles with harbor a future for this band. I hate to think that the sheer power behind one single track is all a band can produce in its lifetime. Do Or Die are: A.N.G.O. - Keyboards & Guitar Wagner - Vocals Contact: Dynamica c/o CBM Inc. 8721 Sunset Blvd. Suite P6+P7 W. Hollywood, CA 90069 E-mail: machinery@cyberden.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dyslexic Coup _A Book From a Crook_ 1) Rockin' with the Hip-Hop Song 2) 187 Gets No Props 3) Consent 4) Death to Mystery 5) Smoker's Rights 6) My Beloved Country 7) Eightfold Path 8) Pointless Tooth 9) The Whole of the Law 10) Fuck you, Ronald 11) Kill Politicians, not People 12) Paranoia 13) Why Libertarians Suck Have you ever wondered what would happen if you wandered into a radio station, knocked all the records off the shelf, in the process shattering all the LP's, and then trying to glue them back together and market them as some form of music? Well thats exactly what it occurring here among all the static lies every conceivable musical mistake known to mankind as well as television and movie catastrophes. Lying somewhere in the middle of this assorted mess is supposed to be political viewpoint that seems to be missed by the likes of me. However if you enjoy odd collections of found sound, samples, and static all tracked together, then perhaps you'll enjoy this. Contact: Dyslexic Coup Hampshire College Box 603 P.O. Box 5001 Amherst, MA 01002 E-mail: cnowd@freenet3.scri.fsu.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dysphoria _Shadows and Deliverance_ a sacrifice acceptable denatured a sea of glass drain amphetamine mirror the second death the feeding ground the deception of demons let it slip away... light speed descent ...like unto crystal delusional haunted the grey world* hollow* disdain* ascension I* Lying amongst the rubbish of many a no talent signed band is this diamond in the rough, Dysphoria. Developing music from multiple sources and combining it into a finite product. The end result being not ambience or noise, or even dance. Rather Dysphoria has created an odd mix between some very mellow XMTP tracks and several Mentallo & The Fixer tracks but with a very little bass and more orchestration. Lyrics appear in random places and instead Dysphoria focuses it's talent on it's music. A rather mazing piece of work from a band with hand made tape cases cut from bible and samples from some of the most bizarrely creative areas to date. If you enjoy music for the sheer enjoyment of the music itself and unspoken power behind it get this now. all tracks written, produced, recorded, and mixed by dr. c. morpheus '94 *new material written, recorded, '95 E-mail: cmmoore@oyster.smcm.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Electric Hellfire Club _Kiss The Goat_ 1. your invitation to damnation 2. HELLFIRE! 3. dakshineswar/IN THE TEMPLE OF FLESH 4. the abattoir eternal 5. SLAUGHTER OF ELYSIUM 6. INCUBUS 7. EVIL GENIUS (the queen of sin) 8. LOVE IS THE LAW 9. JACK THE KNIFE 10. BITCHCRAFT 11. creep crawler 12. NIGHT OF THE BUCK KNIVES (coming down fast mix) 13. KISS THE GOAT More of the same old satanic worshipping, bad lyrics, even worse sampling drivel that we've come to expect from The Electric Hellfire Club. You'd think that perhaps they would try to delve into a new arena of sound instead or rehashing the same old concepts over and over again. Sampling from ever satanic film in existence gets really old really fast. I supposed if you enjoy this type of braindead mindset, and don't care if every track sounds like the previous track you might enjoy this, in my case, I'll just use this CD for something slightly more useful, a coaster. Contact: Cleopatra Records 8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd D-82 Los Angeles, CA 90045 E-mail: cleopatra@cyberden.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fear Factory _Demanufactured_ 1. Demanufacture 2. Self Bias Resistor 3. Zero Signal 4. Replica 5. New Breed 6. Dog Day Sunrise 7. Body Hammer 8. Flashpoint 9. H.K. [Hunter-Killer] 10. Pisschrist 11. A Therapy For Pain If you thought the new Front Line Assembly was bad, wait til you hear the new Fear Factory. Tacky thundering live guitars explode on top of FLA style electronics and end up washing out all of the programming on the album. The press release spends a great deal of time trying to explain how Fear Factory used more new programming technology on this album than their first. Sounds to me like they also beefed up the guitar about ten thousand times, it's making my ears bleed just listening to it. This album just screams "METAL", and thus has since ended up donated to the glam rock next door neighbors. If you somehow actually enjoyed the previous album, this is just more of the same, but with an attempt to acquire a plot, which fails miserably at the onset. Your better off saving your money for the next Metallica album than purchasing this CD. Fear Factory are: Burton C. Bell - Vocals, Hardware Dino Cazares - Guitars, Hardware Raymond Herrera - Drums, Percussion Christian Olde Wolbers - Bass Contact: Roadrunner Records 536 Broadway New York, NY 10012 (212) 219-0077 E-mail: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Killing Floor _/dev/null_ 1. Ecosystem (monkey house mix) 2. Strand 3. Two Dimes 4. Prelude 5. Never Go Right 6. Glass (shards re-edit) 7. What is the Truth? 8. In Decline 9. Ecosystem (procreation dub) 10. Glass (live) Even been the mood to turn on the stereo at a volume level unbeknownst to man and put on your best combat armour to prepare for the worst in the local club mosh pit? With their debut release, Killing Floor has put out some of the best guitar oriented but totally club playable material I've ever heard. Kind of makes you wonder why bands like this can't get radio play or public attention when the music they put up is leaps and bounds above the crap that is played on the radio and EmpTVee. The stark originality and lack of blatantly obvious music influences is what makes this band so impressive in todays world of everyone sampling each other. Having had a chance to speak with Christian Void about the bands' influences, they actually have many, it just doesn't show in the music. So if your sick of yet another NIN rip-off and want a chance to explore something new, RUN, not walk to acquire this album. Killing Floor is: John Belew - Computers, Samplers, Programming, Electronic Orchestration Christian Void - Lyrics, Vocals, Samples, Propaganda Marc Phillips - Guitar, Bass, Backing Vocals James Basore - Drums, Electronic Percussion, Tape Loops Karl Tellefsen - Bass, Guitar Contact: Killing Floor c/o V/M/R P.O. Box 170213 San Francisco, CA 94117-0213 E-mail: cvoid@netcom.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kill Switch...Klick _beat it to fit, paint it to match_ 01 "Music" 02 Celebrate the Misery 03 Follow Me 04 The Hobble 05 Hiroshima 06 A/B Community 07 Once a Punk, Always a Punk 08 Submission (original demo version) 09 "Sick Music" 10 So HAPPY 11 Object of My Desire 12 One Sided Argument 13 ANGeR 14 Keep On Laughing until the COPS Come 15 sniveler 16 Go Man, Go 17 Forgotten shore 18 deCANONIZED Arrghh! I've rewritten this review eight times now, each time trying to put forth my pathetic attempt to classify this album. I've gone from annoying guitar based drivel to sample ridden heaven and all points in between. I think the core of the problem lies in the simple fact that no track on this album is the same as any other. The style changes so rapidly and ventures into directions I never heard before that it is like trying to find a new subatomic particle while deconstructioning this music. I can even seem to categorize they sound produced, sure they use a guitar here and there, they abuse a sampler to death, keyboards and programming play an integral role in the production of the sound, but a label cannot be placed on any of it. As it is I've spent to much time trying to come up with anything tangible to explain this band, you might as well just buy it and listen to it yourself. Kill Switch...Klick are dA Sebasstian - vocals, slam bar, synths, samples, drum machines, wood recorder, and programming Michaek Ditmore - drums, percussion Contact: Northwest Elektro-Industrial Coalition 539 Queen Anne Ave North Box 131 Seattle, WA 98109 E-mail: pwynia@u.washington.edu Cleopatra Records 8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd D-82 Los Angeles, CA 90045 E-mail: cleopatra@cyberden.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lights of Euphoria _Lights of Euphoria_ 01] This is the Point (Introduction) 0:55 02] Brainstorm 3:54 03] Give Me You 4:33 04] No Tears 5:03 05] Energy & Consciousness 0:15 06] Misery 4:22 07] Sacred 3:56 08] Deal in Sex (B6 Remix) 5:02 09] Ice Machine (Rough Vocal Mix) 4:05 10] Serenade (Split Mix) 2:20 11] Subjection (Violent Mix) 4:56 12] Face of a God 5:13 13] Dead Bodies (Outro) 0:25 14] Reaching Out (Sample Mix) 3:27 15] Deal in Sex (Protection Mix) 4:00 Having first been exposed to Lights of Euphoria on the Violent World EP, and the choppiness of the music there, the tightness of this album confused me to no end. It was if I was listening to a totally different band. Most of the EP had been produced by Claus Larsen of Leaetherstrip and it seems that LoE has taken everything they learned while watching the production and applied it to this new album the end product reminding me of Leaetherstrip's music construction style in more than one place. The music is by no means a carbon copy but the programming style and sample placement all scream as belonging to someone else. The music itself has an electro goth feel and in places is rather morbid and disconcerting. The music is slow moving and lacks a true dance mentality instead relying on other means of distribution. If you enjoy music for a it's listening value and not to dance to buy this album you can't go wrong. Lights of Euphoria is: Torben Schmidt - Machines, Sampling & Programming Cleopatra Records 8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd D-82 Los Angeles, CA 90045 E-mail: cleopatra@cyberden.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mentallo & The Fixer _Where Angels Fear To Tread_ 1. Gargantua 2:32 2. Decomposed (Trampled) 6:32 3. Sacrilege 4:07 4. Bring To A Boil 9:27 5. Virtually Hopeless 4:43 6. Coward (Submerged) 6:17 7. Ruthless 5:38 8. Afterglow 6:28 9. Battered States of Euphoria 5:58 10. Abominations Unleashed 4:47 11. Dead Days 4:29 12. Atom Smasher 6:18 13. Power Struggle 2:49 14. Sacrilege (Grimpen Ward) 5:44 This is one of those albums I'd like to be buried with so that I can spend the rest of eternity listening to it. Take the absolute best qualities of bands like Skinny Puppy, XMTO, Front 242, and add a programming genius behind the keyboards and you've got an album to die for, literally. The musical style while having a number of obvious influences is unique to itself and it not a rip-off of any kind. It's not often that you find a band with such an astute sense of direction coupled with an a cohesive album concept and musical style. It's obvious how much work the band has put into this album from the very first track. I'm in the process of finding other records by this band with the hopes that I will be graced by more of the same wonderful motif, and I recommend that you do the same. Contact: Metropolis Records P.O. Box 54307 Philadelphia, PA 19105 E-mail: metropol@cellar.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mephisto Waltz _Thalia_ 1. Along The March 2. Euphrosyne 3. Thalia 4. The Hunter's Trail 5. Mephisto Waltz 6. No Way Out 7. White Rabbit 8. T-2000 (Kokoro) 9. A Precession of the Equinoxes 10. Aglaia At Auroras It's odd how much I tend to trash gothic music for its morbid value but I can honestly say I enjoy this album for the emotions it creates. It might have something to do with my current state of mind or for the sheer pleasure value I cannot tell, but I do really enjoy this album. The music tends to repeat itself in places and sort of jumble all the sound together but within the reptitiveness lies the same constant gruesome connotations. However if your not in a ghastly dark mood I don't suggest acquiring this album unless you enjoy things which depress the utter hell out of a person. Mephisto Waltz are: Bari-Bari Christianna Johann Schumann David Glass Contact: Cleopatra Records 8726 S. Sepulveda Blvd D-82 Los Angeles, CA 90045 E-mail: mephisto@cyberden.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Necrofix _Nefarious Somnabulance_ Side 1 1. Preliminary 2. Welcome To The Big Sleep 3. Charred 4. Shroud 5. Morsanotha 6. Cold Part 1 Side 2 1. x-ina 2. Bitter Reign 3. Cold Part 2 4. Object 5. City Of Ash Aural shockwaves impart nausea upon the listener as they descend into the first layers of this transdimensional realm. A little Skinny Puppy, a little Coil, and a lot of artistic ingenuity breathe life into this symbiotic relationship of torment and pleasure. "Fundamental mental derangement" as one of the samples on this album suggests is a overly meticulous way to describe the consonance here. The sound is derived from multiple influences, many listed above, but succeeding in creating a vivacity all of it's own. If you like such bands as Mentallo & The Fixer or Doubting Thomas, you'll want to acquire this very similarly styled album and enjoy it perpetually. Contact: Necrofix 6600 Ed Bluestein #516 Austin, TX 78723 or 5301 Overton Ridge Blvd #1514 Fort Worth, TX 76132 (512) 929-0578 (817) 370-2027 E-mail: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noise Level 9 _For The Ear_ 1. Chemical Intake 2. I Anger 3. Force Fed Welcome to Noise Level 9 speaks the computerized voice at the onset of this tape. Quickly the mind enters the realm of ambient noise, the guitars thunder and the music explodes into a cacophony of violence. Overall a very impressive three song set from an unknown band. The music primarily focuses on strong guitar work with strong background programming and intriguing lyrics. Nothing you could dance to, unless you consider moshing as dancing, and no really outstanding pieces of music, however, it is by no means crap. Most of the problems with this tape can be attributed to a lower quality tap and the lack of experience of this band. I'm sure with a little more practice behind them this band will eventually go places, they just need some time. Contact: Noise Level 9 108 Montara Drive Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (714) 643-9361 E-mail: noiseind@speed.net ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oomph! _Sperm_ 1. Suck - Taste - Spit 2. Sex 3. War 4. Dickhead 5. Schisma 6. Feirt Das Kreuz 7. Love 8. Das Ist Freheit 9. Kismet 10. Breathtaker 11. Ich Bin Der Weg 12. U-Said - (Live) I'm scratching my head on this one trying to figure out where this album would fall into a musical genre. I surely would not even consider this album industrial unless your one of those people who seems to think that recent Ministry classifies as industrial. The music consists entirely of very choppy overdone guitar solos and one sequencer and I think I heard a keyboard once in there somewhere. You might consider this band yet another guitar crossover band trying to draw the metal head population over into the electronic wastelands and it is not even a very good one at that. The only bands off the top of my head which even sound similar might be Fear Factory or perhaps Templebeat, either being having ever so much more musical talent than Oomph! Oomph! are: Dero - Vox & Drums Crap - Guitars & Keys Flux - Samples & Guitars Contact: Dynamica c/o CBM Inc. 8721 Sunset Blvd. Suite P6+P7 W. Hollywood, CA 90069 E-mail: machinery@cyberden.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scorn _Evanescence_ 1. Silver Rain Fell 2. Light Trap 3. Falling 4. Automata 5. Days Passed 6. Dreamspace 7. Exodus 8. Night Tide 9. The End 10. Slumber Expecting a typical Earache metal band from hell I was totally shocked and secretly pleased when I was instead treated to a mixture of gothic undertones with middle eastern rhythms joined together to produce a sort of tribal ambient melange. The music tends to get a little on the repetitive side especially with the cymbals, but overall the complete work is rather soothing and melodic fitting right at in my album collection right next to bands such as In Slaughter Natives and Shinjuku Thief. If Scorn is any sign of the musical directions Earache records might be taking in the future, I might not just assume everything on the label is a rehashed miasma of metal. If your into a mish mash of thundering percussion weaved with a little ancient tribal rhythm and then thrown into a blender then Scorn is for you. Scorn _Ellipsis_ 1. Silver Rain Fell (Meat Beat Manifesto Mix) 2. Exodus (Scorn Mix) 3. Dreamspace (Coil - Shadow Vs Executioner Mix) 4. Night Ash Black (Bill Laswell - Slow Black Underground River Mix) 5. Night Tide (Scanner - Flaneur Electronique Mix) 6. Falling (Autoechre - FR 13 Mix) 7. The End (P.C.M. - Nightmare Mix) 8. Automata (Germ Mix) 9. Light Trap (Scorn Mix) Eight excellent remixes from the previously released album "Evanescence" and one new track remixed by Bill Laswell, life can't get much better than this. Fresh from the rumors of the break-up of Scorn comes "Ellipsis" rising from the ashes to proclaim the continued existence of the band. It turns out that Michael is simply leaving the band to carry on other musical endeavors and Nick will continue on as he always has and find another bass player just like every second album he has ever released. The remixes themselves are deep ambient dub with throbbing bass and low keynote guitars rumbling distantly in the background. The kind of music that inspires nightmares of distant chaotic planes filled with dark clouds and cackling demons. The perfect music to fall asleep too right after a exhilarating concert or night on the town thereby inspiring the continued experience throughout your sleep. Scorn is: Michael Harris Nick Bullen Contact: Earache Records 295 Lafayette St. Suite 915 New York, NY 10012 (212) 343-9090 E-mail: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Temple Beat _Black Suburbia_ 1. We 0.14 2. Metal2:Money Or Sex 3.24 3. Interzone 4.48 4. Softly September 5.52 5. Heidi S. 3.46 6. Message 4 0.30 7. Trans 3.45 8. She's Lost Control 5.53 9. God Sent 5.38 10. Einstein On The Bitch 6.05 11. Intolerance 4.17 12. Message 2 0.28 13. Fight 4.39 14. Message 1 0.51 15. Human (the tears you cry) 5.52 16. Message 5 1.47 One of the very few catchy guitar industrial bands out there currently. Templebeat actual take the time and effort to put together intelligent song hooks to lure the listener into the music quite unlike many recent guitar based bands. Strong political message permeate the music leaving me to question what exactly is the meaning behind the title of the album. Overall, an at least noteworthy guitar based industrial band whose music does not depend on the guitar as it's primary device of construction but rather employs a great deal of electronic programming and synthetic work to accent the it. Temple Beat are: G. Ricci - Sounds M. Benetello - Words P. Zanetti - Rhythms P. Favati - Bass & Samples Contact: Dynamica c/o CBM Inc. 8721 Sunset Blvd. Suite P6+P7 W. Hollywood, CA 90069 E-mail: machinery@cyberden.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thorn _Bitter Potion_ 1. Pacing 3:43 2. Martyr 4:47 3. Flesh of Skies 3:51 4. Desire (Sabre Sharp Love) 5:14 5. Thorn 5:09 6. Shadows 3:31 7. Legions of Lace 5:23 8. Tense 4:26 9. The Fear of Night 5:16 10. The Year of Discontent 6:02 11. Thursaz 3:54 For a band billed as guitar industrial, it sounds more like industrial glam rock, with the keyboards being added as a feeble attempt to make the band more marketable. The music literally reeks of former glam rock musicians and resembles bad carbon copies of such band as Whitesnake, Poison, Warrant, Firehouse, need I say more? So, avoid this album like the plaque unless your are metal crossover brat trying to become more cultured in your music taste, even then I'd suggest something else with slightly more talent, say perhaps Ministry. Thorn is: John Jesse - Lead Vocals and Bass Guitar Roy Mayorga - Drums and Programming Stephen Flam - Guitars Contact: Roadrunner Records 536 Broadway New York, NY 10012 E-mail: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tinty Music _Weightlessness: Of Contemplation & Distraction_ 1. It came crashing 00.28 2. Flow 23.04 a. Angel afloat on a beam of light 02:45 b. The dark dip beckons 01:57 c. Weave 03:50 d. Blood 07:37 e. Mood 03:54 f. Accidental kalimba 01:19 g. Confession 01:42 3. Mindblocker (remix) 03:15 4. Suspended in disbelief 10:23 5. Mind the gap 20:32 6. Weightlessness 07:47 7. In a funk 02:28 Light wafting sound constructions reminiscent of dreams long gone, memories of distant worlds only accessible while asleep. Music to be listened to in a dark room while hazardous weather rumbles across the planet. The music kind of evokes some of the ideas brought forth in Bruce Sterling's "Heavy Weather" which is odd seeing as this music was all written prior to the publishing of the book. The music seems to just drip of weather analogies and would be at home accompanying almost any environmental change or perhaps just played with falling asleep. However, the last two tracks speed up a little near the end and sort of seem out of place with the rest of the music unless you consider them as the crescendo leading to the finale of the total work. Definitely a very strong ambient work that should be heard by all. Tinty Music is: Kevin O'Conner Contact: Tinty Music P.O. Box 85363 Seattle, WA 98145-1363 Voice: (206) 632-9369 Fax: (206) 545-2868 E-mail: tntmusic@halcyon.com http://www.iuma.com/IUMA/band_html/Tinty_Music.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voice of Eye and Life Garden: The Hungry Void - Volume One: Fire Immediately upon the entrance of the music you feel as if your mind, body and soul are immersed within a neverending dreamscape, the virtual world of the hungry void which nips at you from all sides. This wonderfully produced journey through the void exists on the material plane as nine interwoven tracks revolving around a central theme. Only the composite work requires a name as each separate track only exists to hilight the end product. If you enjoy emotive sensorial sound constructions I suggest you acquire this album post haste. It is one of the best of the year and ranks number one on my list of albums to evoke strange dreams when you fall asleep to it. Recorded live in performance and in the studio May-July 1994 Composed, performed and recorded by: Bonnie McNairn David Oliphant Peter Ragan Su Ling Jim Wilson Bil Yanok Contact: Life Garden Agni Music P.O. Box 1928 Ohoenix, AZ 85001-1928 Contact: Voice of Eye Cyclotron Industries P.O. Box 66291 Houston, TX 77266 E-mail: none ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crash Worship - The Warehouse - Kalamazoo, MI - May 5, 1995 This had to be the worst interview experience of my life, not only was I totally unprepared for the interview but the band was *HOURS* late and so was I to the location of the show. However the interview was saved due in part of my partners in crime Nick, who came up with half the interview impromptu, and Stephanie, who provided half a pack of cigarettes in fifteen minutes to the nicotine crazed band. I'd also like to thank the DJ from WIDR radio 89.1 out of Kalamazoo, MI for making more of an ass out of himself more than I did, thereby making him eligible for the peon award of the night. Jester: How does the fully sensory experience of coming to a Crash Worship show compare to say the music on your album? and what if any music from your albums do you play live? Quintron: Well you sure don't look as if you experience the full effects of the show (pointing at me), he sure has (pointing at nick). I'm not sure your qualified to be asking that question. Jester: What I'm trying to ask here is do you feel that the experience itself lies outside of the music, that without the experience there is no music? Quintron: First off nothing released on any of the albums do we ever play live. Secondly I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by this experience you keep referring to. We're trying to incorporate smoke in the CD so that as soon as you turn your CD player on it starts smoking but thats all that you are missing. We went off on some useless banter at this point making it quite obviously known that I had lost all respect from the band at the outset because I had escaped the show clean and free from the dirt, water, smoke, chocolate syrup, milk, and orgone material that was covering most of the people present at the table. Jester: What was the motivation behind the name of the new album, Triplemania III? Dreifsky: Wrestling! Next question. Quintron: What do you really want to know? Fuck all the prepared questions. What do you really, really, want to know about this band? Jester: What are you trying to give the audience? What deep down are you trying to pass along to those people who show up? Jason: An orgasm! Dreifsky: Nothing! I hate people. Jester: Then why do you perform? Jason: Because sometimes the crowd gets so riled up that they spontaneously combust. And everyone once in a while and you can get people moving. Dreifsky: Its all about two people looking at each other from across the room, like one there in the corner and one standing here. There's a lot of mixed things going, frequencies, wavelengths and all of a sudden there is this feeling that is happening. The feeling that starts at your feet and works up your loins and starts burning. It enters your solar plexus, expands and starts exploding, it's just shining, and thats what it's all about. Jester: There isn't a single way you can describe it? Dreifsky: You can't take all those words and put them into one word, you have to take the whole sentence. Jester: I noticed that the pamphlet (at the start of the show there was a puppet show, and a pamphlet was thrown into the crowd which explained the basics ideas an concepts as well as the dialogue of the puppet show), in the very beginning was an attempt to let the audience know what they were going to experience. Quintron: The flyer that I was throwing around before the puppet show? Jester: Yes, you were telling that audience that whither or not they wanted to, they were participants of show. Dreifsky: A lot of the word and the lyrics we use are on that pamphlet. Quintron: The lyrics to all of the songs are contained on that paper. There are fragments of all the lyrics pieced together. Dreifsky: So if you read that, everything is totally disclosed. Quintron: Did you read it? Jester: I was trying to grasp what was occurring, I could not get everything as it was coming at me, and it was easier to have something like this pamphlet to guide me along. To experience it and then to go back and look at what was written down on paper and see it all summarized there. Dreifsky: when you read it, it is very deep. There are a lot of of symbolic things going on. There is some pretty heavy shit if you read? Jester: Have you always brought the crowd into the show since the start? Dreifsky: The crowd attack us first. Jason: The crowd came after us and pulled us off the stage. It's no longer two separate elements. The audience sometimes comes up on stage and plays with us and the band goes down into the audience and plays as well. They are one and the same. We feed off them, they feed off us. They are no longer considered two parts any more? Nick: Have you ever not wanted to be in the crowd? Quintron: No, there have been crowds so tight. I have seen bands that they have wanted to burn places down, but thats an extreme and we haven't gone for that yet, we may never go that far. There is still hope for us. Jester: Do you feel restrained by an indoor environment in which to perform? I've read that you can get away with more in an outdoor venue than you can get away with indoors like here. Dreifsky: You take a small room, put inside a few drummers, a crazy guitar player, lots of smoke and like this dirt, this drive this continuing things, you get hit with things, you lose all sense of direction, you fall on the ground. Nick: Are there any major difference between the indoor and outdoor shows? Quintron: The indoor shows are more up close and personal but the outdoor shows we can go balls out. Dreifsky: We can do whatever we want, its all part of the plan. It's a bigger picture. For whatever reason its not in the game plan and we can't do it all for whatever reason, but its all for the greater good. You just have to keep that in mind, so that if you see a show that is toned down to not be disappointed and just back come to another show. It's always like this continuing thing, going and going, and eventually all the pieces fall together and it makes sense, but you can't just hope to understand it all after one show. Quintron: You learn whose cheating on who, whose pushing everybody down, whose yelling the most, whose lighting the most fireworks, you start to choose favorites. Dreifsky: Things make sense. Quintron: Do you have a favorite member? Jester: No, because it seems to me that you never stay constant, there will be a person her and there, and its not 100% the same from show to show. Quintron: We planned this all before the tour. We knew exactly who was going to be at each show. Jason: Quintron has been here since the very beginning like ten years ago. He was trying to talk to Marcus and Simon (The other two members), trying to con them into this. And they finally caved in after a couple of years. There were both in rock bands. Marcus was in a Christian rock band way back then. Nick: Do the crowds normally do pretty well? Or have you played shows were the crowd is out to kill each other? Quintron: We usually have a pretty good crowd, except for the preppy. Dreifsky: Like I said, there is a bounty out on the preppy who threw the bottle and started the fight. Nick: Have you ever had a crowd that is out to hurt people? Quintron: There was a Nazi Skinhead at the San Diego show. Dreifsky: How did you know he was a Nazi? Jason: Because he had "White Power" tattooed on the back of his arm. We all just peed into a bottle, and poured it on him, and then threw him into the crowd. The crowd dragged his ass outside. Dreifsky: You pee on him and then you putting baking soda all over them, and they just fizz like popcorn. Quintron: It's not really to hurt them physically, its to hurt their pride. That hurts so much more. Everyone at the whole crowd was chanting "Get out!", it was beautiful. I don't know why it didn't happen with this guy tonight actually. I tried to slow dance with him. He kept shoving me around he was damn violent. Where the heck is that guy anyways? Nick: Does the show ususually break up into a mini orgy going on? Dreifsky: I never see anything, I just play the drums. Quintron: Oh, you were out there in that mini orgy huh? Nick: I was in it. Jester: Do you ever have a crowd that doesn't get into it any more? A crowd who refuses to become part of the show. Quintron: No, even if it seems like it to the band that they are not getting into it, they are. I don't actually play an instrument in the band, although I am the leader, but I do play horn on a few tracks on the album. The crowd is always into it. Dreifsky: All parts of this music is written out. I think it would be amusing to see all of this music on sheets. Quintron: Even though nobody here reads, Crash Worship Muzak would be fun. That's what Jason does on the side is make Crash Worship Muzak. He does super market jingles and stuff when we're not on tour. That's how he makes his money. More questions. Jester: Do you consider this an original work, a concept you came up with.. Quintron: There is no concept at all it's a band. Jester: Are you borrowing in part voluntary or involuntary from some other source, or are you simply accumulating every you've ever dealt with and expressing it through music? Dreifsky: Tell him about the channeling. He does want to talk about shit like that, its pretty important shit. Quintron: Because it's a secret. I don't believe in it channeling. I'm the only one besides Jeff who doesn't believe in it. Dreifsky: Fine now i don't want to talk about it any more. It's getting too deep. Jason; When we eat beef jerky we suddenly get signals from the mother ship. *laugh* Nick: Do you always come out of the shows as high as your crowds? I've only had like an hour of sleep, and I'm completely awake and wired still. Jason: We sleep less than an hour a night and we do this seven days a week. Don't you wish you could do this all of them time. Nick: I was suggesting we should follow you everywhere you go. Crash Worship: NO! Quintron: No, you have to start something yourself. Jason: We want to be like the Dead. We want you all to follow us around. At this point Dreifsky lept over me and the table and tackled Jason telling him to take it back. Quintron grabbed the recorder and held it up close to the three minutes of furious combat between Jason and Dreifsky until Jason gave up and apologized for comparing the band to the Grateful Dead. The band made sure we got this on tape and that it was in the interview. Quintron: Next question. Jester: Damn, I'm out of questions. Quintron: Then make them us as you go along. Jester: That's what I've been doing the whole time, it isn't an interview if it isn't free form. WIDR: Would I be stepping on anyones toes if I recorded this for my radio station? Finally someone less prepared than I do from the local college alternative station makes an entrance albeit a wee bit late and joins the interview thereby removing the stress and abuse I had been taking from the band during the entire interview. Quintron: You just missed it. Dreifsky: You can cut in if you like. Quintron: Does he have any questions. They've asked all the important ones, can you think or any more. Dreifsky: People seem to always trip out about our music, but its just pure Americana. Most people can't see that through the lights and music. Jester: Do you find it offense, stimulating, whatever when someone compares you to someone like Test Department? Quintron: That's just stupid. Whatever comparisons there are between us an Test Department or Laibach are bullshit. Jason: They can meet us after school behind the playground. We're down. Dreifsky: Wait til Budapest! WIDR: What about comparisons to like 23skidoo? Quintron: I've never heard of them. Jason: I was learning to write sentences then. Quintron: We don't actually read any reviews at all. Jason: Jeff doesn't even know how to read. Quintron; I make it a point to not let any of the band read reviews. Jester: Do you think it would unduly influence them in some way? Quintron: Propaganda, like lame ass comparisons, it gets people going in wrong direction. Dreifsky: It keeps up pure. Jason: he doesn't let us listen to music past 1950. Nick: How much of the stage is thinking about the show and how much of it is just doing? Dreifsky: We do special exercises before the show. We have special stretches so we don't have to think about stuff like that on stage. Jason: We do a lot of juggling exercises. Dreifsky: Juggling is very pure, and when your juggling....your really releasing all thought process, you have trust. Quintron: You know its a good show when they have to clean it up with a shovel (sounds of the clean up crew shoveling up the water, glass, fireworks, and assorted junk on the floor) WIDR: Who threw the glass at the very beginning? Quintron: I dont know I'll bet it was the preppy. But they broke this very important puppet for the puppet show that I don't really have the time to fix. The puppet was supposed to be you Dreifsky. Nick: Whomever it was, was way in the back. Quintron: Well they fucking smashed the head off of the puppet. Jason: They probably play softball for the local college with that kind of aim. Quintron: Why do people feel the need to throw trash at us? Do they hate us? Dreifsky: No, they were probably feeling interactive....they had to throw shit back. WIDR: Have you been asked the name of the band question yet? Jason: There was a magazine put out about Evil Knevil. There was section about every bone in his body that he had broken, and it was titled Crash Worship. He had broken every bone in his body at least twice. At least that what he says. There is a list of all the hospitals he went to for each accident. Quintron: If you look back into Evil Knevil's career you can find where Crash Worship blossomed, and when the band originally came from. He was a great man. We all act with this mutual sort of worship. WIDR: It seems that the band itself sort of transcends that sort of face value. Quintron: No, we're not that deep. WIDR: Have you ever gone by any other name besides Quintron that might be recognizable? Quintron: Robert or Robot... Jester: Have you dropped the acronym (ADRV) off the end of your name? WIDR: What does ADRV stand for? Dreifsky: Alcoholic Drivers Recreational Vehicles. I'm serious. WIDR: That's not what I heard. I heard it was (some horribly pronounced Spanish words) Like Adoration of Breaking Things. Jason: That's pretty bad Spanish. If that's what it really stood for that would be some horrible white boy Spanish. We're pretty close to Mexico so that shit doesn't cut it. But it does not stand for that Spanish stuff it stands for what Dreifsky said. Quintron: It's the constant passing out at the wheel and still making it to where ever your going. Dreifsky: It's just alcoholic! At this point the interview was effectively over. The band needed to pack up its equipment and find a place to crash for the evening as the cops had arrived and were hassling the bar owners about being open after the two am legal alcohol serving limit in the state of Michigan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EOF - FINIS -- PGP PUBLIC KEY available upon request #! rnews 0000002016 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!chsun!ferreira.dial.eunet.ch!user From: FERREIRA@DIAL.EUNET.CH (MIGUEL FERREIRA) Subject: Re: Papa, papa... Message-ID: Sender: usenet@eunet.ch Organization: HOME SWEET HOME... X-Newsreader: Value-Added NewsWatcher 2.0b24.0+ References: <15MAY95.23227783.0332@VM1.MCGILL.CA> <1995May19.084350.1@cjb.unige.ch> Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 22:23:42 GMT Lines: 50 >>. > Et on enchaine: > > _Papa j'veux faire caca. > _Pas maintenant. > Papa cacaaaaeu... > _Mais tu vois bien que c'est pas le moment bordel! > _Papa caca!! > _Bon d'accord j'me retire... > > > Mmmmmm... > > JEE. > On pourait renommer ce forum : rec.fr.ami_de_la_poesie !!!!!!!! Andreas (En plus, je les connais deja toutes) ''''' (o o) ---------------------oOO--(_)--OOo-------------------------- Andreas KNABE Home phone: +41 22 366.18.70 Skydiving Instructor CH-161 Office phone: +41 22 740.08.11 AFF-PAC / Tandem Fax: +41 22 733.19.41 Direction des systemes d'information de la Ville de Geneve 9, rue du Grand-Pre CH-1211 Geneve 8 Email: KNABE@cjb.unige.ch ------------------------------------------------------------ The err is human, but to really screw up you need a computer ------------------------------------------------------------ On sait bien que les fonctionnaires n'ont que ca a faire toute la journee... ;-) ***************************************** J. MIGUEL FERREIRA / GENEVA / SWITZERLAND ***************************************** COMPUSERVE: 100554,3121 INTERNET : ferreira@dial.eunet.ch ***************************************** Ni empereur, ni roi, mais se tenir la et diriger. R. Wagner +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #! rnews 0000001119 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!fdn.fr!uunet!newsflash.concordia.ca!CC.UMontreal.CA!IRO.UMontreal.CA!clouso.crim.ca!athena.ulaval.ca!rescol.fse.ulaval.ca!psevigny From: P-A Sevigny Subject: Re: Mère supérieure In-Reply-To: <3plbna$20lk@usenetw1.news.prodigy.com> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=ISO-8859-1 Message-ID: Sender: news@athena.ulaval.ca Nntp-Posting-Host: rescol.fse.ulaval.ca Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE Organization: Universite Laval References: <3plbna$20lk@usenetw1.news.prodigy.com> Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 00:53:39 GMT Lines: 16 On 20 May 1995, Isabelle Bastien wrote: > De son balcon M=E8re Sup=E9rieure surveille d'un oeil attentif et=20 > bienveillant ses novices faisant leur tour de bicyclette quotidien: > - Allons, allons mes petites un peu de tenue s'il vous pla=EEt, si vous= =20 > n'=EAtes pas sages je remettrai vos selles de v=E9lo ! >=20 >=20 >=20 =20 =09Eh ben, elle n'est pas jeune celle-l=E0 mais l'effort y est! =09Salut #! rnews 0000000723 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!fdn.fr!uunet!newsflash.concordia.ca!CC.UMontreal.CA!IRO.UMontreal.CA!clouso.crim.ca!athena.ulaval.ca!rescol.fse.ulaval.ca!psevigny From: P-A Sevigny Subject: Probleme de couple Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Message-ID: Sender: news@athena.ulaval.ca Nntp-Posting-Host: rescol.fse.ulaval.ca Organization: Universite Laval Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 01:00:18 GMT Lines: 8 J'ai un probleme de communication avec ma femme. Elle a change de spermicide et quand je m'en suis apercu, j'avais l'air d'un chien enrage! Blague de Steven Wright. #! rnews 0000001208 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!usc!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!netline-fddi.jpl.nasa.gov!nntp-server.caltech.edu!news.cerf.net!nic.cerf.net!libaubt1 From: Auburn Placer County - Tahoe City Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Re: MiNT compilation & GCC... Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 21:45:59 -0700 Organization: CERFnet Lines: 14 Message-ID: References: <3pjaek$ojp@sphinx.Gsu.EDU> NNTP-Posting-Host: nic.cerf.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <3pjaek$ojp@sphinx.Gsu.EDU> > 68030-optimization seems to reduce the size of MINT.PRG a little, but > otherwise the speed doesn't seem to improve at all. Should this be so? Hi Tommi, I don't know exactly what 68030 optimization means. Let's see, I'm sure the '030 has some instructions that the '000 doesn't, so if I compiler were worth it's salt, it would take this into account. Probably, it doesn't. I'm just guessing, though. As far as regular "non-denominational" optimization, I wouldn't expect much improvement. I never get much improvement from optimization. Ben Allfree shadow@iris.yolo.com #! rnews 0000001497 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!Emmanuel.Anique From: anique@masi.ibp.fr (Emmanuel Anique) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Blague pas raciste Date: 22 May 1995 07:51:09 GMT Organization: MASI lab - FRANCE Lines: 16 Sender: -Not-Authenticated-[944] Message-ID: <3ppfpd$b55@vishnu.jussieu.fr> References: <3pl88t$14db@aix1.segi.ulg.ac.be> NNTP-Posting-Host: mac9-masi-65-66-2-1.ibp.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Posted-From: InterNews 1.0@vishnu.jussieu.fr. Xdisclaimer: No attempt was made to authenticate the sender's name. Un texan roule dans sa grosse cadillac. Il roule vite. Il traverse un quartier habite par des noirs et malgres des panneaux signalant la proximite d'une ecole, il roule toujours tres vite. Quand, tout a coup, ce qui devait arriver, arriva. Au detour d'un virage, sa voiture fauche un groupe de jeunes enfants noirs qui sortaient de l'ecole. Le conducteur s'arrete quand meme pour voir si sa voiture n'est pas abimee. Sinon, c'est affreux, il y a du sang partout, des membres dechiquettes (un peu comme dans l'album "les Bidochons usages de la route", je vous raconterai) et tout et tout. C'est l'horreur. En plus, la cadillac du gros texan est toute cabossee et il y a des cheveux coinces dans ses essuies-glaces. La police arrive sur les lieux de l'accident. Un policier vient interroger le texan: "D'apres vous, a quelle vitesse couraient les enfants quand ils ont percutes votre vehicule ?" #! rnews 0000001257 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!prevot From: Nicolas.Prevot@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Nicolas Prevot) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Skinheads Date: 22 May 1995 07:53:23 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 17 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3ppftj$jrn@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: <3phq4o$9ae@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3pi0ir$dq3@arcturus.ciril.fr> <051995160053Rnf0.79b6@bux.fdn.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: cronos.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <051995160053Rnf0.79b6@bux.fdn.fr>, well@bux.fdn.fr (Descault Arnaud) writes: |> |> Marc est il skinhead ou cure ?? (Ou meme homosexuel chauve ??) |> Pitie une reponse a cette insuportable question |> |> Arnaud Descault |> Paris -- France Non seulement Marc est un gentil Skin, mais en plus y avait sa photo dans le journal hier (L'Est Republicain)... Le titre (modifie par mes soins :-) ) de l'article : "Avec les Skins, les Resto font le plein" et un exemple sur la methode de travail de Marc : "Ton ble, si tu veux pas tater de ma batte !" --NIC.on l'aime bien not' Skin. #! rnews 0000000763 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!julienas!news2.EUnet.fr!sophia.inria.fr!regulus.inria.fr!lguiraud From: lguiraud@regulus.inria.fr (Laurent Guiraud) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: une petite betise Hors Feminisme Date: 22 May 1995 07:50:52 GMT Organization: INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis (Fr) Lines: 12 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3ppfos$n9c@sophia.inria.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: regulus.inria.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Voila un entretien rapporte authentique : "T`as un nouveau micro dit le clavier a la chanteuse; il est HF ? ne voyant aucun cable s`y reliant... et la chanteuse de retorquer sincerement avec naivite : ouais ouais il est Hors Fil !!!!! " Pardon Lolo. #! rnews 0000001425 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!pipex!news.sprintlink.net!news.ecrc.de!zfe.siemens.de!orchester!herve From: herve@orchester.Berkeley.EDU ( Herve Michel ) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: histoire de gout Date: 22 May 1995 08:12:21 GMT Organization: Siemens AG Lines: 28 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pph15$9o1@ztivax.zfe.siemens.de> Reply-To: herve@orchester.Berkeley.EDU ( Herve Michel ) NNTP-Posting-Host: orchester.zfe.siemens.de (William, c'est un autre, c'est monsieur ppccccchhhhhhhhiewew) Hmmm... Savez-vous pourquoi les hommes ejaculent-ils par acoups? Parce que les femmes boivent par gorgees. -- |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Herve Michel _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ | | Siemens AG _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ | | ZFE T SN 12 _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ | | Otto-Hahn-Ring 6 _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ | | 81730 Muenchen _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ | | phone from Germany : (089) 636 2866 | | phone from outland : + 49 89 636 2866 | | email : herve@orchester.zfe.siemens.de | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #! rnews 0000000611 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!julienas!news2.EUnet.fr!sophia.inria.fr!regulus.inria.fr!lguiraud From: lguiraud@regulus.inria.fr (Laurent Guiraud) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: dans le genre nulle Date: 22 May 1995 08:12:16 GMT Organization: INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis (Fr) Lines: 47 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pph10$n9c@sophia.inria.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: regulus.inria.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Difference entre un pigeon ? Il a 2 pattes, surtout la gauche ! Laurent. #! rnews 0000003723 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!news.sprintlink.net!news.magicnet.net!usenet From: galaxy@magicnet.net (Frank) Newsgroups: alt.cyberspace,alt.folklore.computers,alt.life.internet,alt.politics.datahighway,alt.society.futures,comp.society.futures,news.future,alt.amat Subject: Re: Future of the net? Date: 22 May 1995 08:48:59 GMT Organization: MagicNet, Inc. Lines: 59 Message-ID: <3ppj5r$3dp@comet.magicnet.net> References: <3ogfio$ln0@news.primenet.com> <799844304snz@isis.demon.co.uk> <3oqr78$t6q@huron.eel.ufl.edu> <1995May16.050357.903@belvedere.sbay.org> <3pftcm$n1l@kocrsv08.delcoelect.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: pm3_28.magicnet.net X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.6+ Xref: sct.fr alt.cyberspace:321 alt.folklore.computers:381 alt.society.futures:43 comp.society.futures:57 news.future:33 In article <3pftcm$n1l@kocrsv08.delcoelect.com>, c2xrib@kocrsv01.delcoelect.com (rex i beard) says: > >In article <1995May16.050357.903@belvedere.sbay.org>, >David E. Fox wrote: >>Jeff Mercer (riffer@freenet2.freenet.ufl.edu) wrote: >> >>: By Federal law, the US Post Office has the right to fine and even arrest >>: those that refuse to use its service. This is not a joke, it's fact. There >>: have been many recent cases of such, in fact. >> >>Sounds like a real urban legend. Where's the proof? Where is the US Code >>section where this is mentioned? >> >>Forgive me, I'm skeptical about this. > >It is true. Many small and medium sized companies have been fined tens >of thousands of dollars for using private carries for "non-urgent" >packages. There doesn't appear to be any loop hole for individuals either, >so if you use UPS to send Christmas packages early, you too could >be fined what it would have cost you to send it via US Post. The restriction is only on first class mail. Other delivery services *can* compete (and do) in delivery of magazines and newspapers (second class mail), junk mail (third class), and packages (fourth class). The only exception for first class is urgent mail requiring faster delivery than the post office can supply. Some FedEx customers have been put through the wringer to 'prove' that what they FexExed was indeed urgent, and where they could not prove that, they had to pay regular postage to the P.O. for the mail they sent FedEx. In effect, paying for service not rendered because of the law. Some local entrepreneurs started delivery services for utility bills and other business mail; they were promptly shut down by the P.O. Frank > >They claim to use a circa 1860 law granting monopoly to the US post >office. This source of revenue hasn't been challenged in court (to my >knowledge). It is just cheaper for the small companies to pay up. They >are also afraid that the post office would "accidently" lose their >regular mail. > >I have seen several articles on this. I still have one news clipping about >an Atlanta company being fined (extorted out of) some 60 thousand >dollars. It was a moderate stink a couple years ago and the post office >finally stopped doing it. They explicitly said they had the authority to >do it , but out of the goodness of their heart they would desist until >the Post Office could improve its own reliability. > >-rex- >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- >"[the United States] can't be so fixed on our desire >to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans ..." > - President William Clinton, March 1, 1993, during a press conference > in Piscataway, NJ, as reported by "The Boston Globe", 3/2/93, pg 3 >-- > >Work phone: (317) 451-0358 (8-322-0358) >Internet: c2xrib@kocrsv01.delcoelect.com (Ick. It's suppose to be ahw.) #! rnews 0000001104 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cea.fr!usenet From: Jean-Christophe.Monier@Cea.Fr (Jean-Christophe MONIER) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Le retour de ta mere...tatatin :+) Date: 22 May 1995 09:26:35 GMT Organization: C.E.A. (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique), France. Lines: 15 Message-ID: <3pplcb$clb@anemone.saclay.cea.fr> Reply-To: jcmonier@asphodele.saclay.cea.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: frelon.saclay.cea.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.3 Ta mere elle est tellement conne qu'elle croit que MENOPAUSE c'est une touche sur ton magnetoscope . Houaa l'autre he ! -- +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------+ | Jean-Christophe MONIER | ATHESA - CEA Defense | | Ingenieur Reseaux / Network Engineer | C.E.N. de Saclay | | | B.P. 28 | | E-Mail : jcmonier@asphodele.saclay.cea.fr | 91192 GIF SUR YVETTE | | Tel./Phone : (33/1) | FRANCE | +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------+ #! rnews 0000000870 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!news.unige.ch!usenet From: gander@hei.unige.ch (Gander Wilfred) Subject: Le Pen Message-ID: <1995May22.092743.14783@news.unige.ch> Sender: usenet@news.unige.ch Reply-To: gander@hei.unige.ch Organization: The Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 09:27:43 GMT Lines: 47 Pourquoi JM Le Pen offre-t'il un Mars a tous les Arabes qu'il rencontre ? . . . Parce-que : "Un Mars et ca repart" !!! Wilfred Gander The Graduate Institute of International Studies IUHEI --------------- Av. de la Paix 11a, CH-1202 Geneva, Switzerland Phone : 022/734 89 50 Telefax : 022/733 30 49 HTTP : http://heiwww.unige.ch/gander/ RFC-822 : gander@hei.unige.ch #! rnews 0000000820 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!news2.near.net!news.delphi.com!news2.delphi.com!not-for-mail From: DOMINGO@news.delphi.com (DOMINGO@DELPHI.COM) Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st,comp.sys.atari.st.tech,comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Patching TOS 16MB partition limit? Date: 22 May 1995 05:51:33 -0400 Organization: Delphi Internet Services Corporation Lines: 7 Message-ID: <3ppmr6$6ft@news2.delphi.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: news2.delphi.com Xref: sct.fr comp.sys.atari.st:1007 comp.sys.atari.st.tech:282 comp.sys.atari.programmer:106 Since I am technically deficient in this area, I was wondering if anybody has considered writing a patch for TOS 1.0/1.2 so that 32MB partions can be used? Is this even possible? Or should I just get TOS 1.4/2.06 for ALL my machines? Dom #! rnews 0000002204 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!ciril.fr!loria.fr!loria.fr!not-for-mail From: thiebaut@loria.fr (Eric Thiebaut) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Desert Date: 22 May 1995 11:55:44 +0200 Organization: CRIN & INRIA-Lorraine - Nancy - FRANCE Lines: 26 Message-ID: <3ppn30$9jp@vanony.loria.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: vanony.loria.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-newsreader: xrn 7.01 C'est trois blancs qui se font un RAID desert. Comme par hazard y'se balladent en 4x4, ca c'est du RAID !!!! Tout a coup, l'engin tombe en panne, et voila qu'ils se retrouvent en plein milieu du desert, le premier village se trouvant a mille mile de la. Paumes ils decident alors de prendre une direction au pif. Les heures passent, et la soif commence a se faire resentir, ils avaient oublie de prendre l'Ice Tea... Encore quelques heures apres ils sont a bout de force sentant que la fin approche. Et v'la que la fee du desert arrive et leur propose trois voeux. Le premier pas tres fut'fut' mais assez mondain dit alors: je voudrais un verre de Badoit servi avec un citron et une paille. Un noir arrive alors habille en tenue de serveur avec un plateau et un verre de Badoit et toutes les options. Le second assez profiteur dit alors: Je voudrais une super nana avec un beau train arriere et une super poitrine comme dans le mirage que je viens de voir. Claudia Schiffer se retrouve alors devant lui, comme sur les photos que l'on peut trouver dans les Hotlists du plus commun site HTTP. Ils s'eloignent derriere la premiere dune avoisinante et ... Le troisieme encore plus profiteur dit alors: Je voudrais plein de ble, plein de bijoux et plein d'actions Paribas. Son voeu est exhause et un avion passe au dessus d'eux largant une valise contenant le tout. Le dernier, le plus malin, dit alors: Je voudrais boire de l'eau a volonte, avoir plein de nanas et etre riche. Il se retrouve alors transforme en chiotte dans le plus connu des supers hotels a touriste d'Afrrrrique. ------------------------- THIEBAUT Eric, e-mail: thiebaut@loria.fr Stagiaire INSA au CRIN ------------------------- #! rnews 0000001142 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!epflnews!news From: Alexandra Boussalem Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Printanier et pluvieux Date: 22 May 1995 09:46:52 GMT Organization: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Lines: 17 Message-ID: <3ppmic$br5@info.epfl.ch> References: <3p9jg0$no9@info.epfl.ch> <3p9l3i$ku8@news.irisa.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: lmamac26.epfl.ch fbruel@irisa.fr (Fabrice) wrote: > En tous cas ca debride les langues (ou plutot les doigts) de certaines... > Ca faisait un moment que tu te terrais Alex ou alors t'etais encore en vacances ??? > > Fabrice (Qu'aime pas la pluie non plus) Non j'etais pas en vacances mais je n'avais pas de blagues droles et subtiles a ajouter. Alors puisqu'on m'a fait des reproches que ben, si c'etait juste pour mettre des remarques je devais me taire, alors je m'ai tu. Mais la il fait beau on est le 22 mai et TOUT VA BIEN, alors j'm'en fiche si j'ai pas de blague drole et vachement subtile a vous raconter parce que je suis d'extra bonne humeur. Ca ne vous fait pas rire, hein ? Alexandra (Tres tres de bonne humeur) #! rnews 0000000621 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!epflnews!news From: Alexandra Boussalem Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite Date: 22 May 1995 09:59:24 GMT Organization: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Lines: 9 Message-ID: <3ppn9s$br5@info.epfl.ch> References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: lmamac26.epfl.ch jplerda@sahiela.inria.fr (Jean-Philippe Lerda) wrote: > PS:je m excuse d avance aupres de la communaute feminine pour qui > j ai une profonde admiration. Ouais mais alors vraiment profonde alors !!!! Alexandra (2 metres 10) #! rnews 0000000583 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!epflnews!news From: Alexandra Boussalem Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Encore les femmes Date: 22 May 1995 10:02:24 GMT Organization: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Lines: 8 Message-ID: <3ppnfg$br5@info.epfl.ch> References: <9862@RP.CAM.ORG> NNTP-Posting-Host: lmamac26.epfl.ch robert@RP.CAM.ORG (Robert Pellerin) wrote: > A cause des quinze minutes de silence qui l'accompagne... Quinze ? On a tous ses petits problemes ! Gregoire (Je vous assure que c'est mon vrai nom) #! rnews 0000000487 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!epflnews!news From: Alexandra Boussalem Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Desert Date: 22 May 1995 10:04:50 GMT Organization: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Lines: 7 Message-ID: <3ppnk2$br5@info.epfl.ch> References: <3ppn30$9jp@vanony.loria.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: lmamac26.epfl.ch thiebaut@loria.fr (Eric Thiebaut) wrote: > mille mile de la S'il te plait, dessine-moi un mouton #! rnews 0000001702 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cnam!cnam.fr!rousseau From: rousseau@cnam.fr (Ludovic Rousseau) Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Re: version beta du futur jeux de chez atrocity Date: 22 May 1995 10:29:38 GMT Organization: Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Paris, France Lines: 24 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3ppp2i$6sr@sheckley.cnam.fr> References: <3p9kkg$5qj@sheckley.cnam.fr> <3p9qnh$nhl@news.irisa.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: knight.cnam.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <3p9qnh$nhl@news.irisa.fr>, schauvea@irisa.fr (Stephane Chauveau) writes: >In article <3p9kkg$5qj@sheckley.cnam.fr>, rousseau@cnam.fr (Ludovic Rousseau) writes: >>Est-ce que quelqu'un sait comment se joue ce jeux ? >>Il vient du BBS Brasil sous le nom diamonds.prg > >Je ne sais pas non plus y jouer. J'ai l'impression que cela ne marche pas >en VGA car l'ecran ne fait que 320 points de large au lieu de 384 en >overscan TV. La partie la plus a droite de la zone de jeux doit donc etre >inaccessible. Quelqu'un l'a t'il teste sur une TV ?? J'ai un ecran RGB et il me semble que j'ai bien tous l'ecran. je ne sais plus si c'est en overscan ou non. Dans la partie la plus a droite il y a une brique vide et je crois quelques graphismes mais pas plus de doc. L'image de fond a l'air bien, c'est dommage de rater ce jeux :-( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ludovic Rousseau ftp-admin of ftp.cnam.fr:/pub/Atari Ludovic.Rousseau@cnam.fr http://web.cnam.fr/personnes/rousseau/Who_is_LR.dom "normaliser Unix c'est comme pasteuriser le Camembert" moi-meme #! rnews 0000001669 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cnam!cnam.fr!rousseau From: rousseau@cnam.fr (Ludovic Rousseau) Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Re: partition minix??? Date: 22 May 1995 10:35:45 GMT Organization: Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Paris, France Lines: 23 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pppe1$6sr@sheckley.cnam.fr> References: <1995May19.204131.20240@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> NNTP-Posting-Host: knight.cnam.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <1995May19.204131.20240@cygnux.frmug.fr.net>, rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net (Olivier Rabateau) writes: >RO>Si tu veux installer Linux, une partition Minix n'est pas necessaire. > >Oui! Mais quand on a déja une partition Minix (pour MiNT), peut-on >l'utiliser pour installer Linux (la distrib de Laurent Chemla)? >Ca m'éviterait de reformater mon HD! :-)) >Ma partition Minix fait 100Mo. Tu veux avoir le meme partition pour MiNT ET Linux ? Ca ne me semble pas un tres bonne idee puisque les deux systemes utilisent les memes repertoires /bin, /etc, /usr/bin ... avec des fichiers differents (binaires et fichiers de config). Si tu veux jsute recuperer ta partition Minix pour l'utiliser avec Linux et seulement avec Linux le plus simple est de la passer en ext2 (partition Linux). Ca n'est pas la peine de repartitionner le disque. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ludovic Rousseau ftp-admin of ftp.cnam.fr:/pub/Atari Ludovic.Rousseau@cnam.fr http://web.cnam.fr/personnes/rousseau/Who_is_LR.dom "normaliser Unix c'est comme pasteuriser le Camembert" moi-meme #! rnews 0000001885 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!Belgium.EU.net!chaos.kulnet.kuleuven.ac.be!news.vub.ac.be!is2e!mdepretr From: mdepretr@vub.ac.be (DE PRETER MARC) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: MretMme Date: 22 May 1995 10:30:11 GMT Organization: Brussels Free Universities (VUB/ULB), Belgium Lines: 28 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3ppp3j$g02@rc1.vub.ac.be> References: <3oq4i0$44f@sophia.inria.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: is2e.bfu.vub.ac.be. X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Jean-Philippe Lerda (jplerda@sahiela.inria.fr) wrote: : MretMme groisdanslefrigochaipasquoienfaire Eclairez donc ma lanterne ... kesske c'est des hongrois dans le frigo (ou le canape) ??? C'est de l'argot ??? Ou alors c'est pas terrible ???? Allez, mon post Ca se passe en plein Hexagone Un Belge (le bon dans l'histoire) est directeur d'une entreprise situee sur le territoire francais. Ayant traite son assistant d'imbecile, il passe devant le tribunal. - Le juge : Ainsi donc, vous l'avez traite d'imbecile ? - Le Belge : Mais c'est vrai, Monsieur le Juge, il est vraiment con. Regardez bien. Il se retourne, et s'adresse a son assistant : "Marcel, va voir au bureau si j'y suis ..." Et Marcel y va. Alors, le juge : _ Mais c'est vrai qu'il est con, il aurait pu simplement telephoner. e -- ___________________________________________________________________________ | De Preter, Marc | Oh my God!!! | | | I've got an axe in my head!! | | | | | | Oh mon Dieu!!! | | mdepretr@is1.vub.ac.be | J'ai une hache dans la tete!! | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #! rnews 0000001507 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!bacquart From: Sebastien.Bacquart@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Sebastien Bacquart) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Re : concours Date: 22 May 1995 10:48:12 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 24 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3ppq5c$902@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: <3ot6ar$66o@news.irisa.fr> <3p2cvd$qp3@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3pcl94$h23@arcturus.ciril.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: castor.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Herve Istin (Herve.Istin@scinfo.u-nancy.fr) wrote: : Dimitri Janczak (Dimitri.Janczak@scinfo.u-nancy.fr) scribouilla: : : Fabrice (fbruel@irisa.fr) ecrit: : : : PS : je pense que je suis bien parti pour remporter le concours : : de blagues nulles... : : Ah! Non : : : C'est l'histoire d'un steak hache qui traverse la route. : : Arrive une poele (chaude la poele) : et pfffff le steak hache : Si : C'est deux steaks haches dans une poele (la meme si vous voulez). : L'un dit : - Fait chaud hein ? : L'autre reponds : - Aaahh ! Un steak hache qui parle ! Et la poele s'ecrit : - Aaaahh !! Des steak qui parlent !!... : Et pour faire plaisir a Snoopy une contrepetrie Belge : : Il fait beau et chaud. J'en ai une aussi : Il fait chaud et beau. Yahoo.Desole.Mais.Vraiment.Desole #! rnews 0000000854 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!loria.fr!loria.fr!not-for-mail From: thiebaut@loria.fr (Eric Thiebaut) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Desert Date: 22 May 1995 12:42:50 +0200 Organization: CRIN & INRIA-Lorraine - Nancy - FRANCE Lines: 11 Message-ID: <3pppra$b7s@vanony.loria.fr> References: <3ppn30$9jp@vanony.loria.fr> <3ppnk2$br5@info.epfl.ch> NNTP-Posting-Host: vanony.loria.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-newsreader: xrn 7.01 C'est un mouton qui traverse un chemin dans le desert et BEEEEEHHH le pull de Mohamed, conducteur de chameau. Et le chacal de dire: un mouton sans poil, c'est pas beau a dessiner. ------------------------- THIEBAUT Eric, e-mail: thiebaut@loria.fr Stagiaire INSA au CRIN ------------------------- #! rnews 0000000587 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!ext.jussieu.fr!depinfo.u-bourgogne.fr!villemin From: villemin@depinfo.u-bourgogne.fr () Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Devinette Date: 22 May 1995 10:52:29 GMT Organization: Departement Informatique Dijon Lines: 40 Message-ID: <3ppqdd$9gb@pinot.ext.jussieu.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: depinfo.u-bourgogne.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1] Quelle etait la couleur du cheval blanc d'Henri IV ? Blanc, desole. Corinne #! rnews 0000001026 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!dazy From: Matthieu.Dazy@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Matthieu Dazy) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Desert Date: 22 May 1995 11:00:21 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 10 Message-ID: <3ppqs5$bi2@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: <3ppn30$9jp@vanony.loria.fr> <3ppnk2$br5@info.epfl.ch> <3pppra$b7s@vanony.loria.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: castor.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] : Et le chacal de dire: un mouton sans poil, c'est pas beau a dessiner. Aaaahhh! Un chacal qui parle! Shadow.demain.j'arrete.(promis) __ __| | __| | | | \ -_) \__ \ \ _` | _` | _ \ \ \ / _| _| _\___| ____/_| _\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/ dazy@scinfo.u-nancy.fr "The dead know one thing. It is better to be alive." #! rnews 0000000612 Path: sct.fr!usenet From: Greg LAURIOL Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Tamer' Date: 22 May 1995 11:05:02 GMT Organization: World-Net - Dialup Internet - Paris - France Lines: 5 Message-ID: <3ppr4u$n3d@sct1.sct.fr> References: <1995May18.063144.17825@news.unige.ch> <3pfb36$qnn@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3pi8b5$o54@news.cict.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: client27.sct.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit) >C'EST PAS UNE CX MAIS UNE SM, bande de nazes (:-))) SM ? SM ? cuir? chaînes ? #! rnews 0000000821 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cea.fr!usenet From: zerep@vigo.valrho.cea.fr (Serge PEREZ) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Nouveau gouvernement Date: 22 May 1995 11:14:14 GMT Organization: Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, France. Lines: 20 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pprm6$eg9@anemone.saclay.cea.fr> References: <3pi0kg$nhb@edf3.der.edf.fr> Reply-To: zerep@vigo.valrho.cea.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: fellini.valrho.cea.fr In article nhb@edf3.der.edf.fr, magri@clt13kk.phr (Frederic Magri-473864) writes: >In article bellamy@cli53be, Jean-Claude.Bellamy@der.edf.fr () writes: >> >>bla bla bla > >vraiment a l EDF ils n ont que ca a faire ..... >pensez y en regardant tourner votre compteur .... > >Frederic >magri@clt10te.der.edf.fr ^^^^^^^^^^^ --- J'ai du sauter un episode.... --Serge #! rnews 0000000445 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!nedcu0!sileuba From: Christine.Leuba@sidos.unine.ch Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: AMIS BELGES Message-ID: <1995May22.130336.3579@nedcu0> Date: 22 May 95 13:03:36 MET Organization: University of Neuchatel, Switzerland Lines: 13 Comment reconnait-on un belge dans un magasin de souliers? C'est le seul qui essaie les cartons! (Vieille blague ressortie des cartons...) #! rnews 0000000911 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!ciril.fr!loria.fr!loria.fr!not-for-mail From: thiebaut@loria.fr (Eric Thiebaut) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: AMIS BELGES Date: 22 May 1995 13:30:01 +0200 Organization: CRIN & INRIA-Lorraine - Nancy - FRANCE Lines: 47 Message-ID: <3ppsjp$cs1@vanony.loria.fr> References: <1995May22.130336.3579@nedcu0> NNTP-Posting-Host: vanony.loria.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-newsreader: xrn 7.01 Dans le meme genre, Pourquoi y-a-t-il des skis a cote des planches et des bouees dans les piscines belges... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | V pour pouvoir faire du ski de fond a defaut de pouvoir faire du ski nautique. ------------------------- THIEBAUT Eric, e-mail: thiebaut@loria.fr Stagiaire INSA au CRIN ------------------------- #! rnews 0000002010 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!isis.imag.fr!chevalie From: chevalie@isis.imag.fr (Stephane Chevalier) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Hugh ! Date: 22 May 1995 11:33:26 GMT Organization: IMAG Institute, University of Grenoble, France. Lines: 28 Sender: chevalie@imag.fr (Stephane Chevalier) Message-ID: <3ppsq6$mm@imag.imag.fr> References: <1995May17.172444.1@etu.univ-compiegne.fr> <3pfrct$lsh@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3phgr5$rgs@rc1.vub.ac.be> NNTP-Posting-Host: isis.imag.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Dans le meme style... Notre nouveau president (mangez des pommes avant d'avoir la chiasse (desole) ) a ete invite en thailande du sud (desole pour nos amis thailandais du sud)... Le soir de la conference, alors qu'il rentre a l'hotel il croise une superbe demoiselle qu'il emballe en quelques secondes... (il l'a fait avec 52,4 % des francais alors pourquoi pas avec une thailandaise du sud ... hein ??) Il l'amene dans sa chambre et se rue sur elle.... Il y met tout son coeur pour ne pas decevoir la reputation des francais a l'etranger... Et pendant leur ebats la fille n'arrete pas de crier "takomo miquoue, takomo miquoue,..." (recupere d'une casette intitule "ecoutes telephoniques sans telephone" [PASQUA 94] ) Sur de sa prestation et du contentement de la fille il s'endort en poensant a son boulot de dans 2 ans qu'il a... Le lendemain, il est invite par le ministre thailandais (du sud) pour faire une partie de golf... Tous deux sont sur le green... et le ministre reussi alors un coup fabuleux.. hop en 1 coup.... Et la notre tonton bis le felicite avec les quelques mots de cette langue : "Bravo.... heu....takomo miquoue, takomo miquoue,..." Le ministre le regarde alors etonne... "Comment ca ??? comment ??? Pourquoi le mauvais trou ???" BOAFFFFfffff...... Steph le tut... (toute ressemblance avec une signature existante ou ayant existee serait purement fortuite.... enfin presque) #! rnews 0000001365 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!ciril.fr!univ-lille1.fr!cict.fr!piau!hm From: hm@piau () Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Printanier et pluvieux Date: 22 May 1995 12:28:20 GMT Lines: 26 Message-ID: <3pq014$d5r@news.cict.fr> References: <3p9jg0$no9@info.epfl.ch> <3p9l3i$ku8@news.irisa.fr> <3ppmic$br5@info.epfl.ch> Reply-To: herve.moinet@avions.aerospatiale.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Alexandra Boussalem (boussa@dmehpi-f.epfl.ch) wrote: : fbruel@irisa.fr (Fabrice) wrote: : > En tous cas ca debride les langues (ou plutot les doigts) de certaines... : > Ca faisait un moment que tu te terrais Alex ou alors t'etais encore en vacances ??? : > : > Fabrice (Qu'aime pas la pluie non plus) : Non j'etais pas en vacances mais je n'avais pas de blagues droles et : subtiles a ajouter. Alors puisqu'on m'a fait des reproches que ben, : si c'etait juste pour mettre des remarques je devais me taire, alors : je m'ai tu. Mais la il fait beau on est le 22 mai et TOUT VA BIEN, alors : j'm'en fiche si j'ai pas de blague drole et vachement subtile a vous : raconter parce que je suis d'extra bonne humeur. Ca ne vous fait pas : rire, hein ? : Alexandra : (Tres tres de bonne humeur) Bin ca au moins, ca fait plaisir ! HERVE PS: Ta mere, elle chante Singing in the rain au soleil ??! #! rnews 0000000831 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!unilim.fr!cict.fr!piau!hm From: hm@piau () Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: La + nulle Date: 22 May 1995 12:30:00 GMT Lines: 15 Distribution: fr Message-ID: <3pq048$d5r@news.cict.fr> References: <3pc5o0$35d@marcel.matra-com.fr> <3pftk2$8p1@news.cict.fr> <3pm29f$jso@news.cict.fr> Reply-To: herve.moinet@avions.aerospatiale.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Seb Le Pouet (brunot@apollo2.eis.enac.dgac.fr) wrote: : In article , tborloz@hec.unil.ch (Thierry Borloz ass. prof. B. Lara 521) writes: : > Mon estime confrere Seb Le Pouet ecrit: : > >Subject: Re: La + nulle ... [max of blabla deleted] C'est plus une vanne, c'est une ecluse ! HERVE PS: Ouaih, bon, je sais, je sais... #! rnews 0000001453 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!isis.imag.fr!chevalie From: chevalie@isis.imag.fr (Stephane Chevalier) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Ah, l'amour Date: 22 May 1995 11:43:39 GMT Organization: IMAG Institute, University of Grenoble, France. Lines: 26 Sender: chevalie@imag.fr (Stephane Chevalier) Message-ID: <3pptdb$mm@imag.imag.fr> References: <1995May19.110454.1@etu.univ-compiegne.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: isis.imag.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <1995May19.110454.1@etu.univ-compiegne.fr>, aupetit@etu.univ-compiegne.fr (Lolo) writes: |> [......] |> une resistance. Au bout d'1/4 d'heure, il y arrive enfin, et ils font |> l'amour comme des beeeeetes ! Juste apres, le garcon lui dit : |> "Excuses-moi, j'etais tellement excite... si j'avais su que tu etais |> vierge, j'aurais pris mon temps |> - Ben oui, repond la fille, et si t'avais pris ton temps, j'aurais enleve |> mon collant... |> Lolo |> -- |> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ |> \_ Laurent Aupetit - Universite de Technologie de Compiegne \_ On sent que c'est du vecu ca non ??? allez une fois... une petite : Petite fille : "Dis papa, pourquoi maman elle court en zig zag dans le jardin.. ?" papa : "tais toi et passe moi les cartouches...." (DEsole) Steph le tut. (Ta mere : elle redige sa these sur un MAC SE !) #! rnews 0000001374 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!pipex!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!Belgium.EU.net!chaos.kulnet.kuleuven.ac.be!news.vub.ac.be!is2e!mdepretr From: mdepretr@vub.ac.be (DE PRETER MARC) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: La pomme et le petit caca Date: 22 May 1995 10:58:22 GMT Organization: Brussels Free Universities (VUB/ULB), Belgium Lines: 15 Message-ID: <3ppqoe$guv@rc1.vub.ac.be> NNTP-Posting-Host: is2e.bfu.vub.ac.be. X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] C'est l'histoire d'une pomme et d'un petit caca. Ils sont la, dans la nature, quand tout a coup la pomme se tourne vers la crote et lui dit : "Non mais, tu t'es deja regardee ? Tu pue, tu es laide, tu ... aaaahhh, tu me degoutes". A ce moment, une main surgit, prend la pomme et la porte a une bouche. Et la crotte fait un signe de 'main' a la pomme : "A tout de suite" -- ___________________________________________________________________________ | De Preter, Marc | Oh my God!!! | | | I've got an axe in my head!! | | | | | | Oh mon Dieu!!! | | mdepretr@is1.vub.ac.be | J'ai une hache dans la tete!! | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #! rnews 0000001590 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!nedcu0!sileuba From: Christine.Leuba@sidos.unine.ch Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Ouin-Ouin va a l'eglise Message-ID: <1995May22.133527.3580@nedcu0> Date: 22 May 95 13:35:27 MET Organization: University of Neuchatel, Switzerland Lines: 43 C'est Ouin-Ouin qui doit aller à l'eglise. Or, ce dimanche matin, il est en retard et n'a pas eu le temps de prendre son p'tit dejeuner. Vite, il se fait une tartine en esperant avoir le temps de la manger en chemin. Arrive devant l'eglise, il lui reste encore la moitie de sa tartine et comme il n'ose pas entrer avec dans l'eglise, il est bien embete, surtout que la messe commence. C'est alors qu'il voit un arbre, y grimpe, et depose sa tartine tout en priant: - Mon Dieu faites que ma tartine soit encore la quand je sortirai de la messe. Au nom du Pere, du Fils et du St-Esprit. Et voila Ouin-OUIN qui entre dans l'eglise. Durant toute la messe, Ouin-OUIN prie pour sa tartine,"Mon Dieu faites que ma tartine soit encore la quand je sorterai de l'eglise et faites aussi que les gentils petits oiseaux ne la mangent pas". A la fin de la messe le pretre dit a ses fideles: "Et mainte- nant allez dans la paix du Christ. Au nom du pere, du Fils et du St-Esprit Am..." Et Ouin-Ouin de filer vers la sortie sans ecouter jusqu'au bout la sainte parole afin de reuperer sa tartine. Arrive en haut de l'arbre, HORREUR la tartine a disparu!!! Savez-vous pourquoi? Ouin-Ouin avait oublie de dire "AMEN" !!! La pause est terminee? Helas oui! Au boulot... #! rnews 0000000968 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!isis.imag.fr!chevalie From: chevalie@isis.imag.fr (Stephane Chevalier) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite Date: 22 May 1995 12:05:43 GMT Organization: IMAG Institute, University of Grenoble, France. Lines: 17 Sender: chevalie@imag.fr (Stephane Chevalier) Message-ID: <3ppumn$mm@imag.imag.fr> References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> <3ppn9s$br5@info.epfl.ch> NNTP-Posting-Host: isis.imag.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <3ppn9s$br5@info.epfl.ch>, Alexandra Boussalem writes: |> jplerda@sahiela.inria.fr (Jean-Philippe Lerda) wrote: |> |> > PS:je m excuse d avance aupres de la communaute feminine pour qui |> > j ai une profonde admiration. |> |> Ouais mais alors vraiment profonde alors !!!! |> |> Alexandra |> (2 metres 10) De large ? (Scotty energie...) Steph le prout ;) #! rnews 0000000411 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-angers.fr!news From: you@somehost.somedomain (dede) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Ta mère Date: 22 May 1995 12:24:42 GMT Organization: Your Organization Lines: 2 Message-ID: <3ppvqa$188@news.univ-angers.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: @etud-6.info.univ-angers.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.2 Ta mère est tellement snob qu'elle taille des pipes avec une paille #! rnews 0000000591 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!CERN.ch!news From: MONTIER@tifrvax.tifr.res.in (Montier F) Subject: pigeon X-Nntp-Posting-Host: tifrvax.tifr.res.in Message-ID: Sender: news@news.cern.ch (USENET News System) Organization: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 12:31:36 GMT X-News-Reader: VMS NEWS 1.24 Lines: 29 Quelle est la difference entre une grenouille et un pneu ?? Ils sont tous les deux en caoutchouc, sauf la grenouille. Pardon -Fred- #! rnews 0000001134 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!Emmanuel.Anique From: anique@masi.ibp.fr (Emmanuel Anique) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Ta mère Date: 22 May 1995 12:48:00 GMT Organization: MASI lab - FRANCE Lines: 14 Sender: -Not-Authenticated-[944] Message-ID: <3pq160$jr2@vishnu.jussieu.fr> References: <3ppvqa$188@news.univ-angers.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: mac9-masi-65-66-2-1.ibp.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Posted-From: InterNews 1.0@vishnu.jussieu.fr. Xdisclaimer: No attempt was made to authenticate the sender's name. In article <3ppvqa$188@news.univ-angers.fr> you@somehost.somedomain (dede) writes: > Ta mère est tellement snob qu'elle taille des pipes avec une paille Record du monde de rapidite de retour aux news. J'avais jamais vu aussi vite la meme histoire revenir sur les news. A croire qu'un gars l'a lue sur les news, la racontee au gus assis face aux machines a cote de lui et que manque de bol ce gus etait aussi sur les news. Alors, tres vite, il la poste. Bravo a l'universite d'Angers. Vous avez invente le routeur humain :-) -------------- #! rnews 0000000847 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!news.unige.ch!betrix From: betrix@scsun.unige.ch (BETRIX Franck) Subject: Re: pigeon Message-ID: <1995May22.124505.17696@news.unige.ch> Sender: usenet@news.unige.ch Organization: University of Geneva X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] References: Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 12:45:05 GMT Lines: 24 Notre cher Montier F ecrit: : Quelle est la difference entre une grenouille et un pneu ?? : Ils sont tous les deux en caoutchouc, sauf la grenouille. : Pardon : -Fred- Et : Spaltch la grenouille ... Franck, un pneu creve, et ecrase par la chaleur. ************************************************* * * * Franck * * * * betrix@scsun.unige.ch * * * ************************************************* #! rnews 0000000683 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!uknet!liv!ral!usenet From: burch@sa.rl.ac.uk (Peter Burch) Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Re: Some GEM Programming Questions Date: 22 May 1995 12:45:36 GMT Organization: Rutherford Appleton Lab, UK. Lines: 12 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pq11g$1k0l@unixfe.rl.ac.uk> References: Reply-To: burch@sa.rl.ac.uk NNTP-Posting-Host: sleepy.te.rl.ac.uk Hi! I would be most grateful if someone could mail me withe the EXACT file format of a .IMG image file. Thanks pete burch@te.rl.ac.uk #! rnews 0000001877 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!Emmanuel.Anique From: anique@masi.ibp.fr (Emmanuel Anique) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: pigeon Date: 22 May 1995 13:01:18 GMT Organization: MASI lab - FRANCE Lines: 28 Sender: -Not-Authenticated-[944] Message-ID: <3pq1uu$las@vishnu.jussieu.fr> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: mac9-masi-65-66-2-1.ibp.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Posted-From: InterNews 1.0@vishnu.jussieu.fr. Xdisclaimer: No attempt was made to authenticate the sender's name. > Quelle est la difference entre une grenouille et un pneu ?? > > > Ils sont tous les deux en caoutchouc, sauf la grenouille. Et si on arretait ce concours stupide ? ------------------ Une fee en ballade dans un square s'arrete en contemplation devant deux statues surlesquelles sommenolent quelques pigeons gonfles de pain distribue par les petites retraitees inutiles et accariatres. Les deux statues sont separees de quelques metres et representent un homme et une femme nus se regardant tendrement. La fee comprend alors que ces deux statues sont amoureuses l'une de l'autre depuis longtemps. Elle decide alors de faire une bonne action et d'un coup de baguette magique donne la vie aux statues. Nos deux statues se precitent alors derriere un buisson et tres vite la fee peu entendre des bruits et des cris. "Ah oui, vas-y, comme ca, voila, c'est bon, ca vient" "oummmmmf !!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, euuuuuuuuuuuh ! ouufff !" "Oui tiens-le bien, encore" Intriguee et un rien mateuse, la fee se glisse dans le buisson pour les observer, et la que voit-elle ? Une statue accroupie et l'autre tenant de force un pigeon sous les fesses de la premiere. Et la statue accroupie qui dit : "Oui, vas-y tiens le bien, a mon tour de lui chier dessus a cette saloperie de pigeon !" --------------- qrfbyr #! rnews 0000000760 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!shom.fr!col From: col@shom.fr (Bruno Col) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: cinema Date: 22 May 1995 13:10:37 GMT Organization: Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la Marine Lines: 17 Message-ID: <3pq2gd$8ei@news.shom.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: ellsworth.shom.fr X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] C'est deux petites bites qui vont au cinema, La premiere dit a sa copine: " Pourvu que ce ne soit pas un film de cul, car je ne veux pas rester debout pendant toute la sceance......". : : .--~~,__ : :-....,-------`~~'._.' col@shom.fr : `-,,, ,_ ;'~U' : _,-' ,'`-__; '--. : (_/'~~ ''''(; : #! rnews 0000000612 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!epflnews!news From: Alexandra Boussalem Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Printanier et pluvieux Date: 22 May 1995 13:19:12 GMT Organization: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Lines: 8 Message-ID: <3pq30g$ma2@info.epfl.ch> References: <3p9jg0$no9@info.epfl.ch> <3p9l3i$ku8@news.irisa.fr> <3ppmic$br5@info.epfl.ch> <3pq014$d5r@news.cict.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: lmamac26.epfl.ch hm@piau () wrote: > PS: Ta mere, elle chante Singing in the rain au soleil ??! Oui, pourquoi ? Alexandra (Demoiselle de Cherbourg) #! rnews 0000000526 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!epflnews!news From: Alexandra Boussalem Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Ouin-Ouin va a l'eglise Date: 22 May 1995 13:21:11 GMT Organization: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Lines: 9 Message-ID: <3pq347$ma2@info.epfl.ch> References: <1995May22.133527.3580@nedcu0> NNTP-Posting-Host: lmamac26.epfl.ch Christine.Leuba@sidos.unine.ch wrote: > Ouin-Ouin avait oublie de dire "AMEN" !!! > Amen alors ! Alexandra (Oui-Oui) #! rnews 0000000767 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!epflnews!news From: Alexandra Boussalem Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite Date: 22 May 1995 13:22:50 GMT Organization: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Lines: 13 Message-ID: <3pq37a$ma2@info.epfl.ch> References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> <3ppn9s$br5@info.epfl.ch> <3ppumn$mm@imag.imag.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: lmamac26.epfl.ch chevalie@isis.imag.fr (Stephane Chevalier) wrote: > |> Alexandra > |> (2 metres 10) > > De large ? Ouais, ben, demain si ta voiture ou ton chien ou ta boite au lettre ou ta mere ou ta mobylette ou ton velo ou ton ordinateur explose, et ben ce sera pas la faute a Malaussene. Alexandra (Tu vois ce que je veux dire ?) #! rnews 0000000602 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!epflnews!news From: Alexandra Boussalem Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Ta mère Date: 22 May 1995 13:23:33 GMT Organization: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Lines: 7 Message-ID: <3pq38l$ma2@info.epfl.ch> References: <3ppvqa$188@news.univ-angers.fr> <3pq160$jr2@vishnu.jussieu.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: lmamac26.epfl.ch anique@masi.ibp.fr (Emmanuel Anique) wrote: > Bravo a l'universite d'Angers. Vous avez invente le routeur humain :-) Ris pas ca aurait pu etre le mouvement perpetuel. Alexandra #! rnews 0000001193 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!CERN.ch!news From: PATRICK@tifrvax.tifr.res.in (P Roumanoff) Subject: pretre X-Nntp-Posting-Host: tifrvax.tifr.res.in Message-ID: Sender: news@news.cern.ch (USENET News System) Organization: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 13:27:36 GMT X-News-Reader: VMS NEWS 1.24 Lines: 34 Voila, c'est un pretre qui a mis un peu d'argent de cote pour pouvoir s'acheter le dernier modele de montain bike pour remplacer le vieux velo de son predecesseur. Pour l'essayer il fait un grand tour avec sa nouvelle acquisition, et monte en haut de la colline qui surplombe le village, et s'elance a fond dans la descente, et la, malheur, les freins lachent et en plus c'est le jour du marche: impossible de s'arreter. C'est alors que, pris d'une inspiration divine, il met la main dans sa poche, en sort de la poudre et la jette devant sont velo. Et le velo s'arrete comme par miracle. Mais qu'elle donc cette poudre?? C'est tout simplement de la poudre a recurrer! PatriiiiiiIIIIIIIiiiick Roumanoff (quel cure cui-la) #! rnews 0000001783 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!CERN.ch!news From: PATRICK@tifrvax.tifr.res.in (P Roumanoff) Subject: Biere X-Nntp-Posting-Host: tifrvax.tifr.res.in Message-ID: Sender: news@news.cern.ch (USENET News System) Organization: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 13:43:22 GMT X-News-Reader: VMS NEWS 1.24 Lines: 32 C'est l`histoire d'un brave type qui a un defaut de pronomciation: il n'arrive pas a articuler les b. Mais cette histoire ce passe en ete et il fait tres chaud, pour ce desalterer notre brave garcon aimerait bien prendre une Biere dans un Bar, alors il rentre dans un cafe et dit au garcon: - j'aurais voulu une (B)i, une (B)ie, une (B)i-(B)i,... un cafe! Desepere, il boit son cafe. Le soir il n'en peut plus et decide de s'entrainer a pronomcer ces foutu B, alors il se met devant son mirroir et commence: - une (B)i, une (B)ie, une (B)i-(B)i,..., une BIERE !! Fiere de sa perfomance, le lendemain, il retourne dans le meme cafe: - j'aurais voulu une (B)i, une (B)ie, une (B)i-(B)i,une (B)ie,....... une (B)i-(B)i, ... un cafe! Cette fois il n'en peut vraiment plus et decide de se surpasser, de retour chez lui, il recommence devant son mirroir: - une (B)i, une (B)ie, une (B)i-(B)i, ..., une BIERE !! une (B)i, une BbbBIERE !! une BbIERE, une BIERE !! il a reussi a pronomce le mot biere trois fois d'affile, cette fois, sur de son coup, il retourne dans le meme cafe, car il fait toujours aussi chaud: - une (B)i, une (B)ie, une (B)i-(B)i,..., une BbIERE !! et le garcon de retorquer: - Blonde ou Brune? - (B)l, (B)l (B)l.... un cafe PatriiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiick Roumanoff (Quelle bilouse cui-la) #! rnews 0000002280 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!grenet.fr!coyotte.cemagref.grenet.fr!philippe.delcros From: Philippe Delcros Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: pretre Date: 22 May 1995 13:44:29 GMT Organization: Cemagref Lines: 40 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pq4ft$dfj@cicg-communication.grenet.fr> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: coyotte.cemagref.grenet.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: Nuntius 2.0.3_68K X-XXMessage-ID: X-XXDate: Mon, 22 May 1995 15:46:35 GMT In article P Roumanoff, PATRICK@tifrvax.tifr.res.in writes: > Voila, c'est un pretre qui a mis un peu d'argent de cote pour pouvoir >s'acheter le dernier modele de montain bike pour remplacer le vieux velo >de son predecesseur. Pour l'essayer il fait un grand tour avec sa nouvelle >acquisition, et monte en haut de la colline qui surplombe le village, et >s'elance a fond dans la descente, et la, malheur, les freins lachent et >en plus c'est le jour du marche: impossible de s'arreter. C'est alors que, >pris d'une inspiration divine, il met la main dans sa poche, en sort de la >poudre et la jette devant sont velo. Et le velo s'arrete comme par miracle. > >Mais qu'elle donc cette poudre?? > > > >C'est tout simplement de la poudre a recurrer! > >_ Oui, mais la ou tu t'es trompe, c'est qu'il allait en velo a l'enterrement de Jean Dupont. Donc, il balance sa poudre a recurer, et ensuite, il arrive a la bourre a l'enterrement. Il constate que le pauvre Jean Dupont pesait 165 kg, et que les mecs qui soulevent le cercueil ont vraiment du mal. Alors il balance une 2eme poudre de perlimpimpin, et le cercueil se trouve allege. Puis, il realise que Jean Dupont etait un gars tres bien, et qu'il manque a tout le monde. Alors il balance une 3eme poudre de perlimpimpin, et ressuscite Jean Dupont. Keskete les 2 autres poudres ?? De la levure de biere Du detergent ________________________________________________ Philippe DELCROS philippe.delcros@cemagref.grenet.fr Cemagref, Grenoble delcros@cmgr02.grenet.fr delcros@cmgr01.grenet.fr #! rnews 0000001713 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!univ-lille1.fr!cict.fr!laas.fr!kador!desgrez From: desgrez@kador.laas.fr (Simon Desgrez,88,6370) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite Date: 22 May 1995 13:29:35 GMT Organization: LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse (France) Lines: 41 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pq3jv$3jj@laas.laas.fr> References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> Reply-To: desgrez@kador.laas.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: kador.laas.fr In article b3f@sophia.inria.fr, jplerda@sahiela.inria.fr (Jean-Philippe Lerda) writes: > comment est la femme parfaite? > > > -> elle nous arrive a la taille,et elle a la tete > plate pour pouvoir poser les bieres dessus. > > > le concombre masque. >PS:je m excuse d avance aupres de la communaute feminine pour qui >j ai une profonde admiration. c'est tout? il lui manque les oreilles decollees pour pouvoir s'accrocher une gencive parfaitement edentees pour pas faire mal et et une tracheotomie. pourquoi une tracheotomie? mais pour le leger souffle chaud sur les testicules. manquerait plus qu'on prenne froid. Et la je m'excuse pas aupres de ces demoiselles et dames qui nous lisent, parceque je ne veux pas faire faux-derche; de plus une femme parfaite comme ca est assez invraissemblable pour voir que c'est hautement humoristique. --- o \ o / _ o __| \ / |__ o _ \ o / o /|\ | /\ ___\o \o | o/ o/__ /\ | /|\ / \ / \ | \ /) | ( \ /o\ / ) | (\ / | / \ / \ Simon Desgrez /LAAS-CNRS/groupe CCM email: desgrezàlaas.fr #! rnews 0000001055 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!cri.ens-lyon.fr!news From: ftronel@ens-lyon.fr (Frederic Tronel) Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Re: cycles 68030 Date: 22 May 1995 14:21:09 GMT Organization: Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France Lines: 13 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pq6kl$7bm@cri.ens-lyon.fr> References: <3pcqvs$iu1@news.irisa.fr> Reply-To: ftronel@ens-lyon.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: bellecour.ens-lyon.fr Hello , Alors, je ne pourrai pas t'expliquer tous les termes car j'en ignore pour certains le sens, mais cela a voir avec le pipeline des instructions. Ainsi prefetch correspond au fait de decoder l'instruction suivante (mode d'adressage ..), avant meme que l'instruction en cours ne soit finie d'etre executee. C'est le principe adopte sur les RISC avec par exemple comme sur le Sparc, 5 niveaux de pipeline avec un avantage, car comme le jeux d'instructions est plus reduit notamment au niveau des modes d'adressages la tache pour le concepteur est facilitee. Prefetch = prechargement. Fred ftronel@ens-lyon.fr #! rnews 0000001862 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!uwm.edu!msunews!netnews.upenn.edu!gopher.cs.uofs.edu!triangle.cs.uofs.edu!bill From: bill@cs.uofs.edu (Bill Gunshannon) Newsgroups: alt.cyberspace,alt.folklore.computers,alt.life.internet,alt.politics.datahighway,alt.society.futures,comp.society.futures,news.future,alt.amateur-comp,alt.gov.meeting.partdemo Subject: Re: Future of the net? Date: 22 May 1995 13:53:52 GMT Organization: Department of Computing Sciences Lines: 20 Sender: bill@triangle.cs.uofs.edu (Bill Gunshannon) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pq51g$o36@gopher.cs.uofs.edu> References: <3nhk9h$d5k@netnews.upenn.edu> <3p83s3$mon@panix3.panix.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: triangle.cs.uofs.edu Xref: sct.fr alt.cyberspace:322 alt.folklore.computers:385 alt.society.futures:44 comp.society.futures:58 news.future:34 alt.amateur-comp:45 In article <3p83s3$mon@panix3.panix.com>, ronda@panix.com (Ronda Hauben) writes: |> Ronda Hauben replying |> |> But it is the U.S. government that funded the research needed for building |> the Net and the subsidy has been what has made the Net possible - not |> any private company. |> USENET predates even the infamous INTERNET and it was created without any government money. The only government support came from the fact that certain sites joined USENET and because of their location and interest assumed positions of importance despite the wishes of the government. (Hi, seismo) bill -- Bill Gunshannon | de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n. Three wolves bill@cs.uofs.edu | and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. University of Scranton | Scranton, Pennsylvania | #include #! rnews 0000001704 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!isis!chevalie From: chevalie@isis (Stephane Chevalier) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite Date: 22 May 1995 14:43:44 GMT Organization: IMAG Institute, University of Grenoble, France. Lines: 46 Sender: chevalie@imag.fr (Stephane Chevalier) Message-ID: <3pq7v0$cg8@imag.imag.fr> References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> <3ppn9s$br5@info.epfl.ch> <3ppumn$mm@imag.imag.fr> <3pq37a$ma2@info.epfl.ch> NNTP-Posting-Host: isis.imag.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <3pq37a$ma2@info.epfl.ch>, Alexandra Boussalem writes: |> chevalie@isis.imag.fr (Stephane Chevalier) wrote: |> |> > |> Alexandra |> > |> (2 metres 10) |> > |> > De large ? |> |> Ouais, ben, demain si ta voiture ou ton chien ou ta boite au lettre ou |> ta mere ou ta mobylette ou ton velo ou ton ordinateur explose, et ben |> ce sera pas la faute a Malaussene. |> |> Alexandra |> (Tu vois ce que je veux dire ?) Tu me cherches ? Ouais ben tu sais ce que je lui dit a Malaussene hein ??? Ta mere en string de sumo dans le vide ordure.... ;^) (honteusement pompe dans une emission dont je tairai le nom.... mais la vraiment je suis a cours d'arguments....) (Au fait tu pourrais pas me presenter ton Mal aux seins, j'aimerais qui me fasse peter mon Mac SE comme ca j'en aurait un plus puissant ...) Ta mere elle redige son rapport de these sur un MAC SE. Une petite pour les mecs..... : Vous savez ce que disent les filles aux mecs qui ont une grosse B..E ? non ? non ? ben moi oui ! desole... Stef trop mou aujourd'hui.... (ce n'est pas sale...) #! rnews 0000001701 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!u-psud.fr!etca.fr!alofi!chris From: chris@alofi.etca.fr (Christian Millour) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Biere Date: 22 May 1995 14:42:55 GMT Organization: Site Experimental en Hyperparallelisme - E.T.C.A. - FRANCE Lines: 42 Sender: chris@alofi (Christian Millour) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pq7tf$7j3@etca.etca.fr> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: alofi.etca.fr C'est l'histoire d'un Belge à sa descente de train gare du Nord qui va dans un café: - Garçon une fois, un jambon-beurre et une bière alleïe - Tiens, Monsieur est Belge ? Vaguement vexé notre Belge décide de prendre des cours d'élocution pour se faire plus discret lors de ses prochains passage dans notre belle métropole. A son voyage suivant, le coeur battant, il change de rade pour ne pas être reconnu et s'adresse en ces termes au loufiat: - Garçon, un jambon-beurre et une bière, allez - Tiens, Monsieur est Belge ? Notre homme s'entête néanmoins. Il persiste, travaille son accent, son vocabulaire, ses tournures. Il épuise l'un après l'autre tous les bistrots de la gare (dont les serveurs doivent avoir l'oreille particulièrement fine car, enfin, il fait réellement des progrès.) Arrive LE jour. Gorgé de vitamines, surentraîné, il se précipite hors du train, dévale les marches de la gare, se jette dans le premier établissement ouvert, s'agrippe au comptoir, prend sa respiration, déclare (sans une pointe d'accent) - Garçon, un jambon beurre et une bière ! (un ange passe) - Tiens, Monsieur est Belge ? (il repasse) _ Ah ça une fois alleïe, comment est ce tu avez fais une fois ? - Monsieur est dans une banque .... Désolé. #! rnews 0000000569 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!epflnews!news From: Alexandra Boussalem Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite Date: 22 May 1995 14:51:17 GMT Organization: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Lines: 6 Message-ID: <3pq8d5$9cn@info.epfl.ch> References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> <3ppn9s$br5@info.epfl.ch> <3ppumn$mm@imag.imag.fr> <3pq37a$ma2@info.epfl.ch> <3pq7v0$cg8@imag.imag.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: lmamac26.epfl.ch Malaussene ? Inculte. Alexandra (Expliquez-lui, je lui cause plus ;-) #! rnews 0000001566 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!epita!photon!Alain Gautherot From: Alain Gautherot@epita.fr (Jool) Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Re: cycles 68030 Date: 22 May 1995 17:45:36 GMT Organization: Epita (French engineering school) Lines: 26 Sender: gauthe_a@epita.fr (Jool) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pqik0$k3r@boson.epita.fr> References: <3pcqvs$iu1@news.irisa.fr> <3pq6kl$7bm@cri.ens-lyon.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: photon.epita.fr Function: DSPrider .) X-newsreader: XRN SunLight In article <3pq6kl$7bm@cri.ens-lyon.fr>, ftronel@ens-lyon.fr (Frederic Tronel) writes: -=)> Hello , -=)> Alors, je ne pourrai pas t'expliquer tous les termes car j'en ignore pour certains le sens, mais cela a voir avec le pipeline des instructions. -=)> Ainsi prefetch correspond au fait de decoder l'instruction suivante Non, fetch en anglais signifie aller chercher. Il s'agit en fait d'aller chercher l'instruction suivante (et pas de la decoder) alors que l'instruction courante n'a pas ete totalement executee. -=)> C'est le principe adopte sur les RISC avec par exemple comme sur le Sparc, -=)> 5 niveaux de pipeline avec un avantage, car comme le jeux d'instructions est -=)> plus reduit notamment au niveau des modes d'adressages la tache pour le -=)> concepteur est facilitee. Oui, mais il y a aussi un gain en performances, car ce que tu gagnes en supprimant le microcode, tu le gagnes en memoire cache. Sans compter que tu peux augmenter la cadence du CPU. -=)> Prefetch = prechargement. -=)> Fred -=)> ftronel@ens-lyon.fr Alain gauthe_a@epita.fr #! rnews 0000001644 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!news.sprintlink.net!demon!doc.news.pipex.net!pipex!sunic!sunic.sunet.se!news.uni-c.dk!iesd.auc.dk!news From: chainxor@kom.auc.dk (Henrik Lunardi Weide) Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Re: Games & Graphics Programming Date: 22 May 1995 15:43:02 GMT Organization: Aalborg University - Dep. of Communication Technology Lines: 31 Message-ID: <3pqbe6$4fc@news.iesd.auc.dk> References: <3pno5p$2ps@dux.dundee.ac.uk> Reply-To: chainxor@kom.auc.dk NNTP-Posting-Host: aleko.kom.auc.dk In article <3pno5p$2ps@dux.dundee.ac.uk>, rmccall@mcs.dundee.ac.uk (Rod McCall) writes: > [ Article crossposted from comp.sys.atari.st.tech ] > [ Author was Rod McCall ] > [ Posted on 21 May 1995 15:50:28 GMT ] > > I have decided that once summer arrives I inted to start doing some > serious programming on my Falcon. At present I have (or will have > shortly) Pure C and Devpac 3. I am also considering getting Devpac DSP. > Do the latter two packages come with information on how to program > the graphics & sound system on the Falcon? Also are their any > books that are particularily good at explaining how to program the > ST/Falcon graphics and sound hardware? Yes, try "The ATARI Compendium". It's an American book, written by Scott Saunders. You should be able to get it from System Solutions in the U.K. The book covers all Atari computer models and system calls etc.etc. But there is also the more Falcon(or better)-specific book named "Modern ATARI-System software", I think it's from HiSoft. Hope this helps. :-) Keep Cool and Flying... ChainXOR... #! rnews 0000001930 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!unilim.fr!cict.fr!apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr!brunot From: brunot@apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr (Seb Le Pouet) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Desert Date: 22 May 1995 17:15:34 GMT Lines: 31 Sender: brunot@apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr (brunot) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pqgrm$hve@news.cict.fr> References: <3ppn30$9jp@vanony.loria.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr In article <3ppn30$9jp@vanony.loria.fr>, thiebaut@loria.fr (Eric Thiebaut) writes: > Le dernier, le plus malin, dit alors: Je voudrais boire de l'eau a volonte, avoir plein de nanas et etre riche. > Il se retrouve alors transforme en chiotte dans le plus connu des supers hotels a touriste d'Afrrrrique. Y'a aussi la version drole: Le dernier, le seul noir de l'equipe, dit alors: "Je voudrais etre blanc, avoir de l'eau a profusion et mater des beaux culs toute la journee !" Et la bonne fee le transforme en chiotte.... Seb Le Pouet (Quel je connais mes classiques cui-la !) ------------------------------------------------------- | | | Seb Le Pouet: | | E-mail: brunot@eis.enac.dgac.fr | | URL: http://apollo12.eis.enac.dgac.fr:8001/~brunot | | IRC: slpouet | | | ------------------------------------------------------- "There's no problem so large it can be solved by killing the user off, deleting their files, closing their acount and reporting their REAL earnings to the IRS." Bastard Operator From Hell. #! rnews 0000001154 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!cribx1.u-bordeaux.fr!aliboron!lunardel From: lunardel@emi.u-bordeaux.fr (Julien Lunardelli) Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Re: Quel FPU pour falcon ? Date: 21 May 1995 20:53:00 GMT Organization: DESS Genie Logiciel - Universite Bordeaux I Lines: 19 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3po97c$l8u@serveur.cribx1.u-bordeaux.fr> References: <3pcefj$8fn@serveur.cribx1.u-bordeaux.fr> <3pin38$cnk@boson.epita.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: aliboron.emi.u-bordeaux.fr X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] dcure@ifremer.fr wrote: : De toutes facons, une recompil du kernel ne suffit pas a le faire tourner :sans FPU ;-) Jool/NoWhere (gauthe_a@epita.fr) wrote: : Linux ne fonctionne qu'avec FPU. : L'emulation FPU n'a apparemment jamais ete ecrite. Ok mais il n'y a pas grand chose a patcher dans le bootstrap et dans le kernel pour virer l'utilisation du FPU. Ceci dit, si le FPU ne coute que 200 balles, pourquoi se faire chi*r ? :) Parce qu'avec un kernel sans fpu, il faut tout se recompiler par la suite ... merci pour les reponses :-) -- Julien.Lunardelli@emi.u-bordeaux.fr #! rnews 0000001129 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ensta!ensta.fr!crochemo From: crochemo@ensta.fr (David Crochemore) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Nouveau gouvernement Date: 22 May 1995 16:33:31 GMT Organization: Techniques Avancees, Paris Lines: 16 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pqecr$7n6@ici-paris.ensta.fr> References: <3pi206$o1c@news.irisa.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: cei2.ensta.fr > In article , Jean-Claude.Bellamy@der.edf.fr writes: > > > > Vous avez certainement note qu'il y a un Secretariat d'Etat a la > > "Reconciliation entre les Generations" ou quelque chose d'approchant ! Le pire, c'est que c'est meme pas un secretariat d'Etat, C'EST UN MINISTERE... (Je crois que c'est la "Solidarite" entre les generations...) -- / | / | / |_ _ | __ | Je suis schizophrene et moi aussi / | ) / | \ | |_ | (Thomas Jung) / ) | \ / ) | | | ) |---------------------------------- /_ \_|_ \_/_ \_|_ |_ |____ |___ | crochemo@ensta.fr #! rnews 0000001081 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!nedcu0!sileuba From: Christine.Leuba@sidos.unine.ch Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Le Pen Message-ID: <1995May22.170732.3581@nedcu0> Date: 22 May 95 17:07:32 MET References: <1995May22.092743.14783@news.unige.ch> Organization: University of Neuchatel, Switzerland Lines: 51 In article <1995May22.092743.14783@news.unige.ch>, gander@hei.unige.ch (Gander Wilfred) writes: > Pourquoi JM Le Pen offre-t'il un Mars a tous les Arabes qu'il rencontre ? > > > . > . > . > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Parce-que : "Un Mars et ca repart" !!! > > > Wilfred Gander The Graduate Institute of International Studies IUHEI > --------------- Av. de la Paix 11a, CH-1202 Geneva, Switzerland > Phone : 022/734 89 50 Telefax : 022/733 30 49 > HTTP : http://heiwww.unige.ch/gander/ > RFC-822 : gander@hei.unige.ch > > Alors la, il a interet a avoir des actions dans la branche! Christine #! rnews 0000001553 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!nedcu0!neli00!garnier Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Renseignements divers sur Falcon, Linux, ... Message-ID: <1995May22.160252.1115@neli00> From: garnier@eicn.etna.ch Date: 22 May 95 16:02:52 MET Organization: EICN, Switzerland Lines: 33 Salut … touus ... En tant que futur possesseur d'un Falcon s'interaisant … Linux, quelques questions me viennent … l'esprit : - Pour une personne qui ne connait rien … Unix, est-ce possible d'installer Linux sans trop de problŠmes ??? - Y'a-t-il un bon bouquin pour d‚buter sous Unix en fran‡ais ??? - Quelle doit ˆtre la grandeur de la partition … r‚server … Linux pour une utilisation confortable ??? - XWindos est-il utilisable sur un Falcon avec 4 Mo de RAM ??? - Existe-t-il des logiciels de direct-to-disk dans le domaine publique (et combien de pistes offrent-ils en g‚n‚ral) ??? - J'ai vu des pubs dans ST Magazine pour un Falcon 4 Mo de RAM, disque dur 540 Mo pour environ 6000 FF. Je suppose que c'est ‚videmment sans ‚cran, mais quel est le prix qu'il faut compter pour un ‚cran (un simple ‚cran VGA ??) permettant d'utiliser des bonnes r‚solutions sur le Falcon (pas en monochrome si possible) ??? - Est-ce que quelqu'un sait comment ‡a se passe pour passer la douane, si je vais acheter mon Falcon en France (j'habite en Suisse) ??? Je remercie beaucoup les personnes qui prendront le temps de r‚pondre … ses quelques questions par EMail ou dans les news. Olof (Francis Garnier) francis.garnier@eicn.etna.ch #! rnews 0000000555 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!nedcu0!neli00!garnier Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Concerne message précédent !!! Message-ID: <1995May22.160516.1116@neli00> From: garnier@eicn.etna.ch Date: 22 May 95 16:05:16 MET Organization: EICN, Switzerland Lines: 10 Heu, si vouz trouvez le message précédent un peu bizarre quand au français, c'est normal. Les 'à' (entre autres) se sont perdus pendant le transfert ST -> PC. Désolé (je ne le referai plus, promis) ... Olof (Francis Garnier) francis.garnier@eicn.etna.ch #! rnews 0000001513 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lille1.fr!cict.fr!apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr!brunot From: brunot@apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr (Seb Le Pouet) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: AMIS BELGES Date: 22 May 1995 17:19:08 GMT Lines: 29 Sender: brunot@apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr (brunot) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pqh2c$hve@news.cict.fr> References: <1995May22.130336.3579@nedcu0> NNTP-Posting-Host: apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr Et comment reconnais-t-on un italien dans un magasin de chaussure ? -->C'est le seul qui essaye la vendeuse.... Seb Le Pouet (Quel chat botte cui-la !) ------------------------------------------------------- | | | Seb Le Pouet: | | E-mail: brunot@eis.enac.dgac.fr | | URL: http://apollo12.eis.enac.dgac.fr:8001/~brunot | | IRC: slpouet | | | ------------------------------------------------------- "There's no problem so large it can be solved by killing the user off, deleting their files, closing their acount and reporting their REAL earnings to the IRS." Bastard Operator From Hell. #! rnews 0000001328 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!swrinde!gatech!newsxfer.itd.umich.edu!news.itd.umich.edu!terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu!baldrick From: baldrick@terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu (Dan Ackerman) Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Re: Games & Graphics Programming Date: 22 May 1995 16:26:40 GMT Organization: University of Michigan Lines: 18 Message-ID: <3pqe00$fi0@lastactionhero.rs.itd.umich.edu> References: <3pno5p$2ps@dux.dundee.ac.uk> NNTP-Posting-Host: terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu Are you sure these programs (devpac etc) will run on your new oric ? There are several books around that are good for the atari such as the abacus books (if you can find them) however, the best source in my opinion is magazines (new & old) and source code off the net. Generally in my experience most of the atari books aren't set up to learn from, or if they are. They only take you so far then your on your own. Although I must admit that I haven't seen several of the "newer" atari books. I do recommend the Atari Compendium. The ability to only have to look through one book most of the time, is well worth the money when you consider how long it takes to look through all your old books, Magazines and source code. Dan Ackerman aka baldrick@terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu #! rnews 0000000864 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!newsxfer.itd.umich.edu!news.itd.umich.edu!terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu!baldrick From: baldrick@terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu (Dan Ackerman) Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Re: GfA Basic Question: Resource in INLINE ???? Date: 22 May 1995 16:30:02 GMT Organization: University of Michigan Lines: 11 Message-ID: <3pqe6a$fim@lastactionhero.rs.itd.umich.edu> References: <3pnfhs$909@news.xs4all.nl> NNTP-Posting-Host: terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu Keywords: GfA There is a file that shows how to do resouce's inlined. However I just checked and didn't see it in the Gfa section on a.a.u.e. I will try to track it down and put it there. I have it at home so if nothing else I can get it up later this week. Dan Ackerman aka. baldrick@terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu #! rnews 0000001139 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ensta!ensta.fr!crochemo From: crochemo@ensta.fr (David Crochemore) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite Date: 22 May 1995 16:38:40 GMT Organization: Techniques Avancees, Paris Lines: 18 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pqemg$7n6@ici-paris.ensta.fr> References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> <3ppn9s$br5@info.epfl.ch> <3ppumn$mm@imag.imag.fr> <3pq37a$ma2@info.epfl.ch> NNTP-Posting-Host: cei2.ensta.fr In article <3pq37a$ma2@info.epfl.ch>, Alexandra Boussalem writes: > > Ouais, ben, demain si ta voiture ou ton chien ou ta boite au lettre ou > ta mere ou ta mobylette ou ton velo ou ton ordinateur explose, et ben > ce sera pas la faute a Malaussene. > > Alexandra > (Tu vois ce que je veux dire ?) Eh, Alex, ta mere c'est la fee Carabine. -- / | / | / |_ _ | __ | Je suis schizophrene et moi aussi / | ) / | \ | |_ | (Thomas Jung) / ) | \ / ) | | | ) |---------------------------------- /_ \_|_ \_/_ \_|_ |_ |____ |___ | crochemo@ensta.fr #! rnews 0000000587 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!lirmm!lirmm!ruvini From: ruvini@lirmm.fr (Jean-David RUVINI) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Toujours les femmes Date: 22 May 1995 17:16:34 GMT Organization: LIRM Montpellier France Lines: 29 Sender: ruvini@lirmm (Jean-David RUVINI) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pqgti$ouf@lirmm.lirmm.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: larzac.lirmm.fr Elle est peut etre connue mais... chu nouveau: Savez vous pourquoi les femmes malaxent les couilles quand elles sucent? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Pour eviter les grumeaux. JD #! rnews 0000002451 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!news.starnet.net!wupost!news.utdallas.edu!corpgate!crchh327.bnr.ca!newsadm From: Ann Griffith Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.postmodern,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,alt.cyberpunk.movement,misc.writing Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres! Date: 22 May 1995 17:42:21 GMT Organization: BNR Lines: 34 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pqidt$ek5@crchh327.bnr.ca> References: <3p78bb$pql@mercury.kingston.ac.uk> <3p7mk7$a3b@moci.software.rockwell.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: crchm6d1.bnr.ca Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: Nuntius 2.0.3_68K X-XXDate: Mon, 22 May 1995 12:44:19 GMT Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4252 alt.cyberpunk:323 alt.postmodern:200 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:105 alt.cyberpunk.movement:45 misc.writing:1343 >From: sweet Poly, kissingm@stripe.Colorado.EDU >Date: 21 May 1995 15:46:53 GMT >> >What age? What stuff? Goodness! Such contempt... yep, those funky >people of the past, believing all kinds of irrational nonsense... > >Do you believe the myths of your culture? Believe that they describe >fact, or that they provide a workable framework for the nature of reality, >freeing you to cope with the details of living? Agreed and seconded. >>Frou-frou Neanderthal musings? Don't let an anthropologist hear you say >>that- as far as artistic and cultural development of the human race is >>concerned, those paintings are deemed of priceless value. > >Nah. I think they suck. I mean, look at them: they're painted in blood >and junk, and in *caves*! What the hell kind of art can you expect from >out of a cave? And what lousy subject matter, too. No portraits, or >landscapes, or nude studies, or anything interesting, really -- just a >bunch of animals that became extinct. Losers. My 7 year old niece could do >better... If you read r.a.b. the day I posted, Senor Samsel mispelled the word 'frou-frou' elsewhere and it was determined whimsy on my part to work the word into my posting. Some of those Neanderthal paintings have such elegant lines and coloring, a Picasso or Toulouse-Lautrec couldn't match them. They are simply peerless. It's interesting to speculate as to what thoughts lay behind the cave paintings, but this was an oral culture and is presently lost to us. Ann #! rnews 0000000600 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!julienas!news2.EUnet.fr!ceph.cephb.fr!gervy From: gervy@ceph.cephb.fr (Gervy Patricia) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Pets Date: 22 May 1995 17:32:43 +0200 Organization: Fondation J. Dausset - CEPH Lines: 15 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pqaqr$dp8@ceph.cephb.fr> References: <61406.149773170@techlink.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: ceph.cephb.fr quelle est la definition d'un pet???? | | | | | | Le pet est un petit vent qui passe entre deux montagnes pour annoncer avec fRRRacas l'arrivee du capitine caca... poetique non.....!! #! rnews 0000000735 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!pipex!sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk!sunews!sgsscsc1!stumilcj From: "Chris J. Mills" Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Spectrum 512 Etal. Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 20:48:45 +0100 Organization: University of Reading, U.K. Lines: 6 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: sgsscsc1.reading.ac.uk Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII I understand that spectrum 512 and photochrome work by trigerring events at the right times for the monitor to display a different colour. Can someone please tell me these monitor timing so that I can investigate how to do this for myself. thanks, Chris. #! rnews 0000001119 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!fdn.fr!gamb.fdn.org!penmen!fm From: fm@penmen.fdn.fr (Francois Micaux) Subject: Re: La tarte aux poireaux X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Organization: Individual - Rennes - France Message-ID: References: <1995May19.092006.1@cjb.unige.ch> Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 22:04:17 GMT Lines: 29 Andreas KNABE (knabe@cjb.unige.ch) wrote: : In article , quointea@esi.fdn.org writes: : > : > C'est un mongolien qui rentre dans une boulangerie et qui demande: : > "- Vous javez des tartes aux poireaux ?" : > Le boulanger lui repond alors: : > "- Non." : > "- Tant pis." dit le mongolien. : > : J'abrege, il y en a 12 pages Merci d'avoir abrege. : > Fredouille. : > : > -- : C'est pas possible, il avait sa boutique a cote d'un asile ? : --Andreas (quivientdesevaderdusien) Et ils ont reussi a sortir de l'asile aussi nombreux que ca ? -- LINUX --==< François Micaux - fm@penmen.fdn.fr >==-- LINUX 52 rue de l'Alma, 35000 Rennes, France - Tel : 99-26-96-15 #! rnews 0000002448 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!biosci!news.alaska.edu!hume.elmer.alaska.edu!FNATT From: FNATT@elmer.alaska.edu (Pirate (Anthony Taylor)) Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.postmodern,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,alt.cyberpunk.movement,misc.writing Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres! Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 10:59:11 UNDEFINED Organization: University of Alaska Computer Network Lines: 36 Message-ID: References: <3p78bb$pql@mercury.kingston.ac.uk> <3p8eit$aua@calliope.wln.com> <3pgp6l$d98@news.uni-c.dk> NNTP-Posting-Host: hume.elmer.alaska.edu X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #1] Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4278 alt.cyberpunk:324 alt.postmodern:202 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:106 alt.cyberpunk.movement:46 misc.writing:1359 In article <3pgp6l$d98@news.uni-c.dk> petersen@fys-hp-1.risoe.dk (Thomas Petersen) writes: >Tshen (tshenkel@rs6a.wln.com) wrote: >> Adrian Preston (te_s343@kingston.ac.uk) wrote: >> : There is no difference between fantasy and science fiction. I certainly can't >> : think of any. >> Now that's out of my system, and I can explain the difference between >> fantasy and science fiction clearly and distinctly. >> Science fiction: Fiction which contains elements that do not currently >> exist, but may sometime in the future. >> Fantasy: Fiction that contains elements that do not currently exist, and >> never will. >Pretty good. You just managed to classify Larry Niven's _Ringworld_ >as fantasy. On the other hand Mervyn Peake's _Gormenghast_ seems to >fit your definition of fantasy, so it goes both ways. I suggest: science fiction is technology-as-magic, and fantasy is magic-as-magic. Science fiction and fantasy have both been described as fiction with setting as a major character. The difference between the two is they type of character. In science fiction, the setting is developed with the knowledge of science. With fantasy, the laws of physics and chemistry are replaced with the laws of magic, and the author gets to make up the laws of magic. Some fantasies have no laws of magic, and most of these suffer internal consistency errors. I hate it when that happens. This isn't a complete definition, but it works for me. - Tony ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I only wish UAF held the same opinions I do. #! rnews 0000002630 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!news.tamu.edu!atheist!subg From: subg@atheist.tamu.edu (SubGenius) Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.postmodern,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,alt.cyberpunk.movement,misc.writing Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres! Followup-To: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.postmodern,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,alt.cyberpunk.movement,misc.writing Date: 22 May 1995 21:55:25 GMT Organization: Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Lines: 40 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pr18d$cg9@news.tamu.edu> References: <3p78bb$pql@mercury.kingston.ac.uk> <3p7mk7$a3b@moci.software.rockwell.com> <3pqidt$ek5@crchh327.bnr.ca> NNTP-Posting-Host: atheist.tamu.edu X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4283 alt.cyberpunk:325 alt.postmodern:203 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:107 alt.cyberpunk.movement:47 misc.writing:1365 Ann Griffith (anng@bnr.ca) wrote: : If you read r.a.b. the day I posted, Senor Samsel mispelled the word : 'frou-frou' elsewhere and it was determined whimsy on my part to : work the word into my posting. Some of those Neanderthal paintings : have such elegant lines and coloring, a Picasso or Toulouse-Lautrec : couldn't match them. They are simply peerless. It's interesting to : speculate as to what thoughts lay behind the cave paintings, but this : was an oral culture and is presently lost to us. +---------------------------------SubG------------------------------------+ Thoughts behind the cave painting? The human need to produce art. Our brutish ancestors, unlearned, unlettered and unferchrissakescouth, pointing and grunting and grinning, beating on each other with chipped stones and poking at each other with pointed sticks, when not poking at the barefoot and preggers wimminfolk at home in the cave or whereever, still took time out from their busy schedule of hunting and gathering to produce art. Modern kids, between stealing their folks' major appliances and consumer electronic products for crack money and blazing away at each other with large calibre firearms and other assorted impliments of destruction, decorate the stone walls of their environment with art. Put a bubleheaded bimbeaux unable to spell its own name on the beach and whenever its not busy prowling for mating rights, it'll build sand sculpture or scrawl simulacra. Oral culturati on Ma Bell's horn given the impliments for recording transactions, numbers or other data will squiggle out scraps of art. U.s.w. Yours etc., SubGenius #! rnews 0000001744 Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cnam!brasil.frmug.fr.net!frmug.fr.net!cygnux!rabateau From: rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net (Olivier Rabateau) Subject: Re: LINUX 68K?? Organization: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS (Paris France) Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 13:03:50 GMT Message-ID: <1995May22.130350.2245@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> Lines: 34 Paris le 21/05/95 à 12h32. Bonjour Ben@Eurocontrol.Fr, dans un message du 05/01/95 adressé à Tous tu disais à propos de «Re: LIMUX 68k ??» : BE>Je crois que 8 Mo est necessaire pour un confort d'utilisation BE>et environ 100 Mo sur le disque dur... mais le falcon reste trop BE>juste au niveau puissance de calcul, il faut mieux avoir une carte BE>acceleratrice, ou un TT... Ben justement, a part le barracuda (trop chère), qu'est-ce qui est bien, et assez simple à installer comme carte en ce moment (Centurbos, etc..)? Sinon, en ce qui concerne le Disque, j'ai installé Linux68K sur une de mes partitions sans devoir, comme c'est indiqué dans la doc d'install, tout repartitionner. J'ai sur mon DD une partition C de 40Mo, une D de 180Mo, une minix (pour MiNT) de 100Mo (partition hda4, ancienne F) et une EXT2 de 200Mo (hda3 ancienne E, disparue du bureau après modification du flag GEM). Et ça roule sans pb! J'ai créé un fichier de 4Mo sur C pour le swap, un petit coup de MKSWAP et SWAPON! J'avais pas envie de tout refaire mes partitions GEM! :-( Salutations de la part d'Olivier Rabateau. rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net Olivier.Rabateau@f210.n320.z2.fidonet.org * OLX 2.1 TD * Hello, I am part number ¦···¦·¦·¦··¦··¦¦ * Origin: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS +331 39949576 +331 39942947 - A Linux BBS #! rnews 0000001744 Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cnam!brasil.frmug.fr.net!frmug.fr.net!cygnux!rabateau From: rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net (Olivier Rabateau) Subject: Vi sous Linux68k Organization: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS (Paris France) Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 13:03:53 GMT Message-ID: <1995May22.130353.2272@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> Lines: 40 Paris le 22/05/95 à 15h06. Bonjour Après avoir récupéré les fichiers * NECESSAIRES* Linux chez toi (merci du crédit DL!! :-)) ), j'ai installé Linux sur une seul partition EXT2. (root et usr). Pour le swap, un fichier de 4Mo sur une partition GEM. Et ça passe sans pb! Mais mon pb est le suivant: lorsque je lance VI pour editer un texte, je suis obligé pour déplacer le curseur d'utiliser les touches JKHL. Que faut-il faire (modifier le TERMCAP ?) pour que les flèches soient actives dans VI! Aussi une autre question: Est-ce bien ttys0 qui représente les port AUX:? Je voulais essayer d'envoyer un TTY sur AUX pour me loger en "externe" (avec minitel ou autre pc). Mais ça ne marche pas. :-( C'est quoi la bonne manip j'ai essayé la config proposée dans le INITTAB, mais niet! Le répose est: /sbin/getty: /dev/ttys0: not a character device Quand au ttyS0, c'est un 'no such device' qui apparait! Help! Salutations de la part d'Olivier Rabateau. +------------------------------------------+ |rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net | |Olivier.Rabateau@f210.n320.z2.fidonet.org | +------------------------------------------+ * OLX 2.1 TD * If this were an actual tagline, it would be funny. * Origin: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS +331 39949576 +331 39942947 - A Linux BBS #! rnews 0000001744 Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cnam!brasil.frmug.fr.net!frmug.fr.net!cygnux!rabateau From: rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net (Olivier Rabateau) Subject: Quel FPU pour falcon ? Organization: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS (Paris France) Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 13:03:50 GMT Message-ID: <1995May22.130350.2230@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> Lines: 38 Paris le 21/05/95 à 12h26. Bonjour Lunardel@Emi.U-Bordeaux.F, dans un message du 05/01/95 adressé à Tous tu disais à propos de «Quel FPU pour falcon ?» : LU>Salut a tous, LU> souhaitant installer linux sur mon falcon sans avoir a tout LU>recompiler systematiquement, je voudrais acheter une FPU. LU>Que faut-il comme FPU ? Un 68882 surement, mais il existe sans doute LU>sous plusieurs formes. Donc, quelle est la reference exacte ? La vitesse du FPU est après les lettre FN sur le 68882. Je te conseilles de prendre donc un 68882FN33, car même si le Falcon fait tourner la FPU à 16 mhz, tu peux booster le 68882 à 32mhz en repiquant la fréquence du quartz de DSP a l'aide d'un simple fil. Si tu le souhaite, je te file une description précise. Je l'ai fait sur mon 68882FN16, et ça passe. Donc pas de problème pour un FN33!! :-) LU>Ensuite, combien ca coute ? Plein pot: 450Frs en général. :-( LU>Et pour finir, si jamais quelqu'un en a deja achete sur Bordeaux, pourrait-i LU>me dire ou ? Je suis sur Paris! Je peux pas t'aider. Salutations de la part d'Olivier Rabateau. rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net Olivier.Rabateau@f210.n320.z2.fidonet.org * OLX 2.1 TD * Press any key to continue or any other key to quit * Origin: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS +331 39949576 +331 39942947 - A Linux BBS #! rnews 0000000945 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!irisa.fr!usenet From: fbruel@irisa.fr (Fabrice) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Mère supérieure Date: 22 May 1995 07:17:27 GMT Organization: IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, FRANCE Lines: 17 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3ppdq7$5uc@news.irisa.fr> References: <3plbna$20lk@usenetw1.news.prodigy.com> Reply-To: fbruel@irisa.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: fregate.irisa.fr In article <3plbna$20lk@usenetw1.news.prodigy.com>, DUFZ27A@prodigy.com (Isabelle Bastien) writes: > De son balcon Mère Supérieure surveille d'un oeil attentif et > bienveillant ses novices faisant leur tour de bicyclette quotidien: > - Allons, allons mes petites un peu de tenue s'il vous plaît, si vous > n'êtes pas sages je remettrai vos selles de vélo ! > Dans le meme genre : -"Ce soir mes soeurs, c'est carottes..." - " AAaaaahhh!!!!!" - "... rapes" - "boffff...." Fabrice #! rnews 0000001887 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!lll-winken.llnl.gov!ames!tulane!news.tulane.edu!rs4.tcs.tulane.edu!szilard From: Stuart Broz Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,misc.writing Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres! Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 19:26:18 -0500 Organization: Tulane University Lines: 18 Message-ID: References: <3p78bb$pql@mercury.kingston.ac.uk> <3p7mk7$a3b@moci.software.rockwell.com> <3pqidt$ek5@crchh327.bnr.ca> <3pr18d$cg9@news.tamu.edu> NNTP-Posting-Host: rs4.tcs.tulane.edu Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII X-Sender: szilard@rs4.tcs.tulane.edu In-Reply-To: <3pr18d$cg9@news.tamu.edu> Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4297 alt.cyberpunk:326 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:108 misc.writing:1391 Just my 2 cents worth, but I always thought that the distinction between sf and fantasy lies not in the surface content, but in the explanations offered for the setting. That wasn't particularly clear. . . what I mean is that mentioning space flight does not necessarily make a book sf nor does the presence of 'magic' necessarily make it fantasy. If the means for space travel is left as a mystery (or is explicitly contradictory to physical laws), the book is fantasy. If magic is really highly-advanced technology that is explained in a manner such that normal physical laws still hold, then the book is science fiction. I suppose it is a distinction between the impossible on the one hand and the possible (or, at least, impossible, but made to appear possible) on the other. BTW, sf need not take place in the future or even have a mention of space-flight, aliens, etc (check out The Difference Engine by Gibson & Sterling). stuart #! rnews 0000001450 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!irisa.fr!usenet From: schauvea@irisa.fr (Stephane Chauveau) Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Re: Disque dur sur Falcon Date: 22 May 1995 07:59:25 GMT Organization: IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, FRANCE Lines: 29 Distribution: fr Message-ID: <3ppg8t$74s@news.irisa.fr> References: <1995May19.204128.20191@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> Reply-To: schauvea@irisa.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: paraffine.irisa.fr In article <1995May19.204128.20191@cygnux.frmug.fr.net>, rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net (Olivier Rabateau) writes: >SC>j'ai installe un disque dur 540Mo IDE interne en 3,5 pouces. C'a rentre just >SC>res juste) mais je >SC>crains un peu >SC>sinon cela marche parfaitement, bien que j'ai eu un peu de mal a refermer mo >SC>lcon (le capot >SC>superieur est legerement bombé et le clavier a quelques centimetres de jeux J'exagere. C'est au maximum 1 ou 2 millimetres de jeux. >HA? Pas moi! Mon capot ferma impec et le clavier est bien calé. > Je n'ai pas du percer les fixations aux bons emplacements. >Attends!!! Il parrait qu'on peut installer les 2 HDs dans le Falcon. Ou ca ??? Ha oui il me reste une zone de 2cm sur 3 derriere le lecteur de disquette !!!! Je vais decouper mon 65Mo en petits cubes. Cela rentrera surement. Ou alors peut etre qu'en l'aplatissant a grand coups de masses .... -- Stephane CHAUVEAU. email: schauvea@irisa.fr #! rnews 0000001360 Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!news.univ-brest.fr!molene!news From: dcure@ifremer.fr (David CURE) Subject: Re: partition minix??? Message-ID: <1995May22.072020.378@molene.ifremer.fr> Sender: news@molene.ifremer.fr Reply-To: dcure@ifremer.fr Organization: Ifremer References: <1995May19.204131.20240@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> Date: Mon, 22 May 95 07:20:20 GMT Lines: 22 In article <1995May19.204131.20240@cygnux.frmug.fr.net>, rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net (Olivier Rabateau) writes: > >Oui! Mais quand on a déja une partition Minix (pour MiNT), peut-on >l'utiliser pour installer Linux (la distrib de Laurent Chemla)? >Ca m'éviterait de reformater mon HD! :-)) >Ma partition Minix fait 100Mo. > Tu peux evidement l'installer en mettant le filesystem root et usr sur la meme partition, ainsi qu'un fichier de swap (la distri prevoit un partition de swap, donc fichier de demarrage a modifier et la creation du fichier bien sur :-) ). David. -- _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ David Cure - Ifremer/Brest - SISMER - BP70 - 29280 PLOUZANE - FRANCE Email : David.Cure@ifremer.fr / Tel : - WWW : http://www.ifremer.fr/sismer/sommaire.htm " Apres avoir vu la lumiere, on ne retourne pas dans les tenebres " #! rnews 0000000614 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!newsmaster From: greus frederic - diic2 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Contrepetrie Date: 22 May 1995 09:24:56 GMT Organization: Universite de Rennes 1, France Lines: 35 Message-ID: <3ppl98$5ei@news.univ-rennes1.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: helios.ifsic.univ-rennes1.fr Essayez donc de trouver cette contrepetrie : Quel bonhomme ce recteur ! Elle est assez facile , Hein !!! S O L U T I O N | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \/ Quel bonheur ce rectum ! ( Lu dans Vidéo 7 il y a quelques années. ) #! rnews 0000001707 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!news.sprintlink.net!demon!news.demon.co.uk!axalotl!usenet From: huge@axalotl.demon.co.uk (huge) Newsgroups: alt.cyberspace,alt.folklore.computers,alt.life.internet,alt.politics.datahighway,alt.society.futures,comp.society.futures,alt.amateur-comp Subject: Re: Future of the net? Date: 22 May 1995 11:03:11 GMT Organization: Magic Thighs, Inc. Lines: 23 Message-ID: <3ppr1f$1kh@axalotl.demon.co.uk> References: <3ph7qg$bqh@itu1.sun.ac.za> Reply-To: huge@axalotl.demon.co.uk NNTP-Posting-Host: axalotl.demon.co.uk Xref: sct.fr alt.cyberspace:323 alt.folklore.computers:399 alt.society.futures:45 comp.society.futures:59 alt.amateur-comp:46 In article <3ph7qg$bqh@itu1.sun.ac.za>, arichfld@cs.sun.ac.za (Antony Richfield) writes: > >Documented fact: I am an economics major. Documented bullshit: Private >business does *everything* cheaper and more efficiently than goverment does. > >I yet have to see private enterprise providing national defence efficiently >or cheaply ... or at all, to any significant degree. On the other hand, I yet have to see Government providing national defence efficiently or cheaply ... or at all, to any significant degree. I do see lots of Governments stealing my money and spending it on things I don't need or want, and in the particular case of the US government (which sadly gets some of my tax pounds through the UK Government) running around the world bullying tiny countries for no good reason. -- Regards, Huge. ------------------------------------------------------------- Hugh J.E. Davies, Computer Consultant, Bedfordshire, England. "The road to Paradise is through Intercourse." #! rnews 0000000660 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!epflnews!news From: Alexandra Boussalem Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite Date: 23 May 1995 06:06:43 GMT Organization: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Lines: 8 Message-ID: <3pru1j$3at@info.epfl.ch> References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> <3ppn9s$br5@info.epfl.ch> <3ppumn$mm@imag.imag.fr> <3pq37a$ma2@info.epfl.ch> <3pqemg$7n6@ici-paris.ensta.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: lmamac26.epfl.ch crochemo@ensta.fr (David Crochemore) wrote: > Eh, Alex, ta mere c'est la fee Carabine. Tiens ben si on "innovait" en creant les "Tagranmere" ? Alexandra #! rnews 0000001179 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!news-rocq.inria.fr!news2.EUnet.fr!marcel.matra-com.fr!news From: vbouttie@matra-com.fr (Vincent Bouttier) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Absurde Date: 23 May 1995 07:07:33 GMT Organization: Matra Communication Lines: 20 Distribution: fr Message-ID: <3ps1jl$402@marcel.matra-com.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.93.11 C'est un etalon (un dada) qui louche depuis longtemps sur une jument (autre dada). Un beau, apres l'entrainement (ce sont des trotteurs), il se decide et l'invite pour le soir. La jument accepte. Le soir, le couple sort, va prendre un cocktail dans un bar chic, puis s'en va diner. L'etalon, qui sent qu'il emballe sec invite alors sa compagne a l'opera. Ils s'installent dans une loge. Passionne par l'opera (la traviata), la jument se penche et crac! la balustrade casse et elle tombe sur les spectateurs installes en bas. L'etalon veut la retenir et crac ! il tombe a son tour. Un des spectateur crie alors: - Eh c'est pas bientot fini de lancer des chevaux ? -- -- Vincent Bouttier (vbouttie@matra-com.fr) News & Web Administrator (a ces heures) Matra Communication (qui n'y est pour rien) #! rnews 0000004163 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!sunic!sunic.sunet.se!news.chalmers.se!dtek.chalmers.se!d8klojo From: d8klojo@dtek.chalmers.se (Johan Klockars) Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Two VDI questions Date: 23 May 1995 07:57:59 GMT Organization: Chalmers University of Technology Lines: 102 Message-ID: <3ps4i7$9sg@nyheter.chalmers.se> NNTP-Posting-Host: varoom.dtek.chalmers.se As one of the very last additions to MGIF before the new release, I intended to implement some limited support for graphics cards. The first of my two questions is only performance related, but the second describes a strange problem I've run into. 1. Device specific formats for 8 bit modes My current routines first translate from the stored byte per pixel format to the normal TT/Falcon bit plane structure. The bitplanes are then reordered to fit the VDI 'standard' definition. Finally the normal VDI transform and blit functions are used. While the above works fine (apart from the problems described later), it's clearly very inefficient on graphics cards, since those are likely to use a byte per pixel format. Going from byte per pixel to bit plane and back again takes quite a lot of time. I will of course include the full operation outline above, for maximum compatibility, but it would be very nice to speed the process up for 'normal' graphics cards. So, does anyone know what the device specific format (MFDB) looks like for such a card in eight bit mode? 2. VDI colour setting problem On my Falcon with TOS 4.01, the short test program below works fine under a 4 bit mode, but not under an 8 bit one. NVDI does not help. The problem is that (physical) colour number 15 is always set to zero! I guess this must be due to some kind of mistake on my part, since I've never seen any other program display this kind of behaviour. I haven't got the slightest idea about what the bug could be, however. A Falcon executable version of the program can be found at my ftp site, rand.thn.htu.se under the name testcol.prg. If anyone wants to compile the test code on a TT, the VgetRGB must be replaced and the handling of 'map' changed. /* The list of include files might need to be changed/extended * for some compilers. * Atari specific functions used are: * VgetRGB (only exists on a Falcon), vq_color, vs_color, * appl_init, graf_handle, v_opnvwk and c_clsvwk */ #include #include #include #include #include /* VDI colour permutation */ int permute[256] = {0, 2, 3, 6, 4, 7, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 12, 15, 13, 1}; /* Test colours */ int colour[20] = {100, 500, 700, 200, 840, 900, 250, 130, 670, 800, 130, 530, 760, 260, 720, 450, 780, 990, 290, 300}; void main(void) { int i; int rgb[3]; int handle; int work_in[11] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2}; int work_out[57]; int junk, colours; long map[256]; appl_init(); handle=graf_handle(&junk, &junk, &junk, &junk); v_opnvwk(work_in, &handle, work_out); if (!handle) { appl_exit(); exit(-1); } colours = work_out[13]; for(i = 16;i < 256;i++) permute[i] = i; for(i = 0;i < 20;i++) { rgb[0] = rgb[1] = rgb[2] = colour[i]; vs_color(handle, permute[i], rgb); } VgetRGB(0, colours, map); printf("Physical colour #: from VgetRGB, from vq_color (original)\n"); printf("Values can be off by +/- 1 due to rounding.\n"); for(i = 0;i < 20;i++) { vq_color(handle, permute[i], 0, rgb); printf("%d: %ld,%ld (%ld)\n", i, map[i] >> 16, (rgb[0] * 255L) / 1000, (colour[i] * 255L) / 1000); } scanf("%d", &junk); v_clsvwk(handle); appl_exit(); } -- Chalmers University | Why are these | e-mail : d8klojo@dtek.chalmers.se of Technology | .signatures | Address: Johan Klockars | so hard to do | Foreningsgatan 32/408 Gothenburg, Sweden | well? | 411 27 Gothenburg, SWEDEN #! rnews 0000001878 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!pc110-110.insa-lyon.fr!SMORDEL From: SMORDEL@cipcinsa.insa-lyon.fr (Sylvain Mordel) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Regime 2 Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 08:31:05 GMT Organization: Centre Informatique du 1er Cycle Lines: 30 Message-ID: References: NNTP-Posting-Host: pc110-110.insa-lyon.fr X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #1] In article PATRICK@tifrvax.tifr.res.in (P Roumanoff) writes: >From: PATRICK@tifrvax.tifr.res.in (P Roumanoff) >Subject: Regime 2 >Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 03:37:23 GMT >C'est un type qui veut faire un regime, alors il va dans un >institut specialise, et se renseigne sur les differents choix >propose. Il y a trois type de regime: > - la premiere possibilite a 500 Frs garanti 500 g en moins > - le deuxieme choix a 1000 Frs garanti 1kg en moins > - le troisieme choix a 2000 Frs garanti 2 kg en moins >le type, qui se mefie un peu, essaye la technique a 500 Frs. >"C'est la premiere porte" lui dit-on. >Il ouvre donc la premiere porte et voit une superbe brune qui >lui dit: si tu m'attrape, tu me baise ! et elle se met a >courir. Le type lui court apres et apres 5km, il l'attrappe... >Content de sa premiere experience, il decide d'essayer le >regime a 1000 Frs. "C'est la deuxieme porte..." >Il ouvre donc la porte et trouve deux Suedoises qui lui disent >(avec un accent suedois), si tu nous attrapent, tu nous baisent... >Et elles se mettent a courir... Apres 20 km il les attrappe... >Il se demande vraiment ce qu'il peut bien y avoir derriere la >troisieme porte, alors il reunit la somme et se rend un troisieme >fois a l'institut. Il ouvre la troisieme porte et voit un grand >noir qui lui dit: "Si je t'attrappe, je TE baise".... >Patrick. #! rnews 0000000804 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!pipex!uknet!strath-cs!newsadmin From: Fraser S Keith Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: GFA question Date: 23 May 1995 08:46:54 GMT Organization: Comp. Sci. Dept., Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland. Lines: 7 Message-ID: <3ps7dv$2of@dunlop.cs.strath.ac.uk> NNTP-Posting-Host: simpson-10.cs.strath.ac.uk Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (X11; I; SunOS 4.1.3_U1 sun4c) X-URL: news:comp.sys.atari.programmer Is there any way to put a autoboot GFA basic file on the disk so that it automatically loads and runs on booting. I know it can be done in STOS by naming the file autoexec.bas . Fraser S Keith #! rnews 0000001069 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!julienas!polytechnique.polytechnique.fr!poly.polytechnique.fr!canon From: canon@poly.polytechnique.fr (Hubert Canon) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Mère supérieure Date: 23 May 1995 08:47:51 GMT Organization: Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France Lines: 14 Message-ID: <3ps7fn$svt@polytechnique.polytechnique.fr> References: <3plbna$20lk@usenetw1.news.prodigy.com> <3ppdq7$5uc@news.irisa.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: poly.polytechnique.fr Encore une connue (c'est la saison) Soeur Marie-Joseph : ma mère, je voudrais etre prostituee. La Mere Superieure : comment ? repetez ma fille, je voudrais etre sure d'avoir bien compris votre propos Soeur Marie-Joseph : je voudrais etre protituee La Mere Superieure : ah, vous me rassurez, j'avais compris protestante. -- ------------------------ Hubert Canon (X93) ------------------------ Email : canon@poly.polytechnique.fr hub@olympe.polytechnique.fr WWW : http://www.polytechnique.fr/poly/~canon/ #! rnews 0000004843 Newsgroups: alt.best.of.internet,alt.cyberspace,alt.folklore.computers,alt.life.internet,alt.politics.datahighway,alt.society.futures,comp.society.futures,news.future Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!spool.mu.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!news.kei.com!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in1.uu.net!fsi-ssd!mikeb From: mikeb@ssd.fsi.com (Mike Bates) Subject: Re: Future of the net? Sender: mikeb@dev1.ssd.fsi.com (Mike Bates) Message-ID: Cc: mikeb In-Reply-To: mfterman@access5.digex.net's message of 21 May 1995 12:15:21 -0400 Date: Mon, 22 May 1995 23:12:53 GMT Reply-To: mikeb@ssd.fsi.com References: <3nhk9h$d5k@netnews.upenn.edu> <3pnoup$ana@access5.digex.net> Organization: FlightSafety-SSD, Tulsa, OK, USA Followup-To: comp.society.futures Lines: 71 Xref: sct.fr alt.cyberspace:324 alt.folklore.computers:408 alt.society.futures:46 comp.society.futures:60 news.future:35 (I have redirected followups to comp.society.futures only.) Thanks to Martin Terman for his very thoughtful article. I can't say I'm happy about the implications. As he points out, the inability to measure and bill connections in terms of distance and duration has shaped the way people use the Internet. If things develop as he suggests, I imagine current Internet users will divide into two classes, based on their level of comfort with metered usage. You see this with cable TV subscribers: some people are enthusiastic users of pay-per-view, others (like myself) won't have a pay-per-view box in the house -- I like my cable bill to be exactly the same each month. I subscribe to a local ISP (Internet Oklahoma) and CompuServe -- both offer a wide range of services for a flat monthly fee. I would be extremely uncomfortable using the WWW if an unknown cost attached itself to each link. (I also don't care for the idea of an itemized list of the connections I make each month. It's one thing to lurk anonymously in a controversial Usenet group like misc.activism.militia out of curiosity; it's another for the phone company to have a record of my visit to a militia-related site on an ATM network.) I certainly would be less likely to connect to overseas sites under a pay-as-you-go scheme. Expect the international character of Internet to wither away if the main conduits of international contact (Usenet and IRC) disappear. This will of course make politicians quite happy. The distributed nature of Usenet means it's not really in any one jurisdiction, and therefore hard to censor or regulate. Another problem in a future without Usenet is that you lose the mechanism by which interesting sites are advertised. While I discover some FTP or WWW sites by surfing the net myself, I am more likely to be stimulated to check out a site by a posting to comp.internet.net-happenings or some other Usenet group I read regularly. Without that kind of information, I'd probably stick to familiar sites. Sites with a desire to generate visitors would probably have to resort to traditional means of advertising (print, radio, TV) to get attention. I suspect that the big online services, which Mr. Terman suggests will fill the void left by Usenet, will take care of those of us who prefer more of a flat-rate approach. With on-line advertising to subsidize costs and a large user base, they would be able to allow users some sense of freedom from metered usage. Perhaps the saddest result of the changes Mr. Terman predicts will be the disappearance of leisure and serendipity from the online world. Imagine a library where you're charged for every minute you're in the building, and charged again for each book you pull off the shelf (95 cents the first minute, 50 cents each additional minute). You would have a powerful incentive to know exactly what books you need, to retrieve them efficiently, and get out of the library as soon as possible. A lazy day of browsing becomes the equivalent of "Supermarket Sweep". Under such pressure, you are unlikely to come across something unexpectedly more interesting or useful than what you were looking for. The easygoing, carefree exploration implied by phrases like "surfing the Internet" and "web browser" will likely not survive the transition to metered usage. One question for Mr. Terman: Under your scenario, what happens to electronic mail, which currently relies on the distributed transmission paradigm on which Usenet depends? -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mike Bates FlightSafety International, Simulation Systems Div. Principal Engineer 2700 North Hemlock Circle Computer Systems Group Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74012 mikeb@ssd.fsi.com 918-251-0500 ext. 597 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #! rnews 0000001295 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!lisihp1.univ-lyon1.fr!fouet From: fouet@lisihp1.univ-lyon1.fr (Jean-Marc FOUET) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Regime 2 Date: 23 May 1995 08:59:58 GMT Organization: ISIDT, Universite Claude Bernard, Lyon 1 Lines: 23 Message-ID: <3ps86e$obh@cismsun.univ-lyon1.fr> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: lisihp1.univ-lyon1.fr In article , SMORDEL@cipcinsa.insa-lyon.fr (Sylvain Mordel) writes: |> In article PATRICK@tifrvax.tifr.res.in (P Roumanoff) writes: (original article deleted) On ne devrait pas laisser les Premiere Annee jouer avec le followup, la largeur debande. En manque d'imagination, je ne trouve qu'une classique: Un cambrioleur avise a l'entree d'un pavillon une pancarte "Attention, peroquet mechant". Avec un haussement d'epaule, il fracture la porte. Alors il entend : "Brutus, attaque!" -- ======================================================= Jean-Marc Fouet Laboratoire d'Ingenierie des Systemes d'Information email : fouet@lisisun.univ-lyon1.fr url : http://www710.univ-lyon1.fr/~fouet ======================================================= #! rnews 0000001327 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-compiegne.fr!etu.univ-compiegne.fr!aupetit From: aupetit@etu.univ-compiegne.fr (Lolo) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Brigiiiiiiiitte Date: 23 May 95 11:05:48 MET Organization: Universite de Technologie de Compiegne Lines: 19 Message-ID: <1995May23.110548.1@etu.univ-compiegne.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: vaxser.si.univ-compiegne.fr C'est un couple d'une quarantaine d'annees. Le mari et la femme sont des fans de Brigitte Bardot. Pour faire une surprise a son mari, la femme decide un jour de se faire tatouer les initiales de leur idole, un "B" sur chaque fesse. Le soir, le mari rentre du travail et trouve sa femme etendue nue, a la fois sur le ventre et sur le lit "Regarde, mon cheri, supriiiiiise... -Ben, c'est qui ce BoB ? Lolo -- \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_ Laurent Aupetit - Universite de Technologie de Compiegne \_ \_ \_ \_ E-mail : laurent.aupetit@mx.univ-compiegne.fr \_ \_ http://www.univ-compiegne.fr/WWW_Root_hn/lolo.html \_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ... le seul qui ne fasse pas de stop quand son helico est bloque par le brouillard... #! rnews 0000000782 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!julienas!news2.EUnet.fr!ceph.cephb.fr!glibert From: glibert@ceph.cephb.fr (Glibert Fabrice) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite Date: 23 May 1995 11:23:08 +0200 Organization: Fondation J. Dausset - CEPH Lines: 8 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3ps9hs$o0v@ceph.cephb.fr> References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> <3ppn9s$br5@info.epfl.ch> <3ppumn$mm@imag.imag.fr> <3pq37a$ma2@info.epfl.ch> <3pqemg$7n6@ici-paris.ensta.fr> <3pru1j$3at@info.epfl.ch> NNTP-Posting-Host: ceph.cephb.fr In article <3pru1j$3at@info.epfl.ch>, Alexandra Boussalem writes: |> crochemo@ensta.fr (David Crochemore) wrote: |> |> > Eh, Alex, ta mere c'est la fee Carabine. |> et ta grand mere elle bouffe les ogres... #! rnews 0000001121 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!iacorp!news From: nicolas.germain@iacorp.fr Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite (SANS BLAGUE) Date: Tue, 23 May 95 11:14:28 PDT Organization: IA Corporation SA Lines: 22 Message-ID: <3ps9n3$di8@mc2.iacorp.fr> References: <3pqemg$7n6@ici-paris.ensta.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: wv6.iacorp.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII X-Newsreader: NEWTNews & Chameleon -- TCP/IP for MS Windows from NetManage AVERTISSEMENT : Y'A PAS DE BLAGUE !!! writes: > Alexandra Boussalem writes: > > > > Ouais, ben, demain si ta voiture ou ton chien ou ta boite au lettre ou > > ta mere ou ta mobylette ou ton velo ou ton ordinateur explose, et ben > > ce sera pas la faute a Malaussene. > > > > Alexandra > > (Tu vois ce que je veux dire ?) > > Eh, Alex, ta mere c'est la fee Carabine. ^^^^^^ Sympa ! Bien replique ! En tout c'est a lire *ABSOLUMENT* sans avoir peur de se piquer un fou rire en plein bus ! Quelqu'un a t'il deja lu le dernier ? Ca vaut le coup ??? -- Nicolas #! rnews 0000003216 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!xlink.net!rz.uni-karlsruhe.de!news.uni-ulm.de!news.belwue.de!news.belwue.de!News.Uni-Marburg.DE!news.th-darmstadt.de!fauern!lrz-muenchen.de!informatik.tu-muenchen.de!hphalle7c.informatik.tu-muenchen.de!haslbecs From: Stephan Haslbeck Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Re: MiNT compilation & GCC... Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 11:07:33 +0200 Organization: Technische Universitaet Muenchen (Bavaria) Lines: 57 Distribution: world Message-ID: References: <3pjaek$ojp@sphinx.Gsu.EDU> NNTP-Posting-Host: hphalle7c.informatik.tu-muenchen.de Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII In-Reply-To: <3pjaek$ojp@sphinx.Gsu.EDU> On 19 May 1995, Tommi Pekka Hietavuo wrote: > Hi, Earthlings ;-) ! Hi, Alien! Or what? :) > 68030-optimization seems to reduce the size of MINT.PRG a little, but > otherwise the speed doesn't seem to improve at all. Should this be so? The important parts of MiNT - switching from one process to another, preemptively - are already written in assembler. So the general speed cannot increase so much - but several things like pipes should run faster. > Unfortunately, these compilations don't seem to work 100% reliably, > either.. Some strange things happen that don't happen when using > "official" MiNT compilations. What kind of things are these? I use MH-MiNT1.12h2 without restrictions. But I never used an official release - so I don't know what happens there. > I used CGG 2.36 at first, with those results mentioned. Then I tried > version 2.5x - but for some reason, I couldn't make it compile MiNT > without error messages (using same sources as w. 2.36). Anyway, I've > heard that some bug somewhere makes 2.5x compilations useless when using > GEM with MiNT.. =-(. I've been using gcc 2.5.8 till now - and there were no problems. The bug you mention was removed, I think. There can be problems using older versions than 2.5.8. > So, what should I expect from GCC 2.63? Is it even more impossible to > configure (for inexperienced C-user) - and is there any point in using it > to compile MiNT, anyway (greater speed, more compact code, ...) ?? Don't expect any miracles :-). There may be a slight increase in speed and more compact code length - but I don't think the improvements are so big that you get 10% less code and 10% more speed. But IMHO you should use the newest thing you can get. I want to install 2.6.3 some time - I already looked how much space I need, and I didn't find any huge difference between 2.5.8 and 2.6.3, only a few regarding the port (e.g. where libraries are searched and under which name). Ciao, Stephan ----------------------------------------------------------- Stephan Haslbeck Student of Computer Science, Technical University of Munich std mail: Agricolastr. 61, D-80686 Muenchen email: haslbecs@informatik.tu-muenchen.de ----------------------------------------------------------- Es gibt keine Probleme, nur Loesungen. ----------------------------------------------------------- #! rnews 0000001277 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ensta!cedre8.ensta.fr!crochemo From: crochemo@ensta.fr (David Crochemore) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite Date: 23 May 1995 10:14:51 GMT Organization: Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees (ENSTA), Paris Lines: 20 Sender: crochemo@cedre8.ensta.fr (David Crochemore) Message-ID: <3pscir$87j@ici-paris.ensta.fr> References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> <3ppn9s$br5@info.epfl.ch> <3ppumn$mm@imag.imag.fr> <3pq37a$ma2@info.epfl.ch> <3pqemg$7n6@ici-paris.ensta.fr> <3pru1j$3at@info.epfl.ch> NNTP-Posting-Host: cedre8.ensta.fr In article <3pru1j$3at@info.epfl.ch>, Alexandra Boussalem writes: |> crochemo@ensta.fr (David Crochemore) wrote: |> |> > Eh, Alex, ta mere c'est la fee Carabine. |> |> Tiens ben si on "innovait" en creant les "Tagranmere" ? |> |> Alexandra |> Tagranmere, elle a tellement eu de liftings, qu'elle a le trou du c.. au niveau des omoplates. -- / | / | / |_ _ | __ | Je suis schizophrene et moi aussi / | ) / | \ | |_ | (Thomas Jung) / ) | \ / ) | | | ) |---------------------------------- /_ \_|_ \_/_ \_|_ |_ |____ |___ | crochemo@ensta.fr #! rnews 0000001423 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ensta!cedre8.ensta.fr!crochemo From: crochemo@ensta.fr (David Crochemore) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite (SANS BLAGUE) Date: 23 May 1995 10:23:05 GMT Organization: Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees (ENSTA), Paris Lines: 28 Sender: crochemo@cedre8.ensta.fr (David Crochemore) Message-ID: <3psd29$87j@ici-paris.ensta.fr> References: <3pqemg$7n6@ici-paris.ensta.fr> <3ps9n3$di8@mc2.iacorp.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: cedre8.ensta.fr In article <3ps9n3$di8@mc2.iacorp.fr>, nicolas.germain@iacorp.fr writes: |> > Eh, Alex, ta mere c'est la fee Carabine. |> |> ^^^^^^ Sympa ! Bien replique ! |> En tout c'est a lire *ABSOLUMENT* sans avoir peur de se piquer |> un fou rire en plein bus ! |> |> Quelqu'un a t'il deja lu le dernier ? Ca vaut le coup ??? |> |> -- Nicolas Ma mere, elle est en train de le lire. Et une petite blague pour la route : C'est l'histoire d'une fille qui tirait le diable par la queue. Un jour, elle se demande : "Pourquoi seulement le diable ?" Et elle est devenue tres riche... -- / | / | / |_ _ | __ | Je suis schizophrene et moi aussi / | ) / | \ | |_ | (Thomas Jung) / ) | \ / ) | | | ) |---------------------------------- /_ \_|_ \_/_ \_|_ |_ |____ |___ | crochemo@ensta.fr #! rnews 0000001067 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!julienas!madiran.icdc.fr!julia.icdc.fr!julia!jean From: jean@katia.icdc.fr (Jean-Denis Gorin) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Re : concours Date: 23 May 1995 10:11:28 GMT Organization: Informatique CDC - Dabfi 3 Lines: 22 Distribution: world Message-ID: References: <3ot6ar$66o@news.irisa.fr> <3p2cvd$qp3@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3pcl94$h23@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3ppq5c$902@arcturus.ciril.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: katia.icdc.fr In-reply-to: Sebastien.Bacquart@scinfo.u-nancy.fr's message of 22 May 1995 10:48:12 GMT In article <3ppq5c$902@arcturus.ciril.fr> Sebastien.Bacquart@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Sebastien Bacquart) writes: : Et pour faire plaisir a Snoopy une contrepetrie Belge : : Il fait beau et chaud. J'en ai une aussi : Il fait chaud et beau. hehehe j'en ai une autre, toujours belge, mais bien plus complexe (elle est double) "Il fait chaud et beau, papa." => "Il fait pas beau et pas chaud." Heu... Desole ! -- Jean-Denis Gorin #! rnews 0000001466 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!auzanne From: Cedric.Auzanne@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Cedric Auzanne) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Devinette Date: 23 May 1995 10:28:55 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 21 Message-ID: <3psdd7$qe0@arcturus.ciril.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: castor.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Jean-marie et Mohamed sont dans un bateau. Mohamed tombe a l'eau. Qui l'a pousse ? Je sais qu'elle est tres difficile, mais quoi, un peu de courage. ________________________________________________________________________________ // / // // Ni-Nits / // // / " Tant va la cruche // // ESIAL / a l'eau, qu'a la // // Ecole Superieure d'Informatique et Applications / fin elle se mouille // // de Lorraine / // // / // // e-mail : auzanne@scinfo.u-nancy.fr / // //____________________________________________________/_______________________// #! rnews 0000000768 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!grenet.fr!fiju From: fiju@grenet.fr (SIDEWINDER alias Stephane PEREZ) Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Re: LIMUX 68k ?? Date: 23 May 1995 11:10:51 GMT Organization: C.I.C.G. , Grenoble Lines: 17 Message-ID: <3psfrr$iec@cicg-communication.grenet.fr> References: <3pfktk$h9t@cicg-communication.grenet.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: cicg-calcul2.grenet.fr X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8] SIDEWINDER alias Stephane PEREZ (fiju@grenet.fr) wrote: : Bonjour, j'aimerai savoir quelle est la configuration necessaire : pour installer linux sur un atari: : au niveau de la ram, du disque dur.... : J'aimerai egalement connaitre les versions qu'il existe. : MErci d'avance.. : Stephane PEREZ #! rnews 0000001079 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!pasteur.fr!pasteur.fr!sbeaud From: sbeaud@pasteur.fr () Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: achat voiture Date: 23 May 1995 11:20:53 GMT Organization: Institut Pasteur Lines: 20 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3psgel$s7a@montespan.pasteur.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: sbeaud@mendel.sis.pasteur.fr Keywords: nudite c'est un homme qui entre chez un concessionaire lambda pour y acheter une voiture d'occasion. Apres avoir entendu le baratin du vendeur, il demande a essayer cette voiture. Pas de problemes, je vous laisse les cles..... L'homme prend l'autoroute...vitesse : 50 puis 100 puis 150... il depasse les 170 km/h quand les flics en motos le rattrape, le font ralentir puis s'arreter. B'jour monsieur, vos papiers SVP dit le flic en se penchant vers la portiere. Et c'est la oh horreur qu'il s'appercoit que l'homme au volant est nu comme un ver. Puis je savoir svp, la raison de cette nudite dans votre vehicule. Ben voila repond le type, le concessionaire ma dit : Faite attention car a partir de 150, elle commence a sucer... Sylvie #! rnews 0000000808 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!nippur.irb.hr!andrastea!sdzubur From: sdzubur@andrastea.phy.hr (Sead Dzubur) Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Wanted HH guide to BIOS Date: 23 May 1995 11:31:05 GMT Organization: Ruder Boskovic Inst., Zagreb, CROATIA Lines: 7 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3psh1p$c1e@nippur.irb.hr> NNTP-Posting-Host: andrastea.phy.hr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Could someone please mail me the Hitchhiker's guide to BIOS text file, I seem to have lost mine somewhere. Or, if it is possible to find it on ftp, please mail me the adress. Thanx Sead #! rnews 0000001374 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cnam!brasil.frmug.fr.net!laurent From: laurent@brasil.frmug.fr.net (Laurent Chemla) Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Re: Vi sous Linux68k Date: 23 May 1995 11:23:32 GMT Organization: Brainstorm, Paris, France Lines: 21 Distribution: france Message-ID: <3psgjk$8fa@brasil.frmug.fr.net> References: <1995May22.130353.2272@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> Reply-To: chemla@cnam.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: brasil.frmug.fr.net X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Olivier Rabateau (rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net) wrote: : lorsque je lance VI pour editer un texte, je suis obligé pour déplacer : le curseur d'utiliser les touches JKHL. Que faut-il faire (modifier le : TERMCAP ?) pour que les flèches soient actives dans VI! Je sais pas, j'aime pas vi (désolé), mais les fleches marchent bien sous joe :-) : Aussi une autre question: : Est-ce bien ttys0 qui représente les port AUX:? Je voulais essayer : d'envoyer un TTY sur AUX pour me loger en "externe" (avec minitel ou : autre pc). Mais ça ne marche pas. :-( C'est quoi la bonne manip C'est normal, la gestion du port série Falcon n'existe pas. Voir à ce sujet les quelques discussions dans les groupes allemands. Personne ne s'en occupe, tout le monde gueule. -- Laurent Chemla : chemla@cnam.cnam.fr or laurent@brasil.frmug.fr.net Brasil BBS - +33 1 44 67 08 44 - Atari France developpers support #! rnews 0000001453 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!jantzen From: Stephane.Jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Stephane Jantzen) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Re : concours Date: 23 May 1995 12:40:38 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 17 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3psl46$6f1@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: <3ot6ar$66o@news.irisa.fr> <3p2cvd$qp3@arcturus.ciril.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: castor.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] : Fabrice (fbruel@irisa.fr) wrote: : : PS : je pense que je suis bien parti pour remporter le concours de blagues nulles... Y'a encore du boulot les gars ! Pour atteindre les sommets de la nullite j'en ai invente une tout seul (avec mes petits doigts boudines): C'est l'histoire d'un chien qui repeint sa voiture. Alors la route fait "paf" et le pinceau reste sous l'echelle. PS : Si ca c'est pas de la blague nulle ! -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephane 'Peekaboo' Jantzen - stephane.jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr - E.S.I.A.L. "Without the pain there'd be no learning _O_ Without the hurting we'd never change" - KaTe Bush |< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #! rnews 0000001356 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!jantzen From: Stephane.Jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Stephane Jantzen) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Re : concours Date: 23 May 1995 12:42:11 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 16 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3psl73$6f1@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: <3ot6ar$66o@news.irisa.fr> <3p2cvd$qp3@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3p6va6$ff@arcturus.ciril.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: castor.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Guillaume Courtens (Guillaume.Courtens@scinfo.u-nancy.fr) wrote: : C'est Dimitri qui fait Math Sup et Spe et qui passe des concours, et : Hop le Miko (is_equal("Dimitri") a l' ESIAL !!! C'est l'histoire d'un Peek on lui dit qu'il y a jamais de redoublement a l'ESIAL et redouble le Peek :O -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephane 'Peekaboo' Jantzen - stephane.jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr - E.S.I.A.L. "Without the pain there'd be no learning _O_ Without the hurting we'd never change" - KaTe Bush |< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #! rnews 0000001185 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!jantzen From: Stephane.Jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Stephane Jantzen) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Re : concours Date: 23 May 1995 12:45:43 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 13 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3psldn$6f1@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: <3ot6ar$66o@news.irisa.fr> <3p2cvd$qp3@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3pcl94$h23@arcturus.ciril.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: castor.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Apres celle-la j'arrete. THE SHORTEST AND NULLEST BELIGAN JOKE IN THE WORLD : C'est l'histoire d'un belge, il est nul. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephane 'Peekaboo' Jantzen - stephane.jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr - E.S.I.A.L. "Without the pain there'd be no learning _O_ Without the hurting we'd never change" - KaTe Bush |< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #! rnews 0000001220 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!jantzen From: Stephane.Jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Stephane Jantzen) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: 50 ans + Date: 23 May 1995 12:49:12 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 16 Message-ID: <3pslk8$6f1@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: castor.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Pflieger Jean-Francois (pfliegej@ERE.UMontreal.CA) wrote: : P.S.: Un petit ange autocollant a celui qui trouvera le nom de : l'auteur-acteur-etc. a qui j'ai emprunte ceci. Castelli ? Desole. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephane 'Peekaboo' Jantzen - stephane.jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr - E.S.I.A.L. "Without the pain there'd be no learning _O_ Without the hurting we'd never change" - KaTe Bush |< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #! rnews 0000001389 Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!news.univ-brest.fr!molene!news From: dcure@ifremer.fr (David CURE) Subject: Re: Vi sous Linux68k Message-ID: <1995May23.065946.13731@molene.ifremer.fr> Sender: news@molene.ifremer.fr Reply-To: dcure@ifremer.fr Organization: Ifremer References: <1995May22.130353.2272@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> Date: Tue, 23 May 95 06:59:46 GMT Lines: 25 In article <1995May22.130353.2272@cygnux.frmug.fr.net>, rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net (Olivier Rabateau) writes: > >Est-ce bien ttys0 qui représente les port AUX:? Je voulais essayer >d'envoyer un TTY sur AUX pour me loger en "externe" (avec minitel ou >autre pc). Mais ça ne marche pas. :-( C'est quoi la bonne manip > >j'ai essayé la config proposée dans le INITTAB, mais niet! >Le répose est: /sbin/getty: /dev/ttys0: not a character device > >Quand au ttyS0, c'est un 'no such device' qui apparait! Le port serie du Falcon n'est pas (pour l'instant ???) supporte par le noyau 0.9pl5. David. -- _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ David Cure - Ifremer/Brest - SISMER - BP70 - 29280 PLOUZANE - FRANCE Email : David.Cure@ifremer.fr / Tel : - WWW : http://www.ifremer.fr/sismer/sommaire.htm " Apres avoir vu la lumiere, on ne retourne pas dans les tenebres " #! rnews 0000001143 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!taloa.unice.fr!samoa.unice.fr!pensa From: pensa@samoa.unice.fr (PENSA Pascal) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Re : concours Date: 23 May 1995 13:19:14 GMT Organization: Palm Beach City, Nice Lines: 16 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3psnci$m0m@taloa.unice.fr> References: <3ot6ar$66o@news.irisa.fr> <3p2cvd$qp3@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3psl46$6f1@arcturus.ciril.fr> Reply-To: pensa@aurora.unice.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: samoa.unice.fr In article <3psl46$6f1@arcturus.ciril.fr>, Stephane.Jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Stephane Jantzen) writes: |> : Fabrice (fbruel@irisa.fr) wrote: |> : : PS : je pense que je suis bien parti pour remporter le concours de blagues nulles... |> |> Y'a encore du boulot les gars ! Pour atteindre les sommets de la nullite j'en ai |> invente une tout seul (avec mes petits doigts boudines): |> |> C'est l'histoire d'un chien qui repeint sa voiture. Alors la route fait "paf" et |> le pinceau reste sous l'echelle. Elle est pas si mal en fait... Tu conaitrais pas un certain Lulu Jantzen ? -- pascal pensa@aurora.unice.fr http://dico.unice.fr/~pensa #! rnews 0000001386 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!news-rocq.inria.fr!news2.EUnet.fr!EU.net!Belgium.EU.net!chaos.kulnet.kuleuven.ac.be!news.sri.ucl.ac.be!lei.ucl.ac.be!dupuis From: dupuis@lei.ucl.ac.be (Pascal A. Dupuis) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: AMIS BELGES Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 10:23:11 Organization: Electricity Department, Catholic University of Louvain (Be) Lines: 15 Distribution: world Message-ID: References: <1995May22.130336.3579@nedcu0> <3pqh2c$hve@news.cict.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <3pqh2c$hve@news.cict.fr> brunot@apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr (Seb Le Pouet) writes: Un flamand et un wallon discutent, attabl‚s devant un verre de bière (une bonne bière de chez nous, que le monde entier nous envie !). Avisant quelque chose de noir au plafond, le flamand s'écrie : "Tiens, t'as vu, un mouche la-bas !" A quoi le wallon répond : "Mais non, c'est une mouche !" Le flamand, le regardant avec des yeux ébahis : "Awel, t'as de bon yeux, toi, une fois hein dis !" Pascal Dupuis /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~ \ | dupuis@lei.ucl.ac.be; dupuis@venus.fsa.ucl.ac.be | | | \____________________________________________________________\_/ | / Pull here for the full .sig or use finger on the second adress / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #! rnews 0000001508 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!ciril.fr!loria.fr!julienas!madiran.icdc.fr!julia.icdc.fr!julia!jean From: jean@katia.icdc.fr (Jean-Denis Gorin) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: La tarte aux poireaux Date: 23 May 1995 13:01:29 GMT Organization: Informatique CDC - Dabfi 3 Lines: 31 Message-ID: References: NNTP-Posting-Host: katia.icdc.fr In-reply-to: quointea@esi.fdn.org's message of Thu, 18 May 1995 10:58:23 GMT In article quointea@esi.fdn.org writes: C'est un mongolien qui rentre dans une boulangerie et qui demande: "- Vous javez des tartes aux poireaux ?" Le boulanger lui repond alors: "- Non." "- Tant pis." dit le mongolien. Le boulanger se decida alors a faire des tartes au poireaux. (NDA: Bonne idee non ?) Et le lendemain donc, un mongolien arrive dans la boulangerie et demande: "- Vous javez des tartes aux poireaux ?" Le boulanger lui repond alors: "- Oui !" "- Ch'est pas bon hein ?" (NDA: Imiter l'accent du mongolien...) Hum, hum, hum... Au nom de tous mes compatriotes Picard, Ch'Ti, je tiens a defendre l'honneur et le gout de la Tarte a la Flammiche (aussi appele tarte aux poireaux), et je demande a l'emetteur de cette blague de substituer "poireaux" en "concombre" pour ainsi correspondre au texte original :) Et Vive la Picardie, le Nord-Pas de Calais et les Flandres ! -- Jean-Denis Gorin #! rnews 0000001013 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!loria.fr!julienas!madiran.icdc.fr!julia.icdc.fr!julia!jean From: jean@katia.icdc.fr (Jean-Denis Gorin) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite Date: 23 May 1995 13:08:13 GMT Organization: Informatique CDC - Dabfi 3 Lines: 17 Distribution: world Message-ID: References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: katia.icdc.fr In-reply-to: jplerda@sahiela.inria.fr's message of 19 May 1995 13:54:01 GMT In article <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> jplerda@sahiela.inria.fr (Jean-Philippe Lerda) writes: comment est la femme parfaite? -> elle nous arrive a la taille,et elle a la tete plate pour pouvoir poser les bieres dessus. Hummm, il lui manque encore 2 qualites ! tracheitomise, pour respirer la bouche pleine ;) les oreilles decollees pour s'y accrocher... PS: Mesdames, je ne crois pas un mot de ce que je viens d'ecrire -- Jean-Denis Gorin #! rnews 0000002474 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!newsfeed.pitt.edu!dsinc!netnews.upenn.edu!gopher.cs.uofs.edu!triangle.cs.uofs.edu!bill From: bill@cs.uofs.edu (Bill Gunshannon) Newsgroups: alt.cyberspace,alt.folklore.computers,alt.life.internet,alt.politics.datahighway,alt.society.futures,comp.society.futures,news.future,alt.amateur-comp,alt.gov.meeting.partdemo Subject: Re: Future of the net? Date: 23 May 1995 13:17:17 GMT Organization: Department of Computing Sciences Lines: 33 Sender: bill@triangle.cs.uofs.edu (Bill Gunshannon) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3psn8u$qnb@gopher.cs.uofs.edu> References: <3nhk9h$d5k@netnews.upenn.edu> <3p83s3$mon@panix3.panix.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: triangle.cs.uofs.edu Xref: sct.fr alt.cyberspace:325 alt.folklore.computers:413 alt.society.futures:47 comp.society.futures:62 news.future:36 alt.amateur-comp:47 In article <3p83s3$mon@panix3.panix.com>, ronda@panix.com (Ronda Hauben) writes: |> Ronda Hauben replying |> |> : In article |> : pp002502@interramp.com (D. Chan) writes: |> |> : I guess I'm still having a hard time believing Big Business can be |> : so altruistic in the face of the Bottom Line. |> |> That's helpful - those opposing government regulation regarding |> extending Net access are claiming that private companies are |> altruistic -- that is their premise and that is a false premise. |> And of course, the government is altruistic?? I am in favor of the complete privatization for simply practical reasons. When the NSFNET/ARPANET was all there was, if an individual could convince the "powers that be" to even allow them to have a connection, it was pro- hibitively expensive. Even most small colleges couldn't afford it. Today, even in the backwoods of NEPA we have a selection of commercial providers. Anyine can get a connection for as little as $10 a month. Of course, the relic of the NSFNET era is still here (PREPNET) and it will only cost you about $3500 to join them, and then they will talk to you about how much it will cost you for a connection. bill -- Bill Gunshannon | de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n. Three wolves bill@cs.uofs.edu | and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. University of Scranton | Scranton, Pennsylvania | #include #! rnews 0000001586 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!osiris.wu-wien.ac.at!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!Belgium.EU.net!chaos.kulnet.kuleuven.ac.be!news.vub.ac.be!is2e!mderie From: mderie@vub.ac.be (DERIE MICHEL) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: encore une blague de M & Mme Date: 23 May 1995 13:18:44 GMT Organization: Brussels Free Universities (VUB/ULB), Belgium Lines: 19 Message-ID: <3psnbk$hn7@rc1.vub.ac.be> NNTP-Posting-Host: is2e.bfu.vub.ac.be. X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] M & Mme Manthafox ont un fils ... Sam :) -- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ || || || Sam Le Pirate (alias Derie Michel) from Free University of Brussels || || || || Home address : 581 av. Brugmann, 1180 Bruxelles, Belgique || || || || Phone Number : 00.32/345.78.38 || || || || A TFL/TDV Member (Asm Coder) || || || ||<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> || "Learn to forget ..." The Doors (My favourite group) || \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ #! rnews 0000000692 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!vitoux From: vitoux@ufr-info-p7.ibp.fr (Pascal Vitoux) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Tamer' Date: 23 May 1995 13:54:10 GMT Organization: Universite PARIS 7 (Denis Diderot) - UFR d'Informatique Lines: 10 Message-ID: <3pspe2$kib@vishnu.jussieu.fr> References: <1995May18.063144.17825@news.unige.ch> NNTP-Posting-Host: amertume.ufr-info-p7.ibp.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Martin Marc (martinm@cui.unige.ch) wrote: > Ta mere, elle offre des twingo a Tonton? > Marc. > MARTINM@cui.unige.ch ta mere elle est si plate qu`on peut la faxer !!! #! rnews 0000000773 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in1.uu.net!news.inhouse.compuserve.com!news.production.compuserve.com!news From: Michel Vanhamme <100422.651@CompuServe.COM> Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer,comp.sys.atari.st,de.comp.sys.st Subject: Wanted : Pure C 1.1 Date: 21 May 1995 14:41:48 GMT Organization: via CompuServe Information Service Lines: 10 Message-ID: <3pnjfc$fev$1@mhade.production.compuserve.com> Xref: sct.fr comp.sys.atari.programmer:116 comp.sys.atari.st:1074 de.comp.sys.st:55 I'm looking for Pure C 1.1, original disks and manual. If you'd like to sell y yours, please email me at 100422.651@compuserve.com Oh, BTW, I live in Belgium, Europe! Thanks, -Michel. -- Michel Vanhamme #! rnews 0000000626 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e1a.megaweb.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!uunet!in1.uu.net!news.inhouse.compuserve.com!news.production.compuserve.com!news From: Michel Vanhamme <100422.651@CompuServe.COM> Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Cherche : Pure C 1.1 Date: 21 May 1995 14:45:08 GMT Organization: via CompuServe Information Service Lines: 8 Message-ID: <3pnjlk$fev$2@mhade.production.compuserve.com> Je cherche Pure C 1.1. Si vous voulez le vendre, ecrivez-moi a l'adresse suivante : 100422.651@compuserve.com (J'habite en Belgique!) Merci d'avance... -- Michel Vanhamme #! rnews 0000000744 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!unilim.fr!cict.fr!menecee!thilly From: thilly@menecee.cert.fr (Kristel Thilly) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: AMIS BELGES Date: 23 May 1995 15:30:40 GMT Organization: CERT Toulouse Dept of Computer Science, FRANCE Lines: 16 Sender: thilly@menecee (Kristel Thilly) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3psv30$4h2@news.cict.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: C'est un chomeur belge qui lit le journal et en premiere page il voit "ON RECHERCHE DEUX FRANCAIS POUR VIOL" Alors le belge se dit: c est toujours les memes qui ont de la chance... -- Kristel THILLY INSA, 205R4, Av. de Rangueil 31077 Toulouse Cedex, France ---------------------------- thilly@cert.fr #! rnews 0000001069 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!uknet!doc.news.pipex.net!pipex!lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk!gmr21 From: gmr21@cus.cam.ac.uk (G.M. Roubin) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite Date: 23 May 1995 14:22:29 GMT Organization: University of Cambridge, England Lines: 15 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3psr35$313@lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk> References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: apus.cus.cam.ac.uk X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Jean-Denis Gorin (jean@katia.icdc.fr) wrote: : In article <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> jplerda@sahiela.inria.fr (Jean-Philippe Lerda) writes: : comment est la femme parfaite? : -> elle nous arrive a la taille,et elle a la tete : plate pour pouvoir poser les bieres dessus. : Hummm, : il lui manque encore 2 qualites ! : tracheitomise, pour respirer la bouche pleine ;) : les oreilles decollees pour s'y accrocher... Je croyais que c'etait : tracheitomise, pour avoir les couilles ventilees. #! rnews 0000000799 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!taloa.unice.fr!pelvoux.cica.fr!genis.cica.fr!kiss From: kiss@genis.cica.fr (Blaise Kiss) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite Date: 23 May 1995 14:44:12 GMT Organization: Eurecom Sophia Antipolis France. Lines: 14 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pssbs$1kv@pelvoux.cica.fr> References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> <3ppn9s$br5@info.epfl.ch> <3ppumn$mm@imag.imag.fr> <3pq37a$ma2@info.epfl.ch> <3pq7v0$cg8@imag.imag.fr> <3pq8d5$9cn@info.epfl.ch> NNTP-Posting-Host: genis.cica.fr In article <3pq8d5$9cn@info.epfl.ch>, Alexandra Boussalem writes: |> Malaussene ? |> |> Inculte. |> |> Alexandra |> (Expliquez-lui, je lui cause plus ;-) Mal aux seins ? Je m'en occupe. Blaise (Masseur en herbe) #! rnews 0000000637 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!loria.fr!scalzola From: scalzola@loria.fr (Marc Scalzolaro) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Mr et mmes Date: 23 May 1995 15:03:28 GMT Organization: CRIN (CNRS) & INRIA Lorraine - Nancy - FRANCE Lines: 7 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pstg0$fft@muller.loria.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: toulois.loria.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-newsreader: xrn 7.01 Je sais c'est peut etre un peu veillot maintenant, mais je cherche des Mr et mmes... Ou est ce que je pourrais trouver un best-of ? Merci -- SM #! rnews 0000001483 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!news-rocq.inria.fr!news2.EUnet.fr!EU.net!uknet!warwick!yama.mcc.ac.uk!cs.man.ac.uk!usenet From: Anthony Jacques Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer,comp.sys.atari.st.tech Subject: (no subject) Date: 23 May 1995 15:12:11 GMT Organization: Dept. of Computer Science, Manchester University. Lines: 19 Message-ID: <3psu0b$fbt@m1.cs.man.ac.uk> NNTP-Posting-Host: n6m.cs.man.ac.uk Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-User: 348 X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (X11; I; SunOS 4.1.2 sun4c) X-URL: news:comp.sys.atari.programmer Xref: sct.fr comp.sys.atari.programmer:117 comp.sys.atari.st.tech:312 I am trying to write a MultiTOS friendly Gem based application (in assembler). I have an event handler that handles dialogues placed in a window, but at the moment it ignores keyboard events. I have got it to detect keyboard events, but where can I get the value of the key that is pressed? What form is it in - ASCII / scancode? Cheers for any help. Anthony (who has NO aes documentation for calls implemented before v3.3) -- __________________________________________________________________________ Anthony Jacques : jacquesa@cs.man.ac.uk WWW : http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~jacquesa/ "..and sheep may go back to eating grass and making methane..." - Llamazap __________________________________________________________________________ #! rnews 0000001199 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!news-rocq.inria.fr!news2.EUnet.fr!EU.net!uknet!warwick!yama.mcc.ac.uk!cs.man.ac.uk!usenet From: Anthony Jacques Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer,comp.sys.atari.st.tech Subject: Re: (no subject) Date: 23 May 1995 15:13:55 GMT Organization: Dept. of Computer Science, Manchester University. Lines: 14 Message-ID: <3psu3j$fbt@m1.cs.man.ac.uk> References: <3psu0b$fbt@m1.cs.man.ac.uk> NNTP-Posting-Host: n6m.cs.man.ac.uk Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit NNTP-Posting-User: 348 X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (X11; I; SunOS 4.1.2 sun4c) X-URL: news:3psu0b$fbt@m1.cs.man.ac.uk Xref: sct.fr comp.sys.atari.programmer:118 comp.sys.atari.st.tech:313 Oops! That was supposed to have the subject 'keyboard events with event_multi()' Never mind... -- __________________________________________________________________________ Anthony Jacques : jacquesa@cs.man.ac.uk WWW : http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~jacquesa/ "..and sheep may go back to eating grass and making methane..." - Llamazap __________________________________________________________________________ #! rnews 0000001154 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!eurolang.fr!usenet From: bouanna@eurolang.fr (cyril.bouanna) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Hugh ! Date: 23 May 1995 15:38:31 GMT Organization: Eurolang 2 rue louis pergaud 94700 Maisons Alfort France. Lines: 20 Message-ID: <3psvhn$43b@polux.eurolang.fr> References: <3ppsq6$mm@imag.imag.fr> Reply-To: bouanna@eurolang.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: butterfly.eurolang.fr > Notre nouveau president (...) > il croise une superbe demoiselle qu'il emballe en quelques secondes... > (il l'a fait avec 52,4 % des francais) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !!! Pour ce qui est des 52,4 % de francais, il a quand meme mis pas mal de secondes a les emballer : 30 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60. Ca en fait 946.080.000, des secondes. J'espere qu'il se l'est emballee plus vite, la thailandaise... - Ch'Bouann. MAAAAN-GEZ DES NEMS !! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cyril Bouanna Eurolang tel: 33-1- 2 rue Louis Pergaud fax: 33-1- 94700 Maisons-Alfort email: bouanna@eurolang.fr FRANCE (PARIS) ---------------------------------------------------------------- #! rnews 0000001293 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!eurolang.fr!usenet From: bouanna@eurolang.fr (cyril.bouanna) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: La pomme et le petit caca Date: 23 May 1995 15:44:35 GMT Organization: Eurolang 2 rue louis pergaud 94700 Maisons Alfort France. Lines: 19 Message-ID: <3psvt3$43b@polux.eurolang.fr> References: <3ppqoe$guv@rc1.vub.ac.be> Reply-To: bouanna@eurolang.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: butterfly.eurolang.fr > C'est l'histoire d'une pomme et d'un petit caca. Ils sont la, dans la nature, > quand tout a coup la pomme se tourne vers la crote et lui dit : > "Non mais, tu t'es deja regardee ? Tu pue, tu es laide, tu ... aaaahhh, tu me > degoutes". A ce moment, une main surgit, prend la pomme et la porte a une > bouche. Et la crotte fait un signe de 'main' a la pomme : "A tout de suite" Tiens ca m'en inspire une variante : C'est l'histoire d'une pomme et d'une petite rose. Ils sont la, dans la campagne, quand tout a coup la pomme se tourne vers la rose et lui dit : "Non mais, tu t'es deja regardee ? T'es toute fletrie, t'es nulle ... aaaahhh, tu me degoutes". A ce moment, 52,4 % des francais surgissent, prennent la pomme et la mettent dans une CX. Et la crotte fait un signe de 'main' a la pomme : "A dans 7 ans". - Ch'bouann. MAAAN-GEZ DES ROSES !! #! rnews 0000001218 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!janczak From: Dimitri.Janczak@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Dimitri Janczak) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Re : concours Date: 23 May 1995 15:52:45 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 14 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pt0cd$omd@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: <3ot6ar$66o@news.irisa.fr> <3p2cvd$qp3@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3pcl94$h23@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3psldn$6f1@arcturus.ciril.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: castor.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Stephane Jantzen (Stephane.Jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr) wrote: : Apres celle-la j'arrete. PRIVATE JOKE MODE ON X = A\; :-) PRIVATE JOKE MODE OFF Bon et pour tout le monde : Ta mere, elle est si grosse qu'elle passe pas sous l'Arche de la defense -- Dimitri Janczak | "J'voudrais pas crever sans savoir si les quatre janczak@scinfo.u-nancy.fr | saisons ne sont vraiment que quatre"(Boris Vian) Ecole Superieure d'Informatique et Applications de Lorraine (E.S.I.A.L.) #! rnews 0000001664 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!netline-fddi.jpl.nasa.gov!nntp-server.caltech.edu!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!newsjunkie.ans.net!Rezonet.net!altitude!usenet From: esenter@cam.org (Eric Senterre) Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Re: Carte Ethernet pour Falcon Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 11:32:14 -500 Organization: Le groupe pétrolier OLCO inc. Lines: 25 Message-ID: <3psv8d$676@Tandem.CAM.ORG> References: <3pamqm$pd6@taloa.unice.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: esenter.hip.cam.org Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-NewsReader: QNews v0.9b4 Beta 15 Apr 1994 Evaluation copy. In article <3pamqm$pd6@taloa.unice.fr> Stfb wrote: > > J'ai une question: > Y a -t-il beaucoup de monde interresse par une carte Ethernet pour > Falcon aux environ de 1700 TTC ? > Si je recois assez de Email, je la sors C promis.... > > Stephane Boyeau. > I.C.I. > > Email: stfb@castor.unice.fr > Moi je serais bien interessé, mais je suis du Canada, et je ne sais pas 1700 TTC font en dollars canadiens! Et est-ce que cette carte pourrait fonctionner avec mon vieux Atari 1040STf ? -- ====================================================================== = Eric Senterre (esenter@cam.org) Tel: (514) 645-6526 ext: 364 = = PC Network Supervisor Fax: (514) 645-5584 = = OLCO Petroleum Group Inc. = = 2561 Georges V, Montreal-East, Quebec, H1L 6J7, Canada = ====================================================================== #! rnews 0000000802 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!uknet!warwick!kinguni!kinguni!not-for-mail From: is_s425@ceres.kingston.ac.uk (Christopher Hutchison) Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www.misc,alt.cyberspace Subject: A CyberBirthdayParty -- trivial but cute Date: 23 May 1995 16:37:24 +0100 Organization: Kingston University, Kingston-upon-Thames. Lines: 11 Message-ID: <3psvfk$ruh@ceres.kingston.ac.uk> NNTP-Posting-Host: ceres.king.ac.uk Xref: sct.fr comp.infosystems.www.misc:1229 alt.cyberspace:326 Hi, world, we're having an online birthday party at the end of this month. Check out our Web page: http://infosys.kingston.ac.uk/Circle/private/bday.html It's not going to change the world, but -- what the heck -- maybe you'll like it Chris #! rnews 0000000557 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!netline-fddi.jpl.nasa.gov!nntp-server.caltech.edu!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e1a.megaweb.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!uunet!news.inhouse.compuserve.com!news.production.compuserve.com!news From: Pierrot HERITIER <100337.2667@CompuServe.COM> Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Humour ? Date: 23 May 1995 11:22:31 GMT Organization: sbb.ch Lines: 5 Message-ID: <3psghn$dle$1@mhadf.production.compuserve.com> Pfff !!!... Drôles de blagues dans ce coin C'est assez nul Pierrot #! rnews 0000000888 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!cri.ens-lyon.fr!news From: Florent Occelli Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Desert Date: 23 May 1995 16:31:16 GMT Organization: Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon Lines: 32 Message-ID: <3pt2kk$9a6@cri.ens-lyon.fr> References: <3ppn30$9jp@vanony.loria.fr> <3pqgrm$hve@news.cict.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: brutus.ens-lyon.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (X11; I; SunOS 5.4 sun4m) X-URL: news:3pqgrm$hve@news.cict.fr Ca me fait penser a une autre : En quoi voudriez vous ertre reincarne apres votre mort ?? Moi, je voudrais etre reincarne en casserole ; vous savez pourquoi ?? Non ?? Parceque comme ca, j'aurai toujours le cul au chaud, le ventre plein et la queue sans la main d'une femme. Ciao F. #! rnews 0000001495 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ensta!cedre6.ensta.fr!crochemo From: crochemo@ensta.fr (David Crochemore) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Hugh ! Date: 23 May 1995 16:47:02 GMT Organization: Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees (ENSTA), Paris Lines: 22 Sender: crochemo@cedre6.ensta.fr (David Crochemore) Message-ID: <3pt3i6$3js@ici-paris.ensta.fr> References: <3ppsq6$mm@imag.imag.fr> <3psvhn$43b@polux.eurolang.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: cedre6.ensta.fr In article <3psvhn$43b@polux.eurolang.fr>, bouanna@eurolang.fr (cyril.bouanna) writes: |> > Notre nouveau president (...) |> > il croise une superbe demoiselle qu'il emballe en quelques secondes... |> > (il l'a fait avec 52,4 % des francais) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |> |> !!! Pour ce qui est des 52,4 % de francais, il a quand meme mis pas mal |> de secondes a les emballer : |> 30 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60. Ca en fait 946.080.000, des secondes. |> J'espere qu'il se l'est emballee plus vite, la thailandaise... |> Oui, mais emballer 15 000 000 d'electeurs en 945.080.000 secondes, ca fait a peine une minute par electeur, je te mets au defi d'emballer, meme une thailandaise, en une minute (sauf si...) -- / | / | / |_ _ | __ | Je suis schizophrene et moi aussi / | ) / | \ | |_ | (Thomas Jung) / ) | \ / ) | | | ) |---------------------------------- /_ \_|_ \_/_ \_|_ |_ |____ |___ | crochemo@ensta.fr #! rnews 0000001366 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ensta!cedre6.ensta.fr!crochemo From: crochemo@ensta.fr (David Crochemore) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: La pomme et le petit caca Date: 23 May 1995 16:49:48 GMT Organization: Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees (ENSTA), Paris Lines: 19 Sender: crochemo@cedre6.ensta.fr (David Crochemore) Message-ID: <3pt3nc$3js@ici-paris.ensta.fr> References: <3ppqoe$guv@rc1.vub.ac.be> <3psvt3$43b@polux.eurolang.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: cedre6.ensta.fr |> Tiens ca m'en inspire une variante : |> |> C'est l'histoire d'une pomme et d'une petite rose. Ils sont la, dans la |> campagne, quand tout a coup la pomme se tourne vers la rose et lui dit : |> "Non mais, tu t'es deja regardee ? T'es toute fletrie, t'es nulle ... aaaahhh, |> tu me degoutes". A ce moment, 52,4 % des francais surgissent, prennent la pomme |> et la mettent dans une CX. Et la crotte fait un signe de 'main' a la pomme : |> "A dans 7 ans". ^^^^^^ -->la rose, non ? je t'en prie... -- / | / | / |_ _ | __ | Je suis schizophrene et moi aussi / | ) / | \ | |_ | (Thomas Jung) / ) | \ / ) | | | ) |---------------------------------- /_ \_|_ \_/_ \_|_ |_ |____ |___ | crochemo@ensta.fr #! rnews 0000001046 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ensta!cedre6.ensta.fr!crochemo From: crochemo@ensta.fr (David Crochemore) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Humour ? Date: 23 May 1995 16:52:03 GMT Organization: Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees (ENSTA), Paris Lines: 15 Sender: crochemo@cedre6.ensta.fr (David Crochemore) Message-ID: <3pt3rj$3js@ici-paris.ensta.fr> References: <3psghn$dle$1@mhadf.production.compuserve.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: cedre6.ensta.fr In article <3psghn$dle$1@mhadf.production.compuserve.com>, Pierrot HERITIER <100337.2667@CompuServe.COM> writes: |> Pfff !!!... |> Drôles de blagues dans ce coin |> C'est assez nul |> |> Pierrot On a dit concours de BLAGUES nulles, pas d'AUTEUR le plus con. -- / | / | / |_ _ | __ | Je suis schizophrene et moi aussi / | ) / | \ | |_ | (Thomas Jung) / ) | \ / ) | | | ) |---------------------------------- /_ \_|_ \_/_ \_|_ |_ |____ |___ | crochemo@ensta.fr #! rnews 0000001823 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!emory!news-feed-1.peachnet.edu!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!freenet3.freenet.ufl.edu!riffer From: riffer@freenet3.freenet.ufl.edu (Jeff Mercer) Newsgroups: alt.cyberspace,alt.folklore.computers,alt.life.internet,alt.politics.datahighway,alt.society.futures,comp.society.futures,news.future,alt.amateur-comp,alt.gov.meeting.partdemo,alt.libertarianism Subject: Re: Future of the net? Date: 23 May 1995 15:58:22 GMT Lines: 18 Message-ID: <3pt0mu$pb@huron.eel.ufl.edu> References: <3ogfio$ln0@news.primenet.com> <799844304snz@isis.demon.co.uk> <3oqr78$t6q@huron.eel.ufl.edu> <1995May16.050357.903@belvedere.sbay.org> Reply-To: riffer@freenet.ufl.edu NNTP-Posting-Host: freenet3.freenet.ufl.edu X-Newsreader: NewsWerthy 1.71 Xref: sct.fr alt.cyberspace:327 alt.folklore.computers:418 alt.society.futures:48 comp.society.futures:66 news.future:37 alt.amateur-comp:48 root@belvedere.sbay.org (David E. Fox) wrote: DEF>Jeff Mercer (riffer@freenet2.freenet.ufl.edu) wrote: DEF>: By Federal law, the US Post Office has the right to fine and even arrest DEF>: those that refuse to use its service. This is not a joke, it's fact. There DEF>: have been many recent cases of such, in fact. DEF>Sounds like a real urban legend. Where's the proof? Where is the US Code DEF>section where this is mentioned? DEF>Forgive me, I'm skeptical about this. Call the U.S. Postoffice and ask 'em. It's not a joke or a legend. It's happened and happened recently. riffer@freenet.ufl.edu : I don't intend to offend, Jeff The Riffer : I just offend with my intent. Drifter... : Beauty's in the beholder's eye, Homo Postmortemus : I just like the ugly side. #! rnews 0000002521 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!emory!news-feed-1.peachnet.edu!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!freenet3.freenet.ufl.edu!riffer From: riffer@freenet3.freenet.ufl.edu (Jeff Mercer) Newsgroups: alt.cyberspace,alt.folklore.computers,alt.life.internet,alt.politics.datahighway,alt.society.futures,comp.society.futures,alt.amateur-comp,alt.gov.meeting.partdemo Subject: Re: Future of the net? Date: 23 May 1995 15:58:25 GMT Lines: 29 Message-ID: <3pt0n1$pd@huron.eel.ufl.edu> References: <3nhk9h$d5k@netnews.upenn.edu> <3p83s3$mon@panix3.panix.com> <3pda6i$m00@universe.digex.net> <3pdnb7$m2v@solutions.solon.com> Reply-To: riffer@freenet.ufl.edu NNTP-Posting-Host: freenet3.freenet.ufl.edu X-Newsreader: NewsWerthy 1.71 Xref: sct.fr alt.cyberspace:328 alt.folklore.computers:419 alt.society.futures:49 comp.society.futures:67 alt.amateur-comp:49 Another point in the arguement against Goverment control of 'net access: Consider the local situation in Alachua County and the price of gasoline. In general, regular unleaded gas (87 octane) hovered around $1.13 - $1.20 depending on what station and where you went. Then the local *goverment* decided to add a tax onto gasoline in this county. Now the average price of the same exact kind of gas, at the same locations, hovers around $1.23 - $1.40 (depending on where you go). Hardly a benefit to *anyone* who buys gas. Not even to the gas stations, who lose money because they can't sell as much gas because the price is too fucking HIGH. Sometimes goverment regulation is necessary. I have no illusions that without any goverment regulations, we'd see a lot more messes like the Jack-In-The-Box fiasco, as well as a lot of scams from the pharmacuetical companies. But those are cases where goverment regulation is in the interest of national Health, the physical well-being of the general public... Not financial transactions, or what some random group of people have decided are vital social services that everyone needs (when in point of fact, the vast majority of people could never learn to use a computer properly if their lives depended on it). riffer@freenet.ufl.edu : "Death and power are close cousins." Jeff The Riffer : "I don't think I like your relatives old man." Drifter... : Homo Postmortemus : #! rnews 0000001111 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!Belgium.EU.net!chaos.kulnet.kuleuven.ac.be!news.sri.ucl.ac.be!lei.ucl.ac.be!dupuis From: dupuis@lei.ucl.ac.be (Pascal A. Dupuis) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: concours Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 18:16:13 Organization: Electricity Department, Catholic University of Louvain (Be) Lines: 10 Distribution: world Message-ID: References: <3ot6ar$66o@news.irisa.fr> <3p2cvd$qp3@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3pcl94$h23@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3psldn$6f1@arcturus.ciril.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: THE SHORTEST JOKE IN THE WORLD : "" Cette blague est de longueur nulle, il s'agit donc de la plus courte blague. Génial, non ? Pascal Dupuis /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~ \ | dupuis@lei.ucl.ac.be; dupuis@venus.fsa.ucl.ac.be | | | \____________________________________________________________\_/ | / Pull here for the full .sig or use finger on the second adress / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #! rnews 0000001350 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!uknet!doc.news.pipex.net!pipex!demon!news.demon.co.uk!powerslv.demon.co.uk!jon From: jon@powerslv.demon.co.uk (Jon Kale) Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st.tech,,comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: eGEM documentation Date: 23 May 1995 18:15:43 +0100 Organization: I Inhaled Lines: 16 Sender: news@news.demon.co.uk Distribution: world Message-ID: <19950523.140724.35@powerslv.demon.co.uk> Reply-To: jon@powerslv.demon.co.uk NNTP-Posting-Host: newnews.demon.co.uk X-Nntp-Posting-Host: powerslv.demon.co.uk X-Newsreader: Archimedes TTFN Version 0.36 Xref: sct.fr comp.sys.atari.st.tech:316 comp.sys.atari.programmer:119 Just a quick request - I just downloaded eGEM 2.1 (Sep. '94 version) and it looks pretty interesting (from my reading of the docs and source) BUT . . . my German is, shall we say, rudimentary (esp. when it comes to the finer points of TOS/GEM/C coding) SO . . . Does anybody have any English docs for the eGEM library, and, if so could they mail them to me or point me at a site where I can get 'em (either ASCII or .hyp) I got eGEM from the (excellent) UMich mirror at Imperial but there was no sign of any EGEM_ENG.LZH or such there. TIA (for time and bandwidth :) -- Cheers __ | /\ |\ | \/ \/ | \| #! rnews 0000001899 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!csn!roper.uwyo.edu!roper.uwyo.edu!nntp Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,misc.writing Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres! Message-ID: <1995May23.105841.11348@roper.uwyo.edu> From: oberon@UWYO.EDU (lick me) Date: 23 May 95 10:58:40 MDT Reply-To: oberon@UWYO.EDU References: <3p78bb$pql@mercury.kingston.ac.uk> <3p7mk7$a3b@moci.software.rockwell.com> <3pqidt$ek5@crchh327.bnr.ca> <3pr18d$cg9@news.tamu.edu>, Distribution: world Organization: University of Wyoming, Laramie Nntp-Posting-Host: plains.uwyo.edu Lines: 24 Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4379 alt.cyberpunk:327 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:109 misc.writing:1476 In article , Stuart Broz writes: > > >BTW, sf need not take place in the future or even have a mention of >space-flight, aliens, etc (check out The Difference Engine by Gibson & >Sterling). > Or West of Eden by that guy who wrote the Stainless Steel Rat Books, I think. Distinguishing between Sci-Fi and Fantasy? How about a definition wherein Sci-fi presents settings, plot devices, characters, etc, which can in some manner be explained and justified by existing or postulated physical laws? Fantasy is everything else. The flavour of the fiction has little to do with it. For instance, I'd call the Star Wars trilogy high fantasy, operating within the dichotomy of base good and evil, with this weird, magical "force" thing infusing the universe with the impossible (and lazer type energy weapons glowing in vacuum, neat trick). An example of pure sci-fi? How about any of Asimov, especially Robots, Foundation, and Empire. Or West o #! rnews 0000001853 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!unilim.fr!cict.fr!apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr!brunot From: brunot@apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr (Seb Le Pouet) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: AMIS BELGES Date: 23 May 1995 18:44:12 GMT Lines: 28 Sender: brunot@apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr (brunot) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3ptads$6fp@news.cict.fr> References: <1995May22.130336.3579@nedcu0> <3pqh2c$hve@news.cict.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr In article , dupuis@lei.ucl.ac.be (Pascal A. Dupuis) writes: > In article <3pqh2c$hve@news.cict.fr> brunot@apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr (Seb Le Pouet) writes: > Un flamand et un wallon discutent, attabl‚s devant un verre de bière (une > bonne bière de chez nous, que le monde entier nous envie !). Avisant quelque [...] Oua l'aut' he !!! J'ai jamais ecrit ca moi !!!!! Seb Le Pouet (Quel revolte cui-la !) ------------------------------------------------------- | | | Seb Le Pouet: | | E-mail: brunot@eis.enac.dgac.fr | | URL: http://apollo12.eis.enac.dgac.fr:8001/~brunot | | IRC: slpouet | | | ------------------------------------------------------- "There's no problem so large it can be solved by killing the user off, deleting their files, closing their acount and reporting their REAL earnings to the IRS." Bastard Operator From Hell. #! rnews 0000001602 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!unilim.fr!cict.fr!apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr!brunot From: brunot@apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr (Seb Le Pouet) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Humour ? Date: 23 May 1995 18:47:27 GMT Lines: 29 Sender: brunot@apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr (brunot) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3ptajv$6fp@news.cict.fr> References: <3psghn$dle$1@mhadf.production.compuserve.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: apollo25.eis.enac.dgac.fr In article <3psghn$dle$1@mhadf.production.compuserve.com>, Pierrot HERITIER <100337.2667@CompuServe.COM> writes: > Pfff !!!... > Drôles de blagues dans ce coin > C'est assez nul > > Pierrot He, he ..... Seb Le Pouet (Quel j'sent deja que j'm'enerve cui-la !) ------------------------------------------------------- | | | Seb Le Pouet: | | E-mail: brunot@eis.enac.dgac.fr | | URL: http://apollo12.eis.enac.dgac.fr:8001/~brunot | | IRC: slpouet | | | ------------------------------------------------------- "There's no problem so large it can be solved by killing the user off, deleting their files, closing their acount and reporting their REAL earnings to the IRS." Bastard Operator From Hell. #! rnews 0000000998 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!chsun!ferreira.dial.eunet.ch!user From: FERREIRA@DIAL.EUNET.CH (MIGUEL FERREIRA) Subject: Re: Blague Ecossaise Message-ID: Sender: usenet@eunet.ch Organization: HOME SWEET HOME... X-Newsreader: Value-Added NewsWatcher 2.0b24.0+ References: <3pi3eu$n6v@news.cict.fr> Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 18:15:33 GMT Lines: 17 In article <3pi3eu$n6v@news.cict.fr>, herve.moinet@avions.aerospatiale.fr wrote: > JOSE MIGUEL FERREIRA (FERREIRA@DIAL.EUNET.CH) wrote: > : > : Combien d'oiseaux tiennent sous un kilt d'ecossais ? > : ca depend de la taille de la branche... > > [destroy] > > Derniere nouvelle: En Ecosse, un taxi est tombe ce matin dans un > lac apres avoir rate un virage. Bilan, 47 morts. > > > HERVE heeeuuu....47 oiseaux morts ? Der Nachtmann #! rnews 0000003216 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!gatech!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!boulder!stripe.Colorado.EDU!kissingm From: kissingm@stripe.Colorado.EDU (sweet Poly) Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.postmodern,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,alt.cyberpunk.movement,misc.writing Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres! Date: 23 May 1995 18:54:35 GMT Organization: University of Colorado, Boulder Lines: 54 Message-ID: <3ptb1b$1dv@CUBoulder.Colorado.EDU> References: <3p78bb$pql@mercury.kingston.ac.uk> <3p7mk7$a3b@moci.software.rockwell.com> <3pqidt$ek5@crchh327.bnr.ca> NNTP-Posting-Host: stripe.colorado.edu Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4393 alt.cyberpunk:328 alt.postmodern:207 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:110 alt.cyberpunk.movement:48 misc.writing:1484 In article <3pqidt$ek5@crchh327.bnr.ca>, Ann Griffith wrote: >>From: sweet Poly, kissingm@stripe.Colorado.EDU >>Date: 21 May 1995 15:46:53 GMT >>Do you believe the myths of your culture? Believe that they describe >>fact, or that they provide a workable framework for the nature of reality, >>freeing you to cope with the details of living? > >Agreed and seconded. > >>>Frou-frou Neanderthal musings? Don't let an anthropologist hear you say >>>that- as far as artistic and cultural development of the human race is >>>concerned, those paintings are deemed of priceless value. >> >>Nah. I think they suck. I mean, look at them: they're painted in blood >>and junk, and in *caves*! What the hell kind of art can you expect from >>out of a cave? And what lousy subject matter, too. No portraits, or >>landscapes, or nude studies, or anything interesting, really -- just a >>bunch of animals that became extinct. Losers. My 7 year old niece could do >>better... > >If you read r.a.b. the day I posted, Senor Samsel mispelled the word >'frou-frou' elsewhere and it was determined whimsy on my part to >work the word into my posting. Some of those Neanderthal paintings >have such elegant lines and coloring, a Picasso or Toulouse-Lautrec >couldn't match them. They are simply peerless. It's interesting to >speculate as to what thoughts lay behind the cave paintings, but this >was an oral culture and is presently lost to us. Well, I didn't read r.a.b. that day, but I can appreciate your impulse: "frou-frou" is not an easy word to use in one's day-to-day, but it's almost irrisistable to try. @:) Of course the cave paintings are among the most priceless works of art in humanity's collection. I couldn't resist the troll above, is all. @:) I recently skimmed an article in 'Science' magazine which described how it had been determined that some of the pigments used in creating the paintings were in fact made of blood -- of bison or whatever, which lived far far away from the paintings. I think they were a little more than just pretty grafitti... I am not sure if the thoughts of those ancient peoples would be recognizable to us, even if they *had* left a written language. I don't think they were 'conscious' in the same way we are now. T---A C---G A-T C T-A Sweet Poly C---G C---G Intelligence is a lethal mutation #! rnews 0000001537 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!jantzen From: Stephane.Jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Stephane Jantzen) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: La norme la plus connue reste Windows ! Date: 23 May 1995 19:16:50 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 21 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3ptcb2$2g8@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: <3p2hn8$1fi@serveur.cribx1.u-bordeaux.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: castor.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Olivier Grange-Labat (minfo002@univ-pau.fr) wrote: : sa mere c'est lui. : -- olivier. Donc : La mere de sa mere c'est lui. La mere de la mere de sa mere c'est lui. La mere de la mere de la mere de sa mere c'est lui. La mere de la mere de la mere de la mere de sa mere c'est lui. La mere de la mere de la mere de la mere de la mere de sa mere c'est lui. La mere de la mere de la mere de la mere de la mere de la$%#^%$@$#^%#$^GYTYc57 segmentation fault. core dumped. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stephane 'Peekaboo' Jantzen - stephane.jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr - E.S.I.A.L. "Without the pain there'd be no learning _O_ Without the hurting we'd never change" - KaTe Bush |< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #! rnews 0000000735 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!news.emn.fr!sun6!raillard From: raillard@sun6emn.fr (for-in-94) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Re : concours Date: 23 May 1995 11:00:01 GMT Organization: Ecole des Mines de Nantes Lines: 10 Sender: raillard@sun6 (for-in-94) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3psf7h$dce@caro.dsic.emn.fr> References: <3ot6ar$66o@news.irisa.fr> <3p2cvd$qp3@arcturus.ciril.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: sun6.eleve.emn.fr Ah ben c'est du propre, ce qu'ils font a Informatique CDC. Quand j'y etais, ils bossaient... Et en plus ils se balladent sur des news vahcment intellectuels ! Oh les beaux financiers de DABFI3. Gars GEO raillard@eleve.emn.fr #! rnews 0000001567 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!uknet!warwick!news.herts.ac.uk!sirius.herts.ac.uk!snuggy From: snuggy@herts.ac.uk (Alex Nicholls) Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st.tech,comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Re: eGEM documentation Followup-To: comp.sys.atari.st.tech,comp.sys.atari.programmer Date: 23 May 1995 19:27:45 GMT Organization: University of Hertfordshire Lines: 20 Distribution: world Message-ID: <42332fc237be@sirius.herts.ac.uk> References: <19950523.140724.35@powerslv.demon.co.uk> NNTP-Posting-Host: sirius.herts.ac.uk X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Xref: sct.fr comp.sys.atari.st.tech:322 comp.sys.atari.programmer:120 Jon Kale (jon@powerslv.demon.co.uk) wrote: : Just a quick request - I just downloaded eGEM 2.1 (Sep. '94 version) and it : looks pretty interesting (from my reading of the docs and source) BUT . . . : my German is, shall we say, rudimentary (esp. when it comes to the finer : points of TOS/GEM/C coding) SO . . . Try EGEM 2.2 ... its a tad better ;) but still with german documentation I'm afraid... : Does anybody have any English docs for the eGEM library, and, if so could :they : mail them to me or point me at a site where I can get 'em (either ASCII or : .hyp) I got eGEM from the (excellent) UMich mirror at Imperial but there was : no sign of any EGEM_ENG.LZH or such there. Get ruftrade (from the same place..) - its one of the best german to english traslators that will give u more of an idea how it works.. Alex Nicholls A.I.Nicholls@herts.ac.uk #! rnews 0000001300 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!francenet.fr!ppp14.micronet.fr!user From: fgrieu@micronet.fr (Francois Grieu) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: histoire de N'Golo Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 22:04:55 +0200 Organization: Francenet -- Paris, France Lines: 33 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: ppp14.micronet.fr 20h30: c'est la grande post-finale-spectacle des chiffres et des lettres, le lauréat contre les personalités du showbizz. Suspense... Laffont: Les lettres. Johnny ? vous permettez que je vous appelle Johnny ? Johnny : Voyelle. (son manager l'a brieffé avant l'émission) Laffont: O O N'Golo : Voyelle. Laffont: U OU Johnny : Voyelle. Laffont: I OUI N'Golo : Consonne. Johnny : A que j'ouvre ! Quoi, quoi, queskia ? Elle est pas drôle ? Ah c'est pas une histoire de N'Golo ? Et vous vouliez une histoire de N'Golo ? Bon bon... C'est N'Golo et son cousin qui sont sur la rive du fleuve Zambèze et soulagent consciencieusement leur vessie. Cousin : Elle est froide. N'Golo : Et profonde. [ceux qui rient après Zambèze ont le sens de l'humour particulièrement développé] -- Francois Grieu la vie est un dechirement email:fgrieu@micronet.fr entre le reve et le possible #! rnews 0000000868 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!news.emn.fr!sun6!raillard From: raillard@sun6emn.fr (for-in-94) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: femme parfaite Date: 23 May 1995 13:52:59 GMT Organization: Ecole des Mines de Nantes Lines: 17 Sender: raillard@sun6 (for-in-94) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pspbr$dji@caro.dsic.emn.fr> References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: sun6.eleve.emn.fr comment est la femme parfaite? -> elle nous arrive a la taille,et elle a la tete plate pour pouvoir poser les bieres dessus. Hummm, il lui manque encore 2 qualites ! tracheitomise, pour respirer la bouche pleine ;) les oreilles decollees pour s'y accrocher... Ben alors pourquoi tu l'as ecrit? Pour nous faire rire ? Desole, c'est rate. Gars GEO raillard@eleve.emn.fr #! rnews 0000000606 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!fdn.fr!med.univ-tours.fr!univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!news.emn.fr!sun6!raillard From: raillard@sun6emn.fr (for-in-94) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: encore une blague de M & Mme Date: 23 May 1995 14:02:41 GMT Organization: Ecole des Mines de Nantes Lines: 9 Sender: raillard@sun6 (for-in-94) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pspu1$dl0@caro.dsic.emn.fr> References: <3psnbk$hn7@rc1.vub.ac.be> NNTP-Posting-Host: sun6.eleve.emn.fr Hummmmmmmm ! Une excellente blague belge... Pour sur, on comprend pourquoi on dit "une histoire belge"... Gars GEO, Nantes #! rnews 0000000653 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!news.emn.fr!sun6!raillard From: raillard@sun6emn.fr (for-in-94) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Tamer' Date: 23 May 1995 14:04:05 GMT Organization: Ecole des Mines de Nantes Lines: 7 Sender: raillard@sun6 (for-in-94) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3psq0l$dl0@caro.dsic.emn.fr> References: <1995May18.063144.17825@news.unige.ch> <3pspe2$kib@vishnu.jussieu.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: sun6.eleve.emn.fr OSONS REFAIRE TRENTE MILLE FOIS LES MEMES VANNES POURRIES. TA MERE ELLE EST SI PLATE QU'ON PEUT LA FAXER... ET TOI, T'ES SI LOURD QUE TU PEUX PAS LIRE LES ANCIENNES ? Gars GEO #! rnews 0000000616 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!news.emn.fr!sun6!raillard From: raillard@sun6emn.fr (for-in-94) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Mr et mmes Date: 23 May 1995 15:48:22 GMT Organization: Ecole des Mines de Nantes Lines: 12 Sender: raillard@sun6 (for-in-94) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pt046$don@caro.dsic.emn.fr> References: <3pstg0$fft@muller.loria.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: sun6.eleve.emn.fr Il existe deja 2 tomes de bouquins qui s'appellent Mr et Mme ont un fils C'est ecrit par A. NONYME Je ne me rapelle plus de l'edition. Gars GEO Nantes raillard@eleve.emn.fr #! rnews 0000001996 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!courtens From: Guillaume.Courtens@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Guillaume Courtens) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: La tarte aux poireaux Date: 23 May 1995 21:13:55 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 27 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3ptj6j$4tg@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: pollux.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article , jean@katia.icdc.fr (Jean-Denis Gorin) writes: << Au nom de tous mes compatriotes Picard, Ch'Ti, je tiens a defendre l'honneur et le gout de la Tarte a la Flammiche (aussi appele tarte aux poireaux), et je demande a l'emetteur de cette blague de substituer "poireaux" en "concombre" pour ainsi correspondre au texte original :) ^^^^^^^^^ | > Et Vive la Picardie, le Nord-Pas de Calais et les Flandres ! | | Alors la, je proteste !!! Je suis d'accord pour defendre l'honneur et les traditions du Pas-De-Calais , mais il ne faut pas pour autant insulter les Concombres, cher ami !!! Au fait, vous savez pourquoi on voit beaucoup de noirs entrer en Belgique et peu en sortir ? Allez, c'est parce qu'ils les vident pour en faire des tenues d'hommes-grenouilles ... -- Veuillez agreer l'expression de mes sentiments les meilleurs et les plus distingues envers votre honorable personne que j'estime particulierement, en toute objectivite, votre devoue Concombre Masque.qui a de la seve Belge ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Un bon processus est un processus mort - courtens@scinfo.u-nancy.fr - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #! rnews 0000001498 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!julienas!polytechnique.polytechnique.fr!poly.polytechnique.fr!canon From: canon@poly.polytechnique.fr (Hubert Canon) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: La tarte aux poireaux Date: 23 May 1995 19:16:33 GMT Organization: Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France Lines: 22 Message-ID: <3ptcah$c2a@polytechnique.polytechnique.fr> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: poly.polytechnique.fr In article , Jean-Denis Gorin wrote: > Au nom de tous mes compatriotes Picard, Ch'Ti, je tiens a defendre > l'honneur et le gout de la Tarte a la Flammiche (aussi appele tarte > aux poireaux), et je demande a l'emetteur de cette blague de > substituer "poireaux" en "concombre" pour ainsi correspondre au > texte original :) > > Et Vive la Picardie, le Nord-Pas de Calais et les Flandres ! oui, tout à fait. il est honteux de critiquer toutes les bonnes spécialités régionales du nord et de la picardie ! en particulier, je ne comprend pas pourquoi tout le monde se sauve quand je rentre dans un compartiment de train avec une tarte au maroilles dans mon sac. pourtant, c'est si bon. -- ------------------------ Hubert Canon (X93) ------------------------ Email : canon@poly.polytechnique.fr hub@olympe.polytechnique.fr WWW : http://www.polytechnique.fr/poly/~canon/ #! rnews 0000000861 Path: sct.fr!usenet From: Greg LAURIOL Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: encore une blague de M & Mme Date: 23 May 1995 22:43:11 GMT Organization: World-Net - Dialup Internet - Paris - France Lines: 55 Message-ID: <3ptoe0$6nj@sct1.sct.fr> References: <3psnbk$hn7@rc1.vub.ac.be> NNTP-Posting-Host: client80.sct.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit) mderie@vub.ac.be (DERIE MICHEL) wrote: >M & Mme Manthafox ont un fils ... Sam :) Mr et Mme PRIFROY ont 7 enfants ......... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | EVA, AUDE, ANNE, MARC, SAMSON, PAULO, et ELIE parce qu'elle va au dannemark sans son polo et elle y prit froid... Desole... ---- Sauvez un castor, plantez un arbre ---- GreG. #! rnews 0000002021 Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!fdn.fr!sxpo.fdn.org!musical!sam From: ardoino@musical.fdn.org (Jean-Jacques Ardoino) Subject: Re: Concerne message pric Message-ID: Sender: sam@musical.fdn.org (Operator) Organization: Rock'n Jazz BBS (The Music Land) Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 01:44:10 GMT Lines: 37 In a message dated 05-22-95 garnier@eicn.etna.ch wrote to ALL : > Heu, si vouz trouvez le message précédent un peu bizarre quand au fran > c'est normal. Les 'à' (entre autres) se sont perdus pendant le transfe > ST -> PC. Effectivement, les caracteres accentues prennent une claque si on ne les transcode pas pendant ou apres le transfert... C'est vrai en ST -> PC, mais aussi en ST -> MAC, en PC -> MAC et dans les directions inverses. La raison tient au fait que les caracteres speciaux (dont les accents) n'ont pas les memes numeros ASCII sur les differentes machines. Dans le STMAG qui paraitra en juillet, j'ecris un article sur les transferts, dont les transferts de texte : ASCII, RTF, formats divers comme le Word MSDOS sauve par le Redacteur, etc. Mais, de toute facon, meme si on a transcode, quand on envoie le texte sur internet, il y a encore un probleme de transcodage. Et le mieux est d'ecrire sans accents. La methode de base consiste a veiller a taper un "e" plutot qu'un "e" accentue, mais il y a mieux si on peut utiliser des configurations de clavier. Il suffit alors d'utiliser une config qui deroute tous les caracteres accentues vers les caracteres sans accents. Ainsi on tape son message en utilisant le clavier comme on en a l'habitude, et le texte est automatiquement corrige en temps reel. J.Jacques Ardoino (STMAG, France) ardoino@musical.fdn.org --- TIMM 1.0.2 - The Ideal Mac Mailreader. Essai n¡1 #! rnews 0000001645 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cnam!brasil.frmug.fr.net!frmug.fr.net!genesis8!olivier.booklage From: olivier.booklage@p10.f107.n320.z2.fidonet.org Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Re: Compilateur GFA Message-ID: <8A9E05B.00B00002C6.uuout@genesis8.frmug.fr.net> Date: Tue, 23 May 95 01:31:00 +0100 Distribution: world Organization: Genesis, the 8bit generation BBS Reply-To: olivier.booklage@p10.f107.n320.z2.fidonet.org References: <1995May17.145802.1109@neli00> <3pf6cu$3od$news.irisa.fr> Lines: 46 Salut Stephane, Dans un message du 18.05.95 tu ecrivais: >> J'ai un probl0me avec le compilateur du GFA-Basic (v3.5 je crois). En >> effet quand je compile un programme qui utilise un fichier de >> ressources, il S> passe >> sans probl0mes. Mais quand je le lance, il plante (2 bombes). Par >> contre, S> si >> je le lance depuis l'interpr0teur, il n'y a aucuns probl0mes !! >> >> Si quelqu'un a d0ja eu ce genre de probl0me et connait la solution, >> il est le bienvenu ... >> >> Merci >> >> Olof (Francis Garnier) >> >> francis.garnier@eicn.etna.ch >> S> c'est probablement un probleme de memoire... Attention,certaines bibliotheques sont bogguees au niveau du retour de l'adresse de form_do et objc_draw ! Il faut chercher dans GFA3BLIB la serie d'octets suivante a l'aide d'un editeur de secteur (Dispac): 7470 610C 222E 1154 4E75 et la remplacer si elle existe par : 7470 610C 222E 11F4 4E75 Si le probleme persiste,effectivement voir la programmation et les reservations de memoire. Greetings, /Olivier/ --- JetMail 0.99beta19 * Origin: /* Froggies Love ATARI Too ! */ (FidoNet 2:320/107.10) #! rnews 0000001973 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!pipex!howland.reston.ans.net!gatech!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!panix!not-for-mail From: jimcat@panix.com (Jim Kasprzak) Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.postmodern,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,alt.cyberpunk.movement,misc.writing Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres! Date: 23 May 1995 23:48:21 -0400 Organization: The Big Wedge Lines: 25 Message-ID: <3puaa5$pk8@panix.com> References: <3p78bb$pql@mercury.kingston.ac.uk> <3p8eit$aua@calliope.wln.com> <3pgp6l$d98@news.uni-c.dk> NNTP-Posting-Host: panix.com Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4450 alt.cyberpunk:329 alt.postmodern:212 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:111 alt.cyberpunk.movement:49 misc.writing:1517 In article <3pgp6l$d98@news.uni-c.dk> petersen@fys-hp-1.risoe.dk (Thomas Petersen) writes: >Tshen (tshenkel@rs6a.wln.com) wrote: >> Now that's out of my system, and I can explain the difference between >> fantasy and science fiction clearly and distinctly. >> Science fiction: Fiction which contains elements that do not currently >> exist, but may sometime in the future. >> Fantasy: Fiction that contains elements that do not currently exist, and >> never will. > >Pretty good. You just managed to classify Larry Niven's _Ringworld_ >as fantasy. On the other hand Mervyn Peake's _Gormenghast_ seems to >fit your definition of fantasy, so it goes both ways. Of course Niven's Ringworld books are fantasy! They have vampires, ghouls, an elixir of life, heroes on quests, ancient cities with magical artifacts... I could go on, but you get the idea. The reason it sold as science fiction is because, as Niven himself once pointed out, sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology. -- __ Live from the bustling metropolis of the Big Apple... ___/ | Jim Kasprzak, just a guy from New York. /____ | "It's good to be king, and have your own world; \_| It helps to get out, it's good to meet girls." *==== e-mail: jimcat@panix.com #! rnews 0000003412 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!howland.reston.ans.net!swrinde!news.uh.edu!uuneo.neosoft.com!Starbase.NeoSoft.COM!not-for-mail From: peter@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM (Peter da Silva) Newsgroups: alt.best.of.internet,alt.cyberspace,alt.folklore.computers,alt.life.internet,alt.politics.datahighway,alt.society.futures,comp.society.futures,news.groups Subject: Re: Future of the net? Date: 23 May 1995 22:58:55 -0500 Organization: NeoSoft Internet Services +1 713 968 5800 Lines: 59 Message-ID: <3puatv$667@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM> References: <3nhk9h$d5k@netnews.upenn.edu> <3pnoup$ana@access5.digex.net> NNTP-Posting-Host: starbase.neosoft.com Xref: sct.fr alt.cyberspace:329 alt.folklore.computers:435 alt.society.futures:51 comp.society.futures:71 news.groups:1431 In article <3pnoup$ana@access5.digex.net>, Martin Terman wrote: >USENET and current style mailing lists work on similar >principles, just on different scales. The big principle is to >send a copy to everyone's site. This is convenient since you >can read it on your local system, but it is also assuming that >bandwidth is free On the contrary. Usenet was designed in an environment where bandwidth was terribly *expensive*. Look at it this way. Suppose there are three sites A B and C interested in group G. Someone at site D posts a message to group G. If you have a single central repository, all three users at A B C connect to the repository R, and three copies of the message travel from R to A, B, and C. Now suppose C is close to B and B is close to A. Under Usenet. the message is automatically copied to B, B sends to A and C over local (cheap) lines. One message goes out over expensive bandwidth. There are redundant copies, when peninsulas in the net get close to each other, but in general each message travels each link once. So what you need to do is make sure the message is interesting enough to enough people so that this is cheaper than a mailing list or repository. And *that* is why we have Usenet "votes". >Now, the thing is that USENET and mailing lists fill a need. >When one empties a niche, what takes its place? We already have >the answer, and its been as long as the Net has. BBS's. Also known as "central repositories". Which, as has been shown, are more expensive over the whole net than Usenet. >The BBS works because its suited to the phone system way of >dealing with costs, The BBS doesn't work because it's not suited to the phone system way of dealing with costs. It's so unsuited that BBS users got together and set up their *own* Usenet clone called Fidonet to avoid expensive long distance calls. But Fidonet doesn't work as well as Usenet... it costs more time to maintain, and requires a central authority. If ATM actually *increases* costs, as you claim, Usenet and its copies (peers like Clarinet, GNU, Biznet, VMSnet, and clones like Fidonet, and distributed chat systems like IRC and Diversidial) will thrive. BBSes (and freenets, and mucks, and other centralized systems) will founder. But I don't believe ATM *will* increase costs. If they do people will continue to use the Internet as it is. Why would they switch to a more expensive medium? By the way, news.future doesn't exist any more. -- If the best part of waking up is Folgers in the cup... ...why do you bother getting up? #! rnews 0000000714 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!howland.reston.ans.net!newsjunkie.ans.net!Rezonet.net!tonka.login.qc.ca!comback!fcbbs!Marc_Bergeron From: Marc_Bergeron@eureka.qc.ca (Marc Bergeron) Reply-To: Marc_Bergeron@eureka.qc.ca Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Distribution: world Subject: Un newfie dans un avion Date: 19 May 1995 19:01:21 GMT Message-ID: <1312944029.21028407@eureka.qc.ca> Lines: 14 ok, c't'un newfie, un espagnol et un italien. y sont dans un avion. Tout le monde jette un 25 cents sur son pays. Sauf le newfie qui jette un dollars sur sa province. La, la serveuse a y dit quosse que vous faites? ---> J'attend mon change! Ok, j,sais qu'elle ai connue mais j'avais rien a faire! :-) qB-) #! rnews 0000002233 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!howland.reston.ans.net!torn!newshub.ccs.yorku.ca!afep.yorku.ca!yu138584 From: yu138584@afep.yorku.ca (Krzsztof Cyrkot) Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,misc.writing Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres! Followup-To: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,misc.writing Date: 24 May 1995 03:30:27 GMT Organization: York University Lines: 40 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pu98j$enm@sunburst.ccs.yorku.ca> References: <3p78bb$pql@mercury.kingston.ac.uk> <1995May23.105841.11348@roper.uwyo.edu> NNTP-Posting-Host: afep.yorku.ca X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4458 alt.cyberpunk:330 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:112 misc.writing:1526 lick me (oberon@UWYO.EDU) wrote: : In article , Stuart Broz writes: : > : > : >BTW, sf need not take place in the future or even have a mention of : >space-flight, aliens, etc (check out The Difference Engine by Gibson & : >Sterling). : > : Or West of Eden by that guy who wrote the Stainless Steel Rat : Books, I think. : Harry Harrison Distinguishing between Sci-Fi and Fantasy? : How about a definition wherein Sci-fi presents settings, : plot devices, characters, etc, which can in some manner be : explained and justified by existing or postulated physical : laws? You got that right. That's what it is. Fantasy is everything else. The flavour of the fiction : has little to do with it. For instance, I'd call the Star Wars : trilogy high fantasy, operating within the dichotomy of base : good and evil, with this weird, magical "force" thing infusing : the universe with the impossible (and lazer type energy weapons : glowing in vacuum, neat trick). Yes, you are right! It's never struck me before, but you are by all standards correct! It is a fantasy, it even strarts with the typical words of a fable, and sf stories never begin in that fashion. An example of pure sci-fi? How : about any of Asimov, especially Robots, Foundation, and Empire. : Or West o #! rnews 0000001652 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!CERN.ch!news From: PATRICK@tifrvax.tifr.res.in (P Roumanoff) Subject: Re: Un avion In-Reply-To: Marc_Bergeron@eureka.qc.ca's message of 19 May 1995 19:01:21 GMT X-Nntp-Posting-Host: tifrvax.tifr.res.in Message-ID: Sender: news@news.cern.ch (USENET News System) Organization: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India References: <1312944029.21028407@eureka.qc.ca> Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 05:44:56 GMT X-News-Reader: VMS NEWS 1.24 Lines: 24 In <1312944029.21028407@eureka.qc.ca> Marc_Bergeron@eureka.qc.ca writes: > c't'un newfie, un espagnol et un italien. y sont dans un avion > qB-) C'est le pape Jean-Paul II, Bill Clinton, le president des Francais et un hippie qui sont dans un avion, alors bien sur, l'avion perd de l'altitude et il faut sauter en parachute, malheureusement il n'y en a que trois et nos passagers sont quatre. Alors Bill Clinton prend la parole: - Je suis le president du pays le plus important du monde, je dois etre sauve, et il prend un parachute et saute. Le president des francais (au choix) prend la parole et dit: - je suis le president le plus intelligent du monde, et je dois etre sauve , il prend un parachute et saute. Jean-Paul s'adresse alors au hippie: - Je suis vieux et vous etes jeunes, tenez voila le dernier parachute et que le christ soit avec vous. Et le hippie de retorquer: - Te biles pas mon pote, le president le plus intelligent du monde, He bien, il a sauter avec mon sac a dos... PatriiiiiiIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiick Roumanoff (quel parachutiste cui-la!) #! rnews 0000001311 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.edu!swrinde!pipex!sunic!sunic.sunet.se!seunet!cindy!cindy.ct.se!tnogobl!christian.dahl From: christian.dahl@tnogobl.ct.se (Christian Dahl) Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Re: GfA Basic Question: Resource in INLINE ???? Message-ID: Date: Tue, 23 May 95 23:02:00 +0200 Sender: news@ct.se Reply-To: christian.dahl@tnogobl.ct.se In-Reply-To: mss's message References: <3pnfhs$909@news.xs4all.nl> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: ScanMail 0.69 X-Mailer: uugate 0.40 (SunOS 4.1.3) (Fidonet Gateway) Organization: Fabricatos diem, ponk! Lines: 13 > I'm busy writing a program in GfA, completely multitasking, dialogs > in windows, menubar present (in 3d colors), very neat all, but I seem > to have one question: Is it possible to INLINE my resource file, > because I hate the programs where you can easily change the resource > files by yourself! It's good if it's possible to change the .RSC. Then I can make a own translation of the language to swedish (for own personal use). I like programs have the .RSCfile loose, so that I can change it for my own perposes. CD ( UUCP Dialup connection ) #! rnews 0000001469 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!news.ujf-grenoble.fr!grenet.fr!lubna!legoff From: legoff@lubna (Bertrand LE GOFF) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Un avion Date: 24 May 1995 06:10:24 GMT Organization: C.I.C.G. , Grenoble Lines: 26 Message-ID: <3puikg$lal@cicg-communication.grenet.fr> References: <1312944029.21028407@eureka.qc.ca> NNTP-Posting-Host: lubna.icp.grenet.fr X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Dans le meme genre : Un pied - noir, un francais et plusieurs autres nationalites (a vous de les choisir) sont dans un avion en flamme. Tous ont pris un parachute et saute. Restent le Francais et le pied-noir, ainsi qu'un seul parachute. Le francais s'en empare et saute, mais le pied-noir arrive a s'accrocher au francais. Et evidemment, le parachute descend beaucoup trop vite. Alors le Francais a une idee : Il commence a chanter "Ah qu'elles sont belles les filles de mon pays ... " ET le pied-noir, tapant des mains : "lai, lai, lai " .... Desole. ************************************************ * Bertrand LE GOFF * * Institut de la Communication Parlee * * INPG/ENSERG - Universite Stendhal * * 38040 GRENOBLE cedex 9 * ************************************************ * Email : legoff@icp.grenet.fr * * http://ophale.icp.grenet.fr/ * ************************************************ #! rnews 0000001425 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!dazy From: Matthieu.Dazy@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Matthieu Dazy) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Re : concours Date: 24 May 1995 06:39:38 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 19 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pukba$q45@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: <3ot6ar$66o@news.irisa.fr> <3p2cvd$qp3@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3pcl94$h23@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3psldn$6f1@arcturus.ciril.fr> <3pt0cd$omd@arcturus.ciril.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: castor.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] : PRIVATE JOKE MODE ON : X = A\; :-) : PRIVATE JOKE MODE OFF PRIVATE ANSWER MODE ON Vous inquietez pas, on va le ramener chez nous et on va le soigner. Allez viens, Miko, faut pas rester la. On va te le finir, ton TP, sois sage et calme-toi gentiment, hein? PRIVATE ANSWER MODE OFF Sinon, de plus en plus nul. C'est l'histoire d'un TP a rendre pour le 2, et arrive le 1, PAF les conventions du TP... Non, vraiment, elle me fait pas rire. __ __| | __| | | | \ -_) \__ \ \ _` | _` | _ \ \ \ / _| _| _\___| ____/_| _\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/ dazy@scinfo.u-nancy.fr "The dead know one thing. It is better to be alive." #! rnews 0000001378 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!dazy From: Matthieu.Dazy@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Matthieu Dazy) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: La tarte aux poireaux Date: 24 May 1995 06:42:15 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 13 Message-ID: <3pukg7$q45@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: castor.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] : Au nom de tous mes compatriotes Picard, Ch'Ti, je tiens a defendre l'honneur et : le gout de la Tarte a la Flammiche (aussi appele tarte aux poireaux), et je demande : a l'emetteur de cette blague de substituer "poireaux" en "concombre" pour ainsi : correspondre au texte original :) Je ne peux qu'approuver, sauf que par ici (a Nancy), on dit 'Flamiche' (avec un seul m) et pas 'Tarte a la Flammiche'. Mais c'est vrai qu'on est pres des Vosges, alors forcement on subit un pe l'influence... :) __ __| | __| | | | \ -_) \__ \ \ _` | _` | _ \ \ \ / _| _| _\___| ____/_| _\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/ dazy@scinfo.u-nancy.fr "The dead know one thing. It is better to be alive." #! rnews 0000000593 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!cisun2000.unil.ch!pcbf1-127a.unil.ch!MBouzon From: MBouzon@ssp.unil.ch (Martial Bouzon) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Extreme-droite Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 08:44:26 Organization: La maison du rire Lines: 10 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: pcbf1-127a.unil.ch X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev A] Entendu recemment : Pourquoi les skinheads ont ils le crane rase? ********************************** 8-)) Martial Bouzon Institut des sciences theatrales Universite Lausanne #! rnews 0000001046 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!dazy From: Matthieu.Dazy@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Matthieu Dazy) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Extreme-droite Date: 24 May 1995 06:47:02 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 13 Message-ID: <3pukp6$q45@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: castor.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] : Entendu recemment : 'Fectivement, elle a ete postee il y a meme pas une semaine. Un peu de serieux enfin :) C'est l'histoire d'une blague, elle passe dans fr.rec.humour et REPOST la blague... __ __| | __| | | | \ -_) \__ \ \ _` | _` | _ \ \ \ / _| _| _\___| ____/_| _\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/ dazy@scinfo.u-nancy.fr "The dead know one thing. It is better to be alive." #! rnews 0000001415 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!scipio.cyberstore.ca!skypoint.com!news3.mr.net!mr.net!winternet.com!pinch.io.org!ionews.io.org!r-node.io.org!diehl From: diehl@r-node.io.org (Eric March) Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st,comp.sys.atari.st.tech,comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Re: Patching TOS 16MB partition limit? Followup-To: comp.sys.atari.st,comp.sys.atari.st.tech,comp.sys.atari.programmer Date: 24 May 1995 05:31:07 GMT Organization: Internex Online, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (416 363 3783) Lines: 16 Message-ID: <3pugar$n7@ionews.io.org> References: <3ppmr6$6ft@news2.delphi.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: r-node.io.org X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Xref: sct.fr comp.sys.atari.st:1131 comp.sys.atari.st.tech:329 comp.sys.atari.programmer:122 DOMINGO@DELPHI.COM (DOMINGO@news.delphi.com) wrote: : Since I am technically deficient in this area, I was wondering if : anybody has considered writing a patch for TOS 1.0/1.2 so that 32MB : partions can be used? Is this even possible? Or should I just get TOS : 1.4/2.06 for ALL my machines? ICD Utilities allows BGM partitions of up to 512 megabytes each. : Dom -- ____________________________ ________________________________ _____<___ ___// __ // ____/ ___ Tail of _______ Eric March ___ _________/ / / <_/ // <___ ___ The Comet _____ diehl@io.org ___ _________<_/ <_____/<_____/ ___ Productions ___ "ANSI? FANSI!" ___ #! rnews 0000001999 Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cnam!brasil.frmug.fr.net!frmug.fr.net!cygnux!rabateau From: rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net (Olivier Rabateau) Subject: 2 disques durs dans un Fa Organization: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS (Paris France) Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 09:04:43 GMT Message-ID: <1995May23.090443.507@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> Lines: 37 Paris le 23/05/95 à 10h28. Bonjour I2b03a@Iut-Nantes.Univ-Na, dans un message du 05/01/95 adressé à Tous tu disais à propos de «2 disques durs dans un Fa» : I2>> A ce propos, une personne bien renseignée saurait-elle comment on peut I2>> brancher 2 HDs IDE dans le F030 (le 2'5 d'origine et le 3'5 que j'ai I2>> installé). I2> Pour la partie logicielle la solution est d'acheter SCSI Tools I2>(j'ai cependant entendu dire que d'autres drivers géraient deux I2>disques durs IDE depuis peu. Pas d'autres infos là dessus...). Je ne suis pas sûr, mais je crois que la version d'AHDI vendue avec le Falcon gère plus de 2 disques IDE (la version 6.06). En effet, au boot, il cherche plus d'un IDE avant de chercher les disques SCSI. A confirmer toute fois! I2> Mais, comme si ça ne suffisait pas, il reste un problème à I2>régler : trouver une nappe avec 2 connecteur 2"5 et 1 3"5. Turtle Ne peut-on pas bricoler la nappe du 3'5 avec celle d'origine du 2'5? Y'a assez de connecteurs non? Je sais pas, j'y connais rien dans cette manip. La seule que j'ai faite est de passer le quartz du DSP (32mhz) dans le 68882 pour qu'il tourne à 32 mhz au lieu de 16. Salutations de la part d'Olivier Rabateau. +------------------------------------------+ |rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net | |Olivier.Rabateau@f210.n320.z2.fidonet.org | +------------------------------------------+ * OLX 2.1 TD * Unable to locate Coffee -- Operator Halted! * Origin: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS +331 39949576 +331 39942947 - A Linux BBS #! rnews 0000002255 Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cnam!brasil.frmug.fr.net!frmug.fr.net!cygnux!rabateau From: rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net (Olivier Rabateau) Subject: Re: Divers Falcon. Organization: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS (Paris France) Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 09:04:45 GMT Message-ID: <1995May23.090445.529@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> Lines: 46 Paris le 23/05/95 à 10h35. Bonjour Ardoino@Musical.Fdn.Org, dans un message du 05/01/95 adressé à Tous tu disais à propos de «Re: Divers Falcon.» : AR>> Quelqu'un pourrait'il me dire quelle est la meilleure carte AR>> accélératrice en ce moment pour F030? Disons meilleur rapport AR>> qualité/prix. Parce que la Barracuda à 800$ :-(((( AR>Oui, mais dire que la Barracuda est chere pour une "carte acceleratrice" AR>est un point de vue discutable. Discutons, discutons! :-) AR>La Barracuda ne fait pas qu'augmenter la frequence du 68030 du Falcon : AR>Elle est equipee d'un 68040 LC 33 Mhz (possibilite 68040 non LC de 33 a 64 AR>Mhz), d'une carte graphique haute resolution, elle offre la possibilite de AR>mettre jusqu'a 128 Mo de RAM. Et la ROM est en flashrom, ce qui permet AR>d'updater le TOS tres facilement. AR>Facteur d'acceleration annonce a 900%, et compatibilite avec Cubase Audio. AR>Alors c'est bien plus qu'une simple carte acceleratrice ! Vu sous cet angle, c'est tout a fait vrai! Tu oublies même la possibiliter d'émuler un 486DX33!! Mais Technoservice propose un carte aux environs de 2000frs ou tu as un bus local 32bits, une accélération jusqu'a 76mhz, et des résolutions plus grandes du fait de l'accélération du VIDEL. Disons que pour une utilisation "non professionnelle", je trouvais que c'était un peu cher 800$!! Mais c'est sur que si on me donnait l'une ou l'autre au choix, je prendrais la Barracuda! Salutations de la part d'Olivier Rabateau. (lecteur d'STMAG France, ;-) ) +------------------------------------------+ |rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net | |Olivier.Rabateau@f210.n320.z2.fidonet.org | +------------------------------------------+ * OLX 2.1 TD * It's only a hobby ... only a hobby ... only a * Origin: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS +331 39949576 +331 39942947 - A Linux BBS #! rnews 0000001744 Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cnam!brasil.frmug.fr.net!frmug.fr.net!cygnux!rabateau From: rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net (Olivier Rabateau) Subject: Re: Disque dur sur Falcon Organization: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS (Paris France) Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 13:50:36 GMT Message-ID: <1995May23.135036.1021@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> Lines: 36 Paris le 23/05/95 à 15h47. Bonjour Schauvea@Irisa.Fr. Dans un message du 05/01/95 adressé à Tous tu disais à propos de «Re: Disque dur sur Falcon» : SC>>HA? Pas moi! Mon capot ferma impec et le clavier est bien calé. SC>Je n'ai pas du percer les fixations aux bons emplacements. Tu as bien scié au ras les 2 tiges en plastique? SC>>Attends!!! Il parrait qu'on peut installer les 2 HDs dans le Falcon. SC>Ou ca ??? Ha oui il me reste une zone de 2cm sur 3 derriere le lecteur SC>de disquette !!!! Je vais decouper mon 65Mo en petits cubes. Cela SC>rentrera surement. Ou alors peut etre qu'en l'aplatissant a grand SC>coups de masses .... Si tu veux! :-) Mais avec un tower, no problémo. Sinon, faudra bricoler un peu et faire sortir un des lecteurs (le 3'5 le 2'5 ou le disquettes). Je vais étudier la question de place pour ce 2'5. Si j'y parviens, je vous tiens au courrant! Salutations de la part d'Olivier Rabateau. +------------------------------------------+ |rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net | |Olivier.Rabateau@f210.n320.z2.fidonet.org | +------------------------------------------+ * OLX 2.1 TD * Mental Floss prevents Moral Decay. * Origin: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS +331 39949576 +331 39942947 - A Linux BBS #! rnews 0000002000 Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cnam!brasil.frmug.fr.net!frmug.fr.net!cygnux!rabateau From: rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net (Olivier Rabateau) Subject: Re: partition minix??? Organization: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS (Paris France) Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 13:50:38 GMT Message-ID: <1995May23.135038.1048@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> Lines: 38 Paris le 23/05/95 à 15h50. Bonjour Rousseau@Cnam.Fr. Dans un message du 05/01/95 adressé à Tous tu disais à propos de «Re: partition minix???» : RO>Tu veux avoir le meme partition pour MiNT ET Linux ? J'ai laissé tomber cette idée un peu tordue, je l'avoue! Je me suis rendu compte après avoir expédié le message que c'était pas vraiment possible. J'ai créé une partition EXT2 pour Linux (200Mo, ça devrait suffire!! :-) ) RO>Si tu veux jsute recuperer ta partition Minix pour l'utiliser avec Linux RO>et seulement avec Linux le plus simple est de la passer en ext2 (partition RO>Linux). Ca n'est pas la peine de repartitionner le disque. Ben j'ai maintenant 2 partitions GEM, une Minix et une EXT2. AU lieu de faire une partition Root, usr et swap, j'ai tout mis (usr et root) sur une même partition, et la swap sur un fichier dans une partitions GEM! Et ça marche impec! Au fait, est-il possible de récupérer les archives Xwindows et GNU C off-line, parce-que j'ai pas d'accès FTP. Et downloader tout ça depuis Brazil, à 9600bds, ça va me prendre un temps et un fric fou! :-( Rien que pour USR.TGZ, j'en ai eu pour 1 heure! Salutations de la part d'Olivier Rabateau. +------------------------------------------+ |rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net | |Olivier.Rabateau@f210.n320.z2.fidonet.org | +------------------------------------------+ * OLX 2.1 TD * All wiyht. Rho sritched mg kegtops awound? * Origin: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS +331 39949576 +331 39942947 - A Linux BBS #! rnews 0000001360 Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cnam!brasil.frmug.fr.net!frmug.fr.net!cygnux!rabateau From: rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net (Olivier Rabateau) Subject: Re: partition minix??? Organization: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS (Paris France) Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 13:50:40 GMT Message-ID: <1995May23.135040.1084@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> Lines: 24 Paris le 23/05/95 à 15h56. Bonjour Dcure@Ifremer.Fr. Dans un message du 05/01/95 adressé à Tous tu disais à propos de «Re: partition minix???» : [Linux 68k] DC> Tu peux evidement l'installer en mettant le filesystem root et usr s DC>meme partition, ainsi qu'un fichier de swap (la distri prevoit un partition DC>swap, donc fichier de demarrage a modifier et la creation du fichier bien su DC>) ). Ben j'ai effectivement opté pour cette solution. Et ça marche impec! :-) Salutations de la part d'Olivier Rabateau. +------------------------------------------+ |rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net | |Olivier.Rabateau@f210.n320.z2.fidonet.org | +------------------------------------------+ * OLX 2.1 TD * Back Up My Hard Drive? I Can't Find The Reverse Switch! * Origin: The Cygnux GigaFree BBS +331 39949576 +331 39942947 - A Linux BBS #! rnews 0000000958 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!taloa.unice.fr!cemef.cma.fr!news From: binetruy@pom.cma.fr (Phil) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: J'en ai une bonne Date: 24 May 1995 08:53:18 GMT Organization: Ecole des Mines CEMEF Lines: 32 Sender: binetruy@pom.cma.fr (Philippe BINETRUY) Message-ID: <3pus5u$okr@cemef.cma.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: pom.cma.fr C'est un couple Belge, le soir quand le mari rentre sa femme lui dit F- J'ai eut de la visite aujourd'huit H- C'etait qui ? F- Je sais pas H-Il t'a rien dit ? F-Non il est rentre H-Qu'est qu'il a dit ? F-Rien, il m'a attrappe et m'a enlever ma robe H-Qu'est qu'il a dit ? F-Rien, il m'a enlever ma culotte H-Qu'est qu'il a dit ? F-Rien, il m'a etendu sur le lit H-Qu'est qu'il a dit ? F-Rien, il m'a prise de tous les cotes H-Qu'est qu'il a dit ? F-Rien, il est parti H-Mais c'est ennuyeux ca, on ne sera jamais pourquoi il est venu !! #! rnews 0000001799 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!cri.ens-lyon.fr!news.imag.fr!wuxi.imag.fr!user From: chaland@imag.imag.fr (Clotilde CHALAND) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Nouveau gouvernement Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 11:05:54 +0200 Organization: IMAG Lines: 32 Distribution: world Message-ID: References: <3pi206$o1c@news.irisa.fr> <3pqecr$7n6@ici-paris.ensta.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: wuxi.imag.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <3pqecr$7n6@ici-paris.ensta.fr>, crochemo@ensta.fr (David Crochemore) wrote: > > In article , Jean-Claude.Bellamy@der.edf.fr writes: > > > > > > Vous avez certainement note qu'il y a un Secretariat d'Etat a la > > > "Reconciliation entre les Generations" ou quelque chose d'approchant ! > > Le pire, c'est que c'est meme pas un secretariat d'Etat, C'EST UN MINISTERE... > (Je crois que c'est la "Solidarite" entre les generations...) > Eh, vous les jeunes ... c'est un ministere qui va juste un petit peu augmenter vos cotisations "solidarite" pour que les retraite's puissent aller faire dorer leurs vieux os aux Antilles ou en Guadeloupe ... a moins que ce ne soit a St Martin Z'avez rien compris ! Et vous vous etes pas poses de questions sur la Secretaire d'Etat a la Recherche qui n'a JAMAIS fait de recherche ... elle est IR, mais elle avait une fonction d'administration ... C'est pas rigolo, tout ca ? -- Clotilde CHALAND Direction IMAG, Maison Jean Kuntzmann B. P. 53 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France 110 Avenue de la Chimie - Campus Universitaire de St Martin d'Hères Tel : 76 63 56 72 - Fax : 76 51 49 64 e-mail : chaland@imag.imag.fr #! rnews 0000000532 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!cisun2000.unil.ch!pcbf1-127a.unil.ch!pavirioux From: pavirioux@unirg.fr (Pierre-Alain Virioux) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: M. et Mme... Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 11:23:46 Organization: Universite de Rougerois Lines: 21 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: pcbf1-127a.unil.ch X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev A] Monsieur et Madame Zitarin ont un fils, quel est son nom ?? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daniel !!! #! rnews 0000000833 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!CERN.ch!hpslz14.cern.ch!coussema From: coussema@hpslz14.cern.ch (D. Coussemaeker) Subject: Re: Tamer' X-Nntp-Posting-Host: hpslz14.cern.ch Message-ID: Sender: news@news.cern.ch (USENET News System) Organization: CERN European Lab for Particle Physics X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] References: <1995May18.063144.17825@news.unige.ch> <3pspe2$kib@vishnu.jussieu.fr> <3psq0l$dl0@caro.dsic.emn.fr> Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 09:36:29 GMT Lines: 9 for-in-94 (raillard@sun6emn.fr) wrote: : OSONS REFAIRE TRENTE MILLE FOIS LES MEMES VANNES POURRIES. : TA MERE ELLE EST SI PLATE QU'ON PEUT LA FAXER... : ET TOI, T'ES SI LOURD QUE TU PEUX PAS LIRE LES ANCIENNES ? Ta mere, elle a coince la touche Caps Lock. Desole... #! rnews 0000001722 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!news.sprintlink.net!demon!uknet!seralph9!dmu!usenet From: Alan Parker Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st.tech,comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Re: DSP programmers Date: 24 May 1995 09:52:15 GMT Organization: De Montfort University Lines: 23 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3puvkf$95m@macondo.dmu.ac.uk> References: <799594396.10@cs.york.ac.uk> <3oq750$aih@macondo.dmu.ac.uk> <3oshuv$dfj@hpsystem1.informatik.tu-muenchen.de> NNTP-Posting-Host: larch.cms.dmu.ac.uk Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (X11; I; HP-UX A.09.01 9000/720) X-URL: news:3oshuv$dfj@hpsystem1.informatik.tu-muenchen.de Xref: sct.fr comp.sys.atari.st.tech:332 comp.sys.atari.programmer:123 spatzene@informatik.tu-muenchen.de (Roland Spatzenegger) wrote: >Doesn't support tcc instruction ! (tcc works ) >Sometimes it produces wrong lod files ... I've not used tcc but I've used tfr Don't forget that you must put your parallel moves in the correct order for the assmebler, i.e X: Y: and you canonly use the correct address registers for the move. I always use binary files, and they seem to work fine so I can't really comment on the LOD problem although when I have used them they seem to be fine. Alan. -- /---------------------------------------------\ | From: Alan Parker | | E-mail: se2ap@dmu.ac.uk | | WWW: http://www.cms.dmu.ac.uk/~se2ap/ | | System: Falcon030 4mb/170mb FPU | \---------------------------------------------/ #! rnews 0000001973 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cnam!cnam.fr!rousseau From: rousseau@cnam.fr (Ludovic Rousseau) Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Re: Vi sous Linux68k Date: 24 May 1995 09:58:35 GMT Organization: Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Paris, France Lines: 28 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pv00b$kqs@sheckley.cnam.fr> References: <1995May22.130353.2272@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> NNTP-Posting-Host: gernsback.cnam.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <1995May22.130353.2272@cygnux.frmug.fr.net>, rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net (Olivier Rabateau) writes: > >lorsque je lance VI pour editer un texte, je suis obligé pour déplacer >le curseur d'utiliser les touches JKHL. Que faut-il faire (modifier le >TERMCAP ?) pour que les flèches soient actives dans VI! Personnelement j'utilise vim (Vi IMproved) que j'ai compile et mis sur le serveur ftp.cnam.fr pub/Atari/Linux68k/vim30.tgz : Vi IMproved 3.0, clone de VI mais mieux qu'elvis c'est mieux que Elvis qui est dans le pack de Laurent. En particulier les lignes plus large que l'ecran sont 'wrapee' au lieu de betement depasser. D'autres part j'ai legerement modifier la config du clavier (fichier //usr/lib/fr-latin.map) pour qu'il prenne en compte les touches Help, Undo, ClrHome et quelques autres. J'ai ecrit le fichier .exrc (config de vi) pour utiliser ces touches Linux68k/fr-keyboard.txt.gz : Clavier francais et fichier de config pour vim 3.0 Ca n'est pas la peine de modifier le /etc/termcap (il faut juste enlever le dernier \ a la fin de la derniere ligne de definition de la console. J'ai deja poste un News sur ce probleme. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ludovic Rousseau ftp-admin of ftp.cnam.fr:/pub/Atari Ludovic.Rousseau@cnam.fr http://web.cnam.fr/personnes/rousseau/Who_is_LR.dom "normaliser Unix c'est comme pasteuriser le Camembert" moi-meme #! rnews 0000001639 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cnam!cnam.fr!rousseau From: rousseau@cnam.fr (Ludovic Rousseau) Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Re: partition minix??? Date: 24 May 1995 10:13:21 GMT Organization: Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Paris, France Lines: 24 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pv0s1$kqs@sheckley.cnam.fr> References: <1995May23.135038.1048@cygnux.frmug.fr.net> NNTP-Posting-Host: gernsback.cnam.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <1995May23.135038.1048@cygnux.frmug.fr.net>, rabateau@cygnux.frmug.fr.net (Olivier Rabateau) writes: > >Au fait, est-il possible de récupérer les archives Xwindows et GNU C >off-line, parce-que j'ai pas d'accès FTP. Et downloader tout ça depuis >Brazil, à 9600bds, ça va me prendre un temps et un fric fou! :-( >Rien que pour USR.TGZ, j'en ai eu pour 1 heure! Permiere solution, demander a une librairie qui 'distribue' des disquettes avec une 'petite' commission en plus. Un bon choix devrait etre l'association Faucon'tact mais je ne sais pas si ils distribuent le pack Linux. J'ai bien pense un instant a me charger de te faire les copies et renvoyer les disquettes par la Poste mais si je commence je ne pourrais plus arreter. PS: si tu t'enregistres a Zorg, je serais peut-etre plus gentil :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ludovic Rousseau ftp-admin of ftp.cnam.fr:/pub/Atari Ludovic.Rousseau@cnam.fr http://web.cnam.fr/personnes/rousseau/Who_is_LR.dom "normaliser Unix c'est comme pasteuriser le Camembert" moi-meme #! rnews 0000000419 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!nedcu0!sileuba From: Christine.Leuba@sidos.unine.ch Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Vampires Message-ID: <1995May24.113212.3596@nedcu0> Date: 24 May 95 11:32:12 MET Organization: University of Neuchatel, Switzerland Lines: 25 Qu'est-ce que se disent deux lesbiennes vampires sur le point de se quitter? A dans 24 jours! Christine #! rnews 0000001426 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news2.EUnet.fr!bullnews.bull.fr!frclnews!frcl.bull.fr=!lasserre From: lasserre@frcl.bull.fr= (Jean-Marc Lasserre) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Desert Date: 24 May 1995 09:31:25 GMT Organization: BULL Les Clayes, FRANCE Lines: 17 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3puudd$stq@frclnews.frcl.bull.fr> References: <3ppn30$9jp@vanony.loria.fr> <3ppnk2$br5@info.epfl.ch> <3pppra$b7s@vanony.loria.fr> <3ppqs5$bi2@arcturus.ciril.fr> Reply-To: J.M.Lasserre@frcl.bull.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: mips15.frcl.bull.fr -- In article <3ppqs5$bi2@arcturus.ciril.fr>, Matthieu.Dazy@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Matthieu Dazy) writes: |> Shadow.demain.j'arrete.(promis) Des promesses, toujours des promesses... ------------------------------------------------- Lasserre JM ---------------- Email : J.M.Lasserre@frcl.bull.fr BULL.S.A Phone : (1) Rue Jean Jaures Fax : (1) 78340 LES CLAYES S/BOIS FRANCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself. | |..............................................................................| | Pourquoi remettre a demain ce qu'un autre peut faire pour vous le jour meme ?| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #! rnews 0000001708 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news2.EUnet.fr!bullnews.bull.fr!frclnews!frcl.bull.fr=!lasserre From: lasserre@frcl.bull.fr= (Jean-Marc Lasserre) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Surprise Date: 24 May 1995 09:53:27 GMT Organization: BULL Les Clayes, FRANCE Lines: 22 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3puvmn$t0g@frclnews.frcl.bull.fr> Reply-To: J.M.Lasserre@frcl.bull.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: mips15.frcl.bull.fr -- Une petite entendue aux Grosses Tetes, hier : Un brave paysan rentrant des champs apercoit une lavandiere en train de faire sa lessive au lavoir communal. La voir (jeu de mots...) ainsi penchee sur son linge reveille la bete qui sommeille en lui... Il se dirige donc sans bruit vers la lavandiere, se glisse derriere elle, et apres avoir releve sa jupe commence son ouvrage (un remake de la scene de "La Guerre du Feu", en quelque sorte). Impassible, la lavandiere continue sa lessive, battant son linge avec energie. Au bout d''une 1/2 h, le paysan satisfait se rend alors compte qu'il ne s'est meme pas presente. Il chuchotte a l'oreille de la lavandiere : "Moi c'est Matthieu. Ca t'a plu ? " Et la, sursaut et petit cri de la lavandiere : "oh, vous m'avez fait peur !" Bon, ch'uis fatigue. Je vais em faire une semaine de vacances... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself. | |..............................................................................| | Pourquoi remettre a demain ce qu'un autre peut faire pour vous le jour meme ?| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #! rnews 0000001342 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!millet From: Cedric.Millet@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Cedric Millet) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Humour ? Date: 24 May 1995 10:31:22 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 19 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pv1tq$ht1@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: <3psghn$dle$1@mhadf.production.compuserve.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: pollux.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <3psghn$dle$1@mhadf.production.compuserve.com>, Pierrot HERITIER <100337.2667@CompuServe.COM> writes: |> Pfff !!!... |> Drôles de blagues dans ce coin |> C'est assez nul |> |> Pierrot Ben vas-y pierrot, montre-nous! >:-> Cedric.j'adore_les_mecs_ki_fon_des_critik_Constructiv_avec_exemple_a_la_cle -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cedric MILLET - e-mail: Cedric.Millet@scinfo.u-nancy.fr Ecole Superieure d'Informatique et Applications de Lorraine Pour vos besoins sur-mesure en informatique et productique Contactez ESIAL-Service@scinfo.u-nancy.fr -Tel: ______________________________________________________________________________ #! rnews 0000004349 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!unilim.fr!cict.fr!ghodri From: ghodri@mr.insa-tlse.fr (Brahim GHODRI) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: melting put Date: 24 May 1995 10:18:54 GMT Organization: INSA Toulouse, France Lines: 103 Message-ID: <3pv16e$isr@news.cict.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: mr.insa-tlse.fr Je fais suivre des blagues recues par mail : From daemon Wed May 24 02:21:23 1995 Received: from comback.login.qc.ca by mr.insa-tlse.fr; Wed, 24 May 1995 02:21:12 GMT Received: from hitek.UUCP (uucp@localhost) by comback.login.qc.ca (8.6.5/8.6.5) with UUCP id QAA15456 for ghodri@mr.insa-tlse.fr; Tue, 23 May 1995 16:56:55 -0400 Received: by hitek.login.net (1.65/waf) via UUCP; Sun, 21 May 95 14:21:42 PDT for ghodri@mr.insa-tlse.fr Received: by hitek.login.net (Solar) via HDPF; Sun, 21 May 1995 14:21:41 EST 3 PDT for ghodri@mr.insa-tlse.fr From: pierre@hitek.login.net (Pierre Dube) C'est l'histoire d'un mec dans la vingtaine qui gagne un concours. Le prix: le privilege de demander trois voeux a Aladin. Le jour venue, il rencontre Aladin. Apres identification, Aladin lui declare qu'il lui accordera tout ce qu'il voudra, mais qu'il y a un HIC! Aladin donnera en double tout ce qu'il lui donnera, et a son pire ennemi en plus. 1_ Accorde moi 10,000,000$. Aladin lui donne. Et 20,000,000$ a son pire ennemi. 2_ Je veux etre entoure des 5 plus belles femmes au monde. Aladin lui accorde. Et il en donne 10 a son pire ennemi. 3_ Coupe moi une couille........................................... ============================================================================= Qui est capable de jouir plus qu'une femme? Un yoyo. Il est fendu tout le tour lui................ =========================================================================== Et qu'est ce qui jouie plus qu'un yoyo? La corde du yoyo. ============================================================================ Si la tendance se maintient je prdie que l'an 2000 arrivera dans 1686 jours. ============================================================================ Il n'y aura plus un homme sur le Terre ......... le 13 janvier 1996. Nous serons tous sur la neige. =========================================================================== Une institutrice demande a ses eleves de premiere: - Nommez moi des animaux qui roucoulent. Le petit Pierre leve la main et repond:-Une colombe. - C'est bien dit la maitresse. Et au tour du sage Rene: -Un pigeon. - C'est bien dit la maitresse. Un petit noir a son tour leve sa main:- Un boeuf. Et la maitresse de dire: -Mais non un boeuf ca meugle. Explique toi. Et au petit noir surpris de repondre: - Voyez vous, chez moi on possede une ferme. Et a la saison de la reproduction quand le boeuf grimpe la vache, il avance, il roucoule, il avance, il rou- coure, il avance, il roucoule........................... ======================================================================== Il faut que je la raconte celle-la. Et sans arriere pensee. Just for laught. Que fait-on pour devenir millionnaire a coup sur? On fait un voyage en France, on rencontre au hasard un Parisien et on le laisse parler parler parler parler parler.......... tout son saoul. Ensuite, on l'achete au prix qu'il vaut. On retourne au Canada , on le presente, on le laisse encore parler, parler, parler, parler, parler............. et on le revend au prix que lui pense valoir. Mais je n'ai aucun prejuge contre les parisiens. ============================================================================ Promenade en velo dans la verdoyante campagne. Au guidon: un idiot en fugue de son home. Il stoppe a la hauteur d'un mairaicher et dit, gene: -He! monsieur, vous mettez quoi la sur vos fraise? Et le maraicher de repondre: - Du fumier! Et a l'idiot de repondre: - He bien! Vous etes plus fou que moi. Moi je mets du sucre. et un peu plus loin, il est pris d'une crise de vertige. Sa solution? Il dgonfle ses pneus et repart. ============================================================================ Quelle difference y a-t-il entre Mme Tatcher et une Lada? Aucune. Tout le monde voudrait bien l'essayer, mais personne ne voudrait se faire voir avec. ========================================================================= #! rnews 0000001456 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!news.sprintlink.net!demon!doc.news.pipex.net!pipex!sunic!sunic.sunet.se!news.funet.fi!news.eunet.fi!prime.mdata.fi!mits.mdata.fi!artoj From: artoj@mits.mdata.fi (Arto Jalkanen) Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: GfA Basic Question: Resou Date: 24 May 1995 10:57:25 GMT Organization: MITS - Helsinki - Finland Lines: 26 Message-ID: <3pv3el$ftr@prime.mdata.fi> NNTP-Posting-Host: mits.mdata.fi NNTP-Posting-User: artoj m> I'm busy writing a program in GfA, completely multitasking, dialogs in m> windows, menubar present (in 3d colors), very neat all, but I seem to From the description I would say your project is doomed to failure. I mean, "cmopletely multitasking", if it means multitasking friendly... Doing that with GFA basic is no fun. I'm an ex-GFA programmer ;-). m> have one question: Is it possible to INLINE my resource file, because I I think just load it to INLINE. But then you can't use the rsrc_load() call for loading the resource and adjusting it to the current resolution. You'll have to use rsrc_obfix for it adjusting the different objects... I have never done that with GFA, but I think this is how it's done. m> hate the programs where you can easily change the resource files by m> yourself! Hey, that's one of the nice features of RSC-files! User can edit a bit the rsc-file, if something isn't like he wanted. --- * Kivi 1.37a * #! rnews 0000001875 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!cri.ens-lyon.fr!bellecour!vlefevre From: vlefevre@bellecour (Vincent Lefevre) Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Re: Concerne message pric Date: 24 May 1995 10:53:44 GMT Organization: Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France Lines: 29 Message-ID: <3pv37o$ie8@cri.ens-lyon.fr> References: Reply-To: vlefevre@ens.ens-lyon.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: bellecour.ens-lyon.fr X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] In article , Jean-Jacques Ardoino (ardoino@musical.fdn.org) wrote: > In a message dated 05-22-95 garnier@eicn.etna.ch wrote to ALL : > > Heu, si vouz trouvez le message précédent un peu bizarre quand au fran > > c'est normal. Les 'à' (entre autres) se sont perdus pendant le transfe > > ST -> PC. > Effectivement, les caracteres accentues prennent une claque si on ne les > transcode pas pendant ou apres le transfert... > C'est vrai en ST -> PC, mais aussi en ST -> MAC, en PC -> MAC et dans les > directions inverses. > La raison tient au fait que les caracteres speciaux (dont les accents) > n'ont pas les memes numeros ASCII sur les differentes machines. Les caracteres accentues ont les memes numeros ASCII sur ST et sur PC. A mon avis, le probleme venait du fait que les caracteres dont le 8eme bit etait a 1 n'ont pas ete transferes, ce qui est une autre source de problemes avec les caracteres accentues (souvent le 8eme bit est mis a 0). -- Vincent Lefevre | vlefevre@ens.ens-lyon.fr | Acorn RiscPC600, 4+1MB RAM, 210MB IDE Magistere d'informatique 2e annee | Apple CD-300, SyQuest 270MB Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon | Atari Falcon030, 4MB RAM, 85MB IDE France | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Properties of 17] 17: 3rd Fermat prime. #! rnews 0000000535 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!cisun2000.unil.ch!pcbf1-127a.unil.ch!pavirioux From: pavirioux@unirg.fr (Pierre-Alain Virioux) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: M. et Mme (2) Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 13:15:16 Organization: Universite de Rougerois Lines: 22 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: pcbf1-127a.unil.ch X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev A] Monsieur et Madame Reutenonlerotte ont une fille... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Samantha !!! #! rnews 0000000758 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!cea.fr!usenet From: jcmonier@asphodele.saclay.cea.fr (Jean-Christophe MONIER) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Le retour de ta mere...tatatin :+) Followup-To: poster Date: 24 May 1995 11:22:39 GMT Organization: C.E.A. (Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique), France. Lines: 8 Message-ID: <3pv4tv$bbi@anemone.saclay.cea.fr> References: <3pplcb$clb@anemone.saclay.cea.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: frelon.saclay.cea.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.4 In article <3pplcb$clb@anemone.saclay.cea.fr>, Jean-Christophe.Monier@Cea.Fr says... > >Ta mere elle est tellement conne qu'elle croit que MENOPAUSE c'est une >touche sur ton magnetoscope . De plus, Ta mere elle a couche avec Dick Rivers et elle mange des fleurs. #! rnews 0000000507 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!howland.reston.ans.net!news.sprintlink.net!pipex!lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk!la204 From: la204@cl.cam.ac.uk (Loic Avenel) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: une chtite avant de partir Date: 24 May 1995 11:35:48 GMT Organization: U of Cambridge Computer Lab, UK Lines: 9 Message-ID: <3pv5mk$itd@lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk> NNTP-Posting-Host: lelaps.cl.cam.ac.uk Les grosses c'est comme les chaussons : on est bien dedans mais on aime pas sortir avec. Sorry Lord RICARD #! rnews 0000000690 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!iacorp!news From: nicolas.germain@iacorp.fr Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Humour ? Date: Wed, 24 May 95 13:54:09 PDT Organization: IA Corporation SA Lines: 13 Message-ID: <3pv78c$gcv@mc2.iacorp.fr> References: <3psghn$dle$1@mhadf.production.compuserve.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: wv6.iacorp.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII X-Newsreader: NEWTNews & Chameleon -- TCP/IP for MS Windows from NetManage In article <3psghn$dle$1@mhadf.production.compuserve.com>, <100337.2667@CompuServe.COM> writes: > > Pfff !!!... > Drôles de blagues dans ce coin > C'est assez nul > > Pierrot Tiens ? Un egare... -- Nicolas #! rnews 0000001198 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!news.ujf-grenoble.fr!grenet.fr!lubna!legoff From: legoff@lubna (Bertrand LE GOFF) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Humour ? Date: 24 May 1995 12:29:31 GMT Organization: C.I.C.G. , Grenoble Lines: 23 Message-ID: <3pv8rb$an7@cicg-communication.grenet.fr> References: <3psghn$dle$1@mhadf.production.compuserve.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: lubna.icp.grenet.fr X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Pierrot HERITIER (100337.2667@CompuServe.COM) wrote: : Pfff !!!... : Drôles de blagues dans ce coin : C'est assez nul : Pierrot Sa mere, elle poste des news humoristiques dans comp.sys.amiga ... -- ************************************************ * Bertrand LE GOFF * * Institut de la Communication Parlee * * INPG/ENSERG - Universite Stendhal * * BP25X * * 38040 GRENOBLE cedex 9 * * FRANCE * ************************************************ * Email : legoff@icp.grenet.fr * * http://ophale.icp.grenet.fr/ * ************************************************ #! rnews 0000000900 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!univ-lyon1.fr!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!julienas!donald.cenaath.cena.dgac.fr!seche.cenatls.cena.dgac.fr!souka!vilquin From: vilquin@souka.cenatls.cena.dgac.fr (Guy VILQUIN) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: La tarte aux poireaux Date: 24 May 1995 09:14:06 GMT Organization: Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aerienne Lines: 7 Message-ID: <3putcu$bh2@seche.cenatls.cena.dgac.fr> References: <3ptcah$c2a@polytechnique.polytechnique.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: souka.cenatls.cena.dgac.fr Originator: vilquin@souka From: canon@poly.polytechnique.fr (Hubert Canon) > en particulier, je ne comprend pas pourquoi tout le monde se sauve > quand je rentre dans un compartiment de train avec une tarte au > maroilles dans mon sac. pourtant, c'est si bon. Suivie d'un Vieux Lille pour cloturer l'ambiance; #! rnews 0000001080 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!isis!chevalie From: chevalie@isis (Stephane Chevalier) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: lu dans les news Date: 24 May 1995 12:49:29 GMT Organization: IMAG Institute, University of Grenoble, France. Lines: 29 Sender: chevalie@imag.fr (Stephane Chevalier) Message-ID: <3pva0p$cjr@imag.imag.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: isis.imag.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit juste pour rire... : je cite ! " Path: news.imag.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-angers.fr!news From: alafia@xiii.univ-angers.fr (rimka) Newsgroups: fr.petites-annonces.informatique Subject: Recherche genereux donateur materiel pc Date: 23 May 1995 11:44:41 GMT Organization: universite Lines: 7 Message-ID: <3pshr9$98h@news.univ-angers.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: @etud-1.info.univ-angers.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.2 Recherche genereux donateur de materiel PC pour un etudiant, en etat de marche . Merci d'avance . :-) " Steph, qui promet qui n'a rien trafique !! #! rnews 0000001799 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!unilim.fr!cict.fr!piau!hm From: hm@piau () Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Hugh ! Date: 24 May 1995 13:42:51 GMT Lines: 32 Message-ID: <3pvd4r$klj@news.cict.fr> References: <3ppsq6$mm@imag.imag.fr> <3psvhn$43b@polux.eurolang.fr> <3pt3i6$3js@ici-paris.ensta.fr> Reply-To: herve.moinet@avions.aerospatiale.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] David Crochemore (crochemo@ensta.fr) wrote: : In article <3psvhn$43b@polux.eurolang.fr>, bouanna@eurolang.fr (cyril.bouanna) writes: : |> > Notre nouveau president (...) : |> > il croise une superbe demoiselle qu'il emballe en quelques secondes... : |> > (il l'a fait avec 52,4 % des francais) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ : |> : |> !!! Pour ce qui est des 52,4 % de francais, il a quand meme mis pas mal : |> de secondes a les emballer : : |> 30 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60. Ca en fait 946.080.000, des secondes. : |> J'espere qu'il se l'est emballee plus vite, la thailandaise... : |> : Oui, mais emballer 15 000 000 d'electeurs en 945.080.000 secondes, : ca fait a peine une minute par electeur, je te mets au defi d'emballer, : meme une thailandaise, en une minute (sauf si...) : -- : / | / | / |_ _ | __ | Je suis schizophrene et moi aussi : / | ) / | \ | |_ | (Thomas Jung) : / ) | \ / ) | | | ) |---------------------------------- : /_ \_|_ \_/_ \_|_ |_ |____ |___ | crochemo@ensta.fr Histoire d'ajouter mon grain de sel dans cette histoire hautement philosiphique :-) a base de president et de thailandaises, je crois que 1, en une minute, c'est envisageable, mais 15 000 000,... quelle fatigue !!! HERVE PS: Ta mere, elle vote skinhead pour donner a manger aux poissons ?! #! rnews 0000000914 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!unilim.fr!cict.fr!piau!hm From: hm@piau () Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Tamer' Date: 24 May 1995 13:44:59 GMT Lines: 18 Message-ID: <3pvd8r$klj@news.cict.fr> References: <1995May18.063144.17825@news.unige.ch> <3pspe2$kib@vishnu.jussieu.fr> <3psq0l$dl0@caro.dsic.emn.fr> Reply-To: herve.moinet@avions.aerospatiale.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] D. Coussemaeker (coussema@hpslz14.cern.ch) wrote: : for-in-94 (raillard@sun6emn.fr) wrote: : : OSONS REFAIRE TRENTE MILLE FOIS LES MEMES VANNES POURRIES. : : TA MERE ELLE EST SI PLATE QU'ON PEUT LA FAXER... : : ET TOI, T'ES SI LOURD QUE TU PEUX PAS LIRE LES ANCIENNES ? : Ta mere, elle a coince la touche Caps Lock. : Desole... Genre provo: Euh, ta mere elle est si plate qu'on pourrait la faxer ???? HERVE PS: Ta mere, elle est jamais rafraichie ! #! rnews 0000001309 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!unilim.fr!cict.fr!piau!hm From: hm@piau () Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: La tarte aux poireaux Date: 24 May 1995 13:46:50 GMT Lines: 20 Message-ID: <3pvdca$klj@news.cict.fr> References: <3pukg7$q45@arcturus.ciril.fr> Reply-To: herve.moinet@avions.aerospatiale.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Matthieu Dazy (Matthieu.Dazy@scinfo.u-nancy.fr) wrote: : : Au nom de tous mes compatriotes Picard, Ch'Ti, je tiens a defendre l'honneur et : : le gout de la Tarte a la Flammiche (aussi appele tarte aux poireaux), et je demande : : a l'emetteur de cette blague de substituer "poireaux" en "concombre" pour ainsi : : correspondre au texte original :) : Je ne peux qu'approuver, sauf que par ici (a Nancy), on dit 'Flamiche' : (avec un seul m) et pas 'Tarte a la Flammiche'. Mais c'est vrai qu'on est pres : des Vosges, alors forcement on subit un pe l'influence... :) : __ __| | __| | | : | \ -_) \__ \ \ _` | _` | _ \ \ \ / : _| _| _\___| ____/_| _\__,_\__,_\___/\_/\_/ dazy@scinfo.u-nancy.fr : "The dead know one thing. It is better to be alive." Vos meres, elles mangent des ficelles picardes au Mac'Do ??? HERVE #! rnews 0000001649 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!julienas!madiran.icdc.fr!julia.icdc.fr!julia!jean From: jean@katia.icdc.fr (Jean-Denis Gorin) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: La tarte aux poireaux Date: 24 May 1995 09:18:21 GMT Organization: Informatique CDC - Dabfi 3 Lines: 30 Message-ID: References: <3ptcah$c2a@polytechnique.polytechnique.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: katia.icdc.fr In-reply-to: canon@poly.polytechnique.fr's message of 23 May 1995 19:16:33 GMT In article <3ptcah$c2a@polytechnique.polytechnique.fr> canon@poly.polytechnique.fr (Hubert Canon) writes: In article , Jean-Denis Gorin wrote: > Au nom de tous mes compatriotes Picard, Ch'Ti, je tiens a defendre > l'honneur et le gout de la Tarte a la Flammiche (aussi appele tarte > aux poireaux), et je demande a l'emetteur de cette blague de > substituer "poireaux" en "concombre" pour ainsi correspondre au > texte original :) > > Et Vive la Picardie, le Nord-Pas de Calais et les Flandres ! oui, tout à fait. il est honteux de critiquer toutes les bonnes spécialités régionales du nord et de la picardie ! en particulier, je ne comprend pas pourquoi tout le monde se sauve quand je rentre dans un compartiment de train avec une tarte au maroilles dans mon sac. pourtant, c'est si bon. Hummm miam miam... et le Vieux Lille aussi c'est sympa comme fromage, et la Boulette d'Avesnes ! Vite, j'ai FAIM !!! -- Jean-Denis Gorin #! rnews 0000002965 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!ciril.fr!univ-lille1.fr!cict.fr!piau!hm From: hm@piau () Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Nouveau gouvernement Date: 24 May 1995 13:56:18 GMT Lines: 60 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pvdu2$klj@news.cict.fr> References: <3pi206$o1c@news.irisa.fr> <3pqecr$7n6@ici-paris.ensta.fr> Reply-To: herve.moinet@avions.aerospatiale.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Clotilde CHALAND (chaland@imag.imag.fr) wrote: : In article <3pqecr$7n6@ici-paris.ensta.fr>, crochemo@ensta.fr (David : Crochemore) wrote: : > > In article , : Jean-Claude.Bellamy@der.edf.fr writes: : > > > : > > > Vous avez certainement note qu'il y a un Secretariat d'Etat a la : > > > "Reconciliation entre les Generations" ou quelque chose d'approchant ! : > : > Le pire, c'est que c'est meme pas un secretariat d'Etat, C'EST UN MINISTERE... : > (Je crois que c'est la "Solidarite" entre les generations...) : > : Eh, vous les jeunes ... c'est un ministere qui va juste un petit peu : augmenter vos cotisations "solidarite" pour que les retraite's puissent : aller faire dorer leurs vieux os aux Antilles ou en Guadeloupe ... a moins : que ce ne soit a St Martin : Z'avez rien compris ! : Et vous vous etes pas poses de questions sur la Secretaire d'Etat a la : Recherche qui n'a JAMAIS fait de recherche ... elle est IR, mais elle : avait une fonction d'administration ... : C'est pas rigolo, tout ca ? : -- : Clotilde CHALAND : Direction IMAG, Maison Jean Kuntzmann : B. P. 53 : 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France : 110 Avenue de la Chimie - Campus Universitaire de St Martin d'Hères : Tel : 76 63 56 72 - Fax : 76 51 49 64 : e-mail : chaland@imag.imag.fr ATTENTION, ames sensibles s'abstenir ! D'abord, c'est pas un ministere de la Solidarite entre les generations qu'il faut, c'est un ministere de l'euthanasie. En effet, avec un seul ministere (peu de frais), on resoud tous les problemes. On zigouille: - Les vieux: on peut ainsi transvaser le rabe des caisses de retraites vers la caisse maladie, - Les noirs, arabes, bretons, corses, basques, picards, et j'en passe et des meilleurs: limitation des frais consecutifs a la regionalisation, moins de policiers, etc etc, - Les socialos (y font rien qu'a acheter des twingos a Tonton), - Les Anglais (pourquoi pas, dans tout les cas ca ne peut qu'etre bon pour l'Europe !) Et voila, un projet de gouvernement qu'il est beau. Moins de chomage, avec un rapport direct entre l'activite du ministere et le non de demandeurs d'emploi (donc aisement quantifiable) et reduction des deficits de l'etat. Allez, votez pour moi. HERVE (putain, comme disait Shadow, 7 ans !) PS: Ta mere elle est abonne a la revue Mein Kamptf illustree !!! PPS: Pas de commentaires choques, please, j'avais prevenu :-)) #! rnews 0000001161 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lille1.fr!cict.fr!piau!hm From: hm@piau () Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Blague Ecossaise Date: 24 May 1995 13:58:17 GMT Lines: 26 Message-ID: <3pve1p$klj@news.cict.fr> References: <3pi3eu$n6v@news.cict.fr> Reply-To: herve.moinet@avions.aerospatiale.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] MIGUEL FERREIRA (FERREIRA@DIAL.EUNET.CH) wrote: : In article <3pi3eu$n6v@news.cict.fr>, herve.moinet@avions.aerospatiale.fr wrote: : > JOSE MIGUEL FERREIRA (FERREIRA@DIAL.EUNET.CH) wrote: : > : : > : Combien d'oiseaux tiennent sous un kilt d'ecossais ? : > : ca depend de la taille de la branche... : > : > [destroy] : > : > Derniere nouvelle: En Ecosse, un taxi est tombe ce matin dans un : > lac apres avoir rate un virage. Bilan, 47 morts. : > : > : > HERVE : heeeuuu....47 oiseaux morts ? : Der Nachtmann Mais non, il parait que les ecossais sont un peu pingres (moi, ce que j'en dis ...) HERVE PS: Ta mere elle donne la destination aux chauffeurs de bus ! #! rnews 0000001541 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!taloa.unice.fr!fortran.unice.fr!petit From: petit@fortran.unice.fr (Jeremie Petit) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: La tarte aux poireaux Date: 24 May 1995 13:16:33 GMT Organization: I3S - CNRS - UNSA (U. of Nice Sophia Antipolis France) Lines: 21 Message-ID: <3pvbjh$l8o@taloa.unice.fr> References: <3ptcah$c2a@polytechnique.polytechnique.fr> <3putcu$bh2@seche.cenatls.cena.dgac.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: fortran.unice.fr In article <3putcu$bh2@seche.cenatls.cena.dgac.fr>, vilquin@souka.cenatls.cena.dgac.fr (Guy VILQUIN) writes: > From: canon@poly.polytechnique.fr (Hubert Canon) > > en particulier, je ne comprend pas pourquoi tout le monde se sauve > > quand je rentre dans un compartiment de train avec une tarte au > > maroilles dans mon sac. pourtant, c'est si bon. > > Suivie d'un Vieux Lille pour cloturer l'ambiance; Serait-il possible d'enlever cette news, car ma session commence a sentir un peu trop, et c'est tres desagreable. Remettez le vieux Lille sur la terrasse et le maroilles dans le frigo, on les ressortira plus tard. Amicalement et sans vouloir vous vexer... -- *-------------------------------------------------------------* * Jeremie PETIT | When you offer a ride to Mars, * * petit@aurora.unice.fr | contact me. * * Maitrise Informatique | * *-------------------------------------------------------------* #! rnews 0000001202 Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!news-rocq.inria.fr!news2.EUnet.fr!EU.net!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!usc!crash!richcsst From: richcsst@crash.cts.com (Richard John Kelsch) Subject: Re: GFA question Organization: CTS Network Services (CTSNET), San Diego, CA Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 11:16:11 GMT Message-ID: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] References: <3ps7dv$2of@dunlop.cs.strath.ac.uk> Sender: news@crash.cts.com (news subsystem) Nntp-Posting-Host: crash.cts.com Lines: 19 Fraser S Keith (fkeith@cs.strath.ac.uk) wrote: : Is there any way to put a autoboot GFA basic file : on the disk so that it automatically loads and runs : on booting. I know it can be done in STOS by naming : the file autoexec.bas . : Fraser S Keith Yes, you must COMPILE it first with the GfA Compiler. If you do not have the compiler, then you must purchase one (preferably version 3.5 or 3.6TT). If booting from the AUTO folder, then the program must not make use of GEM specific routines and commands. If the program needs GEM, then you must have the Desktop (version 1.4+) auto run it or use a program like Headstart run it. Rich #! rnews 0000001375 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!taloa.unice.fr!fortran.unice.fr!petit From: petit@fortran.unice.fr (Jeremie Petit) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: lu dans les news Date: 24 May 1995 13:20:00 GMT Organization: I3S - CNRS - UNSA (U. of Nice Sophia Antipolis France) Lines: 22 Message-ID: <3pvbq0$l8o@taloa.unice.fr> References: <3pva0p$cjr@imag.imag.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: fortran.unice.fr In article <3pva0p$cjr@imag.imag.fr>, chevalie@isis (Stephane Chevalier) writes: > juste pour rire... : je cite ! > From: alafia@xiii.univ-angers.fr (rimka) > Newsgroups: fr.petites-annonces.informatique > Subject: Recherche genereux donateur materiel pc > > Recherche genereux donateur de materiel PC pour un etudiant, en > etat de marche . > Merci d'avance . Personne n'a de vieilles affiches de Marchais qui trainent? Ah! C'est vrai, il est plus en etat de marche... Alors des autocollants de Rob U, ca devrait lui faire plaisir a ce pauvre petit etudiant. Jeremie qui se dit que c'est fou ces news qui se politisent. *-------------------------------------------------------------* * Jeremie PETIT | When you offer a ride to Mars, * * petit@aurora.unice.fr | contact me. * * Maitrise Informatique | * *-------------------------------------------------------------* #! rnews 0000001169 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ensta!cedre8.ensta.fr!crochemo From: crochemo@ensta.fr (David Crochemore) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Hugh ! Date: 24 May 1995 13:20:18 GMT Organization: Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees (ENSTA), Paris Lines: 16 Sender: crochemo@cedre8.ensta.fr (David Crochemore) Message-ID: <3pvbqi$j6o@ici-paris.ensta.fr> References: <3ppsq6$mm@imag.imag.fr> <3psvhn$43b@polux.eurolang.fr> <3pt3i6$3js@ici-paris.ensta.fr> <3pvd4r$klj@news.cict.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: cedre8.ensta.fr |> Histoire d'ajouter mon grain de sel dans cette histoire hautement philosiphique :-) |> a base de president et de thailandaises, je crois que 1, en une minute, c'est envisageable, |> mais 15 000 000,... quelle fatigue !!! |> |> HERVE Pas de probleme, et pendant que tu y es, amene-moi ta mere que je te refasse. -- / | / | / |_ _ | __ | Je suis schizophrene et moi aussi / | ) / | \ | |_ | (Thomas Jung) / ) | \ / ) | | | ) |---------------------------------- /_ \_|_ \_/_ \_|_ |_ |____ |___ | crochemo@ensta.fr #! rnews 0000001133 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.edu!news.sprintlink.net!warp.cris.com!usenet From: wcgreen@cris.com (Wendy Chatley Green) Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.postmodern,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,alt.cyberpunk.movement,misc.writing Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres! Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 13:58:39 -0400 Organization: Concentric Internet Services Lines: 12 Message-ID: References: <3p78bb$pql@mercury.kingston.ac.uk> <3p8eit$aua@calliope.wln.com> <3pgp6l$d98@news.uni-c.dk> <3puaa5$pk8@panix.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: viking-fddi.cris.com Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4493 alt.cyberpunk:331 alt.postmodern:217 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:113 alt.cyberpunk.movement:50 misc.writing:1542 In article <3puaa5$pk8@panix.com>, jimcat@panix.com (Jim Kasprzak) wrote: : . . . The reason it sold as science fiction : is because, as Niven himself once pointed out, sufficiently advanced magic : is indistinguishable from technology. : -- : Arthur C. Clarke said that. Wendy (I love to be) Chatley (pedantic.) Green -- wcgreen@cris.com #! rnews 0000000647 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!ext.jussieu.fr!depinfo.u-bourgogne.fr!villemin From: villemin@depinfo.u-bourgogne.fr () Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Je pete un plomb Date: 24 May 1995 13:46:27 GMT Organization: Departement Informatique Dijon Lines: 6 Message-ID: <3pvdbj$hse@pinot.ext.jussieu.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: depinfo.u-bourgogne.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL1] Perdu entre 14h30 et 14h31 un paquet IP contenant dans le champs destinataire villemin@depinfo Offre recompense. Pas serieux s'abstenir. Coco qui vous aura prevenu #! rnews 0000001161 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!news.imag.fr!ciril.fr!scinfo.u-nancy.fr!janczak From: Dimitri.Janczak@scinfo.u-nancy.fr (Dimitri Janczak) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: La tarte aux poireaux Date: 24 May 1995 13:52:27 GMT Organization: Universite Henri Poincare - Nancy (France) Departement Informatique - ESIAL - ISIAL Lines: 14 Message-ID: <3pvdmr$mc@arcturus.ciril.fr> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: castor.scinfo.u-nancy.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Jean-Denis Gorin (jean@katia.icdc.fr) wrote: : Vite, j'ai FAIM !!! Oui, mais alors apres evite d'aller te baigner a Boulogne (Sur mer, bande de parigots :-) De circonstance : Ta mere elle regarde la RTBF (Ou pire : La BRTN) -- Dimitri Janczak | "J'voudrais pas crever sans savoir si les quatre janczak@scinfo.u-nancy.fr | saisons ne sont vraiment que quatre"(Boris Vian) Ecole Superieure d'Informatique et Applications de Lorraine (E.S.I.A.L.) #! rnews 0000001159 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!oleane!epita!krypton!doussa_t From: doussa_t@epita.fr (thomas doussau) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Le vieux et la vieille Date: 24 May 1995 15:51:11 GMT Organization: EPITA Lines: 18 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pvklf$2cp@boson.epita.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: krypton.epita.fr X-newsreader: XRN SunLight Alors, voila, c'est un couple de vieux qui s'apprete a passer une nuit bien tranquille. Tout d'un coup, le mari, pris d'une envie de ses 20 ans, saute sur sa femme et commence a lui embrasser les seins. La femme, interloquee, lui demande : "Ben, qu'est ce que tu fais ???" (forcement, depuis le temps, hein...). Son mari lui repond, un peu gene : "Ben, heu, tu vois, aujourd'hui, ben... C'est la fete des seins !!!".... Le lendemain, la femme se precipite sur son mari et commence a lui entreprendre sa paire de boules. Comme le mari ne comprend pas, sa femme lui repond : "Ben quoi, c'est pas la fete des morts, aujourd'hui ?" Vous lisez trop les news, bonsoir. -- .............................................. . Thomas DOUSSAU EPITA - Paris . ...............doussa_t@epita.fr.............. #! rnews 0000000927 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!cri.ens-lyon.fr!mac-coast-1.ens-lyon.fr!user From: mquignar@cri.ens-lyon.fr (Matthieu Quignard) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Humour ? Followup-To: fr.rec.humour Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 15:47:32 -0300 Organization: CNRS-IRPEACS-COAST Lines: 15 Message-ID: References: <3psghn$dle$1@mhadf.production.compuserve.com> <3pv8rb$an7@cicg-communication.grenet.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: mac-coast-1.ens-lyon.fr In article <3pv8rb$an7@cicg-communication.grenet.fr>, legoff@lubna (Bertrand LE GOFF) wrote: > Sa mere, elle poste des news humoristiques dans > comp.sys.amiga ... Vos meres elles postent des "ta mere" sur internet (c'est vous dire comme ca me fait rire de faire cette remarque...) Faites un newsgroup 'ta_mere', ici on est sense faire de l'humour.... -- Comment ? -- Beethoven Pardon ? -- Faure' Hein ? -- Attila #! rnews 0000000880 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!cri.ens-lyon.fr!mac-coast-1.ens-lyon.fr!user From: mquignar@cri.ens-lyon.fr (Matthieu Quignard) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Tamer' Followup-To: fr.rec.humour Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 15:59:14 -0300 Organization: CNRS-IRPEACS-COAST Lines: 9 Message-ID: References: <1995May18.063144.17825@news.unige.ch> <3pspe2$kib@vishnu.jussieu.fr> <3psq0l$dl0@caro.dsic.emn.fr> <3pvd8r$klj@news.cict.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: mac-coast-1.ens-lyon.fr In article <3pvd8r$klj@news.cict.fr>, hm@piau () wrote: > Genre provo: Euh, ta mere elle est si plate qu'on pourrait la faxer ???? > PS: Ta mere, elle est jamais rafraichie ! si, dans le genre contrepeterie : ta mere est si flasque qu'on pourrait l'appater Je sais, c'est pas drole, mais pas moins que les autres. #! rnews 0000001036 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!chsun!hslrswi!news From: pasche@hasler.ascom.ch (Serge Pasche) Subject: Re: Ta mere (connue mais bonne) X-Nntp-Posting-Host: gondolin.hasler.ascom.ch Message-ID: <1995May23.134753.17978@hasler.ascom.ch> Sender: news@hasler.ascom.ch Reply-To: pasche@hasler.ascom.ch Organization: Ascom Hasler AG, Berne, Switzerland References: <3pi34h$n6v@news.cict.fr> Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 13:47:53 GMT Lines: 15 Ta mere, elle est tellement grosse que quand elle met une veste malcom X les helicos se posent dessus. Ta mere, elle est tellement vieille que quand elle entre chez un antiquaire, il lui pose yout de suite une etiquette "A vendre" --- Your ASCOM contact : Serge Pasche NME9 | Tel : +41 31 999 2851 ASCOM Hasler AG, Belpstrasse 37, CH-3000 Bern 14 | Fax : +41 31 999 3735 e-mail : pasche@hasler.ascom.ch "On a un bien joli canton, ....... dommage qu'elle n'ait pas mis du vin dans son eau, la Venoge. (Gilles)" #! rnews 0000001418 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lille1.fr!cict.fr!piau!hm From: hm@piau () Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Hugh ! Date: 24 May 1995 15:36:56 GMT Lines: 26 Message-ID: <3pvjqo$lqg@news.cict.fr> References: <3ppsq6$mm@imag.imag.fr> <3psvhn$43b@polux.eurolang.fr> <3pt3i6$3js@ici-paris.ensta.fr> <3pvd4r$klj@news.cict.fr> <3pvbqi$j6o@ici-paris.ensta.fr> Reply-To: herve.moinet@avions.aerospatiale.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] David Crochemore (crochemo@ensta.fr) wrote: : |> Histoire d'ajouter mon grain de sel dans cette histoire hautement philosiphique :-) : |> a base de president et de thailandaises, je crois que 1, en une minute, c'est envisageable, : |> mais 15 000 000,... quelle fatigue !!! : |> : |> HERVE : Pas de probleme, et pendant que tu y es, amene-moi ta mere que je te refasse. : -- : / | / | / |_ _ | __ | Je suis schizophrene et moi aussi : / | ) / | \ | |_ | (Thomas Jung) : / ) | \ / ) | | | ) |---------------------------------- : /_ \_|_ \_/_ \_|_ |_ |____ |___ | crochemo@ensta.fr Oui, bon, evidemment, j'ai fourni le baton pour me faire battre !!! M'enfin, en voyant ma mere, j'suis pas sur que tu s'rais aussi motive :-)) HERVE PS: Ta mere, elle t'as fait 15 000 000 de fois et elle s'est quand meme encore gourree ! :->> #! rnews 0000000791 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!uwm.edu!msunews!netnews.upenn.edu!news.drexel.edu!news.ge.com!cho006!pratt_k From: pratt_k@cho006.cho.ge.com Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer,comp.sys.atari.programmers Subject: ATARI TT030 For Sale Message-ID: <1995May23.142257.840@cho006> Date: 23 May 95 14:22:57 EDT Organization: GE Fanuc Automation, North America Lines: 25 For Sale: Atari TT030 8 Meg RAM 50 Meg ASCSI Hard Drive With: lattice C 5.0 HISOFT DEVPAK (Macro Assembler) HISOFT Professional Basic (Basic Compiler) LASER C Warp 9 Word Perfect Games Many other packages and reference material. $800.00 B/O Contact me at kjp@choh001.cho.ge.com Enjoy the day, Ken Pratt #! rnews 0000000868 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lille1.fr!cict.fr!piau!hm From: hm@piau () Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Humour ? Date: 24 May 1995 15:50:37 GMT Lines: 23 Message-ID: <3pvkkd$lqg@news.cict.fr> References: <3psghn$dle$1@mhadf.production.compuserve.com> <3pv78c$gcv@mc2.iacorp.fr> Reply-To: herve.moinet@avions.aerospatiale.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] nicolas.germain@iacorp.fr wrote: : In article <3psghn$dle$1@mhadf.production.compuserve.com>, <100337.2667@CompuServe.COM> : writes: : > : > Pfff !!!... : > Drôles de blagues dans ce coin : > C'est assez nul : > : > Pierrot : Tiens ? Un egare... : -- Nicolas Sa mere, elle a ete tellement horrifiee qu'elle l'a pas reconnu a la mairie ! HERVE PS: A que c'est bon de se faire remettre dans le droit chemin par les redempteurs d'internet !!! :-<<< #! rnews 0000001638 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lille1.fr!cict.fr!piau!hm From: hm@piau () Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: La norme la plus connue reste Windows ! Date: 24 May 1995 15:56:02 GMT Lines: 31 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pvkui$lqg@news.cict.fr> References: <3p2hn8$1fi@serveur.cribx1.u-bordeaux.fr> <3ptcb2$2g8@arcturus.ciril.fr> Reply-To: herve.moinet@avions.aerospatiale.fr NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Stephane Jantzen (Stephane.Jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr) wrote: : Olivier Grange-Labat (minfo002@univ-pau.fr) wrote: : : sa mere c'est lui. : : -- olivier. : Donc : : La mere de sa mere c'est lui. : La mere de la mere de sa mere c'est lui. : La mere de la mere de la mere de sa mere c'est lui. : La mere de la mere de la mere de la mere de sa mere c'est lui. : La mere de la mere de la mere de la mere de la mere de sa mere c'est lui. : La mere de la mere de la mere de la mere de la mere de la$%#^%$@$#^%#$^GYTYc57 : segmentation fault. core dumped. : -- : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Stephane 'Peekaboo' Jantzen - stephane.jantzen@scinfo.u-nancy.fr - E.S.I.A.L. : "Without the pain there'd be no learning _O_ : Without the hurting we'd never change" - KaTe Bush |< : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ou, pour les PCistes, une qui m'a toujours fait beaucoup rire: Fatal Internal Stack Failure Error ... HERVE PS: avec toutes mes excuses pour les non-inities, je le referais plus (ma mere, elle fait syntax error sur sa tele) #! rnews 0000000825 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!cisun2000.unil.ch!pcbf1-127a.unil.ch!fgrieu From: fgrieu@micronet.fr (Francois Grieu) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Tres drole !!! Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 17:06:59 Organization: Francenet - Paris, France Lines: 14 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: pcbf1-127a.unil.ch X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev A] In article <1312934029.21031775@eureka.qc.ca> Marc_Bergeron@eureka.qc.ca (Marc Bergeron) writes: >C'est un belge, un francais et un americain qui sont dans un avion au-dessus >de l'Atlantique. L'avion est en feu et les passagers doivent sauter pour se >sauver. Il y a trois parachutes. > >Comme il y a trois passagers, tout le monde est indemne. > > >Desole. La, je crois qu'on a touche le fond... #! rnews 0000000555 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!cri.ens-lyon.fr!mac-coast-1.ens-lyon.fr!user From: mquignar@cri.ens-lyon.fr (Matthieu Quignard) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: ta mere, la plus vieille Followup-To: fr.rec.humour Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 17:15:49 -0300 Organization: CNRS-IRPEACS-COAST Lines: 6 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: mac-coast-1.ens-lyon.fr entendue il y a pres de 2000 ans, a Nazareth (Galilee) ta mere, elle est vierge. a-t-on fait mieux depuis ? -- Ta mere, qu'on voit danser... #! rnews 0000001208 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!news.unige.ch!betrix From: betrix@scsun.unige.ch (BETRIX Franck) Subject: Re: Tres drole !!! Message-ID: <1995May24.153103.20715@news.unige.ch> Sender: usenet@news.unige.ch Organization: University of Geneva X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] References: Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 15:31:03 GMT Lines: 31 Notre cher Francois Grieu ecrit: : In article <1312934029.21031775@eureka.qc.ca> Marc_Bergeron@eureka.qc.ca (Marc : Bergeron) writes: : >C'est un belge, un francais et un americain qui sont dans un avion au-dessus : >de l'Atlantique. L'avion est en feu et les passagers doivent sauter pour se : >sauver. Il y a trois parachutes. : > : >Comme il y a trois passagers, tout le monde est indemne. : > : > : >Desole. : La, je crois qu'on a touche le fond... Ben oui, quoi, au fond on n'est pas si con. Franck, qui n'a pas pu resister. ************************************************* * * * Franck * * * * betrix@scsun.unige.ch * * * * http://obsipc4.unige.ch/~betrix (en chantier) * * * ************************************************* #! rnews 0000001987 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!CERN.ch!news From: PATRICK@tifrvax.tifr.res.in (P Roumanoff) Subject: Re: Le vieux et la vieille In-Reply-To: doussa_t@epita.fr's message of 24 May 1995 15:51:11 GMT X-Nntp-Posting-Host: tifrvax.tifr.res.in Message-ID: Sender: news@news.cern.ch (USENET News System) Organization: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India References: <3pvklf$2cp@boson.epita.fr> Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 15:57:24 GMT X-News-Reader: VMS NEWS 1.24 Lines: 31 In <3pvklf$2cp@boson.epita.fr> doussa_t@epita.fr writes: > Alors, voila, c'est un couple de vieux qui s'apprete a passer > .............................................. > . Thomas DOUSSAU EPITA - Paris . > ...............doussa_t@epita.fr.............. ca m'en rappelle une: Ca se passe dans un petit village, et il y a un couple de vieux, ca doit bien faire 50 ans qu'ils vivent ensemble, et il ne peuvent pas se supporter, tout les jours, les habitants de ce petit village sont deranges par les bruits de vaiselles cassees et d'engueulades. Et par un beau jour, la vieille fini par crever, les habitants se disent qu'ils vont enfin avoir la paix. La vieille est entrerree dans le cimetiere du village. Mais c'est alors que les habitants assistent a un drole de ceremonial de la par du vieux. Tout le monde pensait, qu'une fois morte, le vieux pourrait finir sa vie tranquille. Mais tout les jours, on le voit aller au cimetiere sur la tombe de sa femme, et on se demande bien ce qu'il peut bien y faire, vu l'affection qui regnait entre ces deux etres. Un jour qu'il n'y a pas ecole, une petite fille un peu trop curieuse se glisse derriere la pierre tombale de la vieille et attend l'arrivee du vieux, elle le voit arrive et la, elle l'entend dire: - Allez les vers, allez les vers... PatriiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiick Roumanoff (Quel asticot cui-la) #! rnews 0000001286 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!newsmaster From: Greus frederic - DIIC 2 ARCHI Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Un avion Date: 24 May 1995 08:51:46 GMT Organization: Universite de Rennes 1, France Lines: 25 Message-ID: <3pus32$dih@news.univ-rennes1.fr> References: <1312944029.21028407@eureka.qc.ca> <3puikg$lal@cicg-communication.grenet.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: helios.ifsic.univ-rennes1.fr Et toujours dans le meme style : C'est un francais , un americain et un arabe qui sont dans un avion qui perd de l'altitude. Alors le pilote leur demande de délester l'avion en jetant tout ce qui peuvent par les fenetres. Alors l'americain prend tous ses dollars et les jettent. Les deux autres lui disent :"Mais t'es fou, mais t'es fou !!" Et l'americain repond :"Mais non, il y en a plein en Amerique" Alors l'arabe prend son petrole et le jette. Les deux autres lui disent :"Mais t'es fou, mais t'es fou !!" Et l'arabe repond :"Mais non, il y en a plein en Arabie Saoudite" Alors le francais prend l'arabe et le jette. Et l'americain qui reste lui dit :"Mais t'es fou, mais t'es fou !!" Et le francais repond :"Mais non, il y en a plein en France" Desole (pour nos amis etrangers). #! rnews 0000000772 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!cri.ens-lyon.fr!news.imag.fr!imag.fr!artiges From: artiges@imag.fr (Regis Artiges) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Devinette Date: 24 May 1995 16:46:40 GMT Organization: IMAG Institute, University of Grenoble, France. Lines: 16 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pvntg$p1t@imag.imag.fr> References: <3ppqdd$9gb@pinot.ext.jussieu.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: amon.imag.fr Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit In article <3ppqdd$9gb@pinot.ext.jussieu.fr>, villemin@depinfo.u-bourgogne.fr () writes: > > Quelle etait la couleur du cheval blanc d'Henri IV ? [...] > > Blanc, desole. > > Corinne Non, gris...? Il s'est roule dans la poussiere (merci Gotlieb) #! rnews 0000001674 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!gatech!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!satisfied.apocalypse.org!news2.near.net!info-server.bbn.com!pziselberger.bbn.com!user From: Zisbo@aol.com (Hound of Cullen) Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.postmodern,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,alt.cyberpunk.movement,misc.writing Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres! Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 14:22:48 -0500 Organization: Van Laaden Haus Lines: 24 Message-ID: References: <3p78bb$pql@mercury.kingston.ac.uk> <3p8eit$aua@calliope.wln.com> <3pgp6l$d98@news.uni-c.dk> <3puaa5$pk8@panix.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: pziselberger.bbn.com Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4528 alt.cyberpunk:332 alt.postmodern:222 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:114 alt.cyberpunk.movement:51 misc.writing:1576 In article , wcgreen@cris.com (Wendy Chatley Green) wrote: > In article <3puaa5$pk8@panix.com>, jimcat@panix.com (Jim Kasprzak) wrote: > : . . . The reason it sold as science fiction > : is because, as Niven himself once pointed out, sufficiently advanced magic > : is indistinguishable from technology. > : -- > : > Arthur C. Clarke said that. > > > Wendy (I love to be) > Chatley (pedantic.) > Green -- wcgreen@cris.com Uhhh ... no. Arthur Clarke said (I'm paraphrasing) "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" I don't know if the original poster is quoting a Niven joke based on Clarke's now-famous quote, or just had his/her signals crossed. Hound (equally pedantic, when necessary) of Cullen #! rnews 0000000930 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!chsun!ferreira.dial.eunet.ch!user From: FERREIRA@DIAL.EUNET.CH (MIGUEL FERREIRA) Subject: Ta mere! Message-ID: Sender: usenet@eunet.ch Organization: HOME SWEET HOME... X-Newsreader: Value-Added NewsWatcher 2.0b24.0+ Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 19:04:49 GMT Lines: 15 Ta mere est tellement plate.... qu'on peut la faxer (avec un PC!) (vieille et connue - comme ta mere...) ***************************************** J. MIGUEL FERREIRA / GENEVA / SWITZERLAND ***************************************** COMPUSERVE: 100554,3121 INTERNET : ferreira@dial.eunet.ch ***************************************** Ni empereur, ni roi, mais se tenir la et diriger. R. Wagner +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #! rnews 0000002195 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!Germany.EU.net!EU.net!gatech!swrinde!sgiblab!cygnus.com!cygnus.com!not-for-mail From: esdar@sgies37.sdrc.com (David Reisner) Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.announce,rec.arts.sf.misc,rec.arts.sf.tv,alt.music.alternative,alt.music.progressive,comp.music,rec.music.newage,rec.music.misc,alt.cd-rom,comp.multimedia,sci.astro,alt.cyberpunk Subject: Fiorella Terenzi on Sci-Fi Buzz Date: 24 May 1995 12:03:03 -0700 Organization: Structural Dynamics Research Corp. Lines: 23 Sender: angela@cygnus.com Approved: angela@cygnus.com Distribution: world Message-ID: <3peotu$jnv@info1.sdrc.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: majipoor.cygnus.com Keywords: fiorella terenzi radiotelescope carl sagan madonna astrophysics music Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.sf.announce:18 rec.arts.sf.misc:187 rec.arts.sf.tv:1682 alt.music.alternative:30309 alt.music.progressive:248 comp.music:639 rec.music.newage:977 rec.music.misc:887 alt.cd-rom:406 comp.multimedia:884 sci.astro:664 alt.cyberpunk:333 Astrophysicist and musician Dr. Fiorella Terenzi will be on the Sci-Fi Channel's "Sci-Fi Buzz" this Sunday, May 21, airing internationally at 9:30am, 9pm, and 1am Eastern Time. In addition to an interview, they should show the first samples from her "Invisible Universe" CD-ROM, to be released by The Voyager Company in July, and maybe also samples from songs she did with Thomas Dolby for "The Gate to the Mind's Eye" computer-graphics video (#15 on the Billboard Top Music Video chart). This should also be the first public announcement of her Web site - http://www.fiorella.com - supposed to be running by Sunday. (All aside from her Island Records CD "Music from the Galaxies", Mondo 2000, Axcess, etc.) When she was on his show, Dennis Miller called her "a cross between Carl Sagan and Madonna". She was amazing at MacFair LA with Steve Vai, Herbie Hancock, Ray Manzarik, and Sinbad. Like Sinbad said "the girl does keep busy" so definitely check this out. I've been telling people to invite a bunch of friends over and make a party out of it (and I hope someone will invite me, because we don't get Sci-Fi Channel on our cable). -David dar@synthesis.com #! rnews 0000002320 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.edu!news.sprintlink.net!warp.cris.com!usenet From: wcgreen@cris.com (Wendy Chatley Green) Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.postmodern,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,alt.cyberpunk.movement,misc.writing Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres! Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 20:27:09 -0400 Organization: Concentric Internet Services Lines: 34 Message-ID: References: <3p78bb$pql@mercury.kingston.ac.uk> <3p8eit$aua@calliope.wln.com> <3pgp6l$d98@news.uni-c.dk> <3puaa5$pk8@panix.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: viking-fddi.cris.com Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4542 alt.cyberpunk:334 alt.postmodern:223 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:115 alt.cyberpunk.movement:52 misc.writing:1589 In article , Zisbo@aol.com (Hound of Cullen) wrote: : In article , wcgreen@cris.com (Wendy Chatley : Green) wrote: : : > In article <3puaa5$pk8@panix.com>, jimcat@panix.com (Jim Kasprzak) wrote: : > : . . . The reason it sold as science fiction : > : is because, as Niven himself once pointed out, sufficiently advanced magic : > : is indistinguishable from technology. : > : -- : > Arthur C. Clarke said that. : : : Uhhh ... no. Arthur Clarke said (I'm paraphrasing) "Any sufficiently : advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" : I suppose that I could claim that both sentences are semantically equivalent and that you are a $^&*%&^*#$ for correcting me. I could then threaten to stand my ground and spew obscenities and epithets until every- one was sick of me and this topic. Perhaps I could accuse you of trying to break into my ideas file or my knitting stash. Or I could take the discussion to a higher plane by forcing you to consider the connotation and denotation of the words in the disputed quote. But nothing will change these simple facts; Hound is correct in his attribution and I am mistaken. I'm sorry. Please forgive me for reading and responding too quickly. Wendy Chatley Green "There is much pleasure to be gained wcgreen@cris.com from useless knowledge." Americus, GA Bertrand Russell #! rnews 0000002064 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!chsun!ferreira.dial.eunet.ch!user From: FERREIRA@DIAL.EUNET.CH (MIGUEL FERREIRA) Subject: Re: Brigiiiiiiiitte Message-ID: Sender: usenet@eunet.ch Organization: HOME SWEET HOME... X-Newsreader: Value-Added NewsWatcher 2.0b24.0+ References: <1995May23.110548.1@etu.univ-compiegne.fr> Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 19:23:53 GMT Lines: 37 > C'est un couple d'une quarantaine d'annees. Le mari et la femme sont des > fans de Brigitte Bardot. Pour faire une surprise a son mari, la femme > decide un jour de se faire tatouer les initiales de leur idole, un "B" > sur chaque fesse. > Le soir, le mari rentre du travail et trouve sa femme etendue nue, a la > fois sur le ventre et sur le lit > "Regarde, mon cheri, supriiiiiise... > -Ben, c'est qui ce BoB ? Moi aussi j'ai lu l'Echo des Savannes. Une bonne et meconnue: (comme MA mere) Deux anciennes collegues de lycee se croisent dans la rue: Une dit: Tu vois la BMW garee la devant? c'est mon mari que me l'a offerte. l'autre: Ah, c'est gentil... Une : Et tu vois cette bague? c'est un cadeau d'anniversaire de mon cheri. l'autre: Ah, c'est gentil... Une : Et la monstre villa sur le haut de la coline, la? Mon mari l'a fait construire pour Noel, rien que pour moi. l'autre: Ah, c'est gentil... Une : Et ton mari, qu'est-ce qu'il t'a offert? l'autre : Mon mari a moi m'a paye un cours de bonnes manieres. Une : Et qu'est-ce qu'on t'a appris, dans ce cours la? l'autre: m'on appris a dire "Ah, c'est gentil" au lieu de: "Va te faire foutre!" ***************************************** J. MIGUEL FERREIRA / GENEVA / SWITZERLAND ***************************************** COMPUSERVE: 100554,3121 INTERNET : ferreira@dial.eunet.ch ***************************************** Ni empereur, ni roi, mais se tenir la et diriger. R. Wagner +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #! rnews 0000001507 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!news.alpha.net!news.mathworks.com!gatech!news.sprintlink.net!demon!uknet!genrad.co.uk!genrad.co.uk!HILLSP Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.programmer Subject: Re: Games & Graphics Programming Message-ID: <1995May24.194700.307@genrad.co.uk> From: hillsp@genrad.co.uk (Paul Hills) Date: 24 May 95 19:47:00 +0100 (BST) Reply-To: hillsp@genrad.co.uk References: <3pno5p$2ps@dux.dundee.ac.uk> Organization: GenRad Ltd Nntp-Posting-Host: cdaxp3 Lines: 23 In article <3pno5p$2ps@dux.dundee.ac.uk>, rmccall@mcs.dundee.ac.uk (Rod McCall) writes: >shortly) Pure C and Devpac 3. I am also considering getting Devpac DSP. >Do the latter two packages come with information on how to program >the graphics & sound system on the Falcon? No. Unfortunately they don't. The DevpacDSP manual is especially poor in this respect. It has a brief introductory chapter on accessing the DSP from the 68030, but the rest of it just describes how to use the assembler and debugger, although it does this well. > Also are their any >books that are particularily good at explaining how to program the >ST/Falcon graphics and sound hardware? The Atari Compendium is quite good. HiSoft's Modern Atari System Software (or something like that) has much the same stuff as the Compendium, but mostly for the Falcon. In fact, the Compendium is probably a better buy IMHO, even for the Falcon. Paul #! rnews 0000001215 Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!zaphod.crihan.fr!CC.UMontreal.CA!pfliegej From: pfliegej@ERE.UMontreal.CA (Pflieger Jean-Francois) Subject: Re: femme parfaite Message-ID: Sender: news@cc.umontreal.ca (Administration de Cnews) Organization: Universite de Montreal References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> <3ppn9s$br5@info.epfl.ch> <3ppumn$mm@imag.imag.fr> <3pq37a$ma2@info.epfl.ch> <3pq7v0$cg8@imag.imag.fr> <3pq8d5$9cn@info.epfl.ch> <3pssbs$1kv@pelvoux.cica.fr> Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 19:58:59 GMT Lines: 26 kiss@genis.cica.fr (Blaise Kiss) writes: >In article <3pq8d5$9cn@info.epfl.ch>, Alexandra Boussalem writes: >|> Malaussene ? >|> >|> Inculte. >|> >|> Alexandra >|> (Expliquez-lui, je lui cause plus ;-) >Mal aux seins ? >Je m'en occupe. >Blaise >(Masseur en herbe) Masse au lin ? J'comprends pas ;) Jeff -- Jean-Francois Pflieger "DINANZI A ME NON FUR COSE CREATE, Universite de Montreal SE NON ETERNE ED IO ETERNA DURO: Sciences Neurologiques LASCIATE OGNI SPERANZA, VOI CH'ENTRATE" pfliegej@alize.ere.umontreal.ca (Dante, "l'Enfer, Chant III, vers 7 a 9) #! rnews 0000001351 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!ws41.cnusc.fr!taloa.unice.fr!miage.unice.fr!faramia From: faramia@miage.unice.fr (faramia Joel) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Lecture ... Date: 24 May 1995 20:46:37 GMT Organization: Universite de Nice (bouh !) MIAGE Lines: 33 Distribution: world Message-ID: <3q05vd$96m@taloa.unice.fr> References: <3pi7tp$b3f@sophia.inria.fr> <3ppn9s$br5@info.epfl.ch> <3ppumn$mm@imag.imag.fr> <3pq37a$ma2@info.epfl.ch> NNTP-Posting-Host: miage.unice.fr In article <3pq37a$ma2@info.epfl.ch>, Alexandra Boussalem writes: |> chevalie@isis.imag.fr (Stephane Chevalier) wrote: |> |> > |> Alexandra |> > |> (2 metres 10) |> > |> > De large ? |> |> Ouais, ben, demain si ta voiture ou ton chien ou ta boite au lettre ou |> ta mere ou ta mobylette ou ton velo ou ton ordinateur explose, et ben |> ce sera pas la faute a Malaussene. |> |> Alexandra |> (Tu vois ce que je veux dire ?) Ouah ! Dis moi que tu lis le meme bouquin que moi (avec les ogres et tout et tout !!!) Si c'est le cas profites-en (sans vouloir te commander, s'il te plait) pour me dire si tu as lu d'autres livres de PENNAC et si t'as apprecie. Merci d'avance. Jo. P.S. : P de Villiers et JM Le Pen tombent d'un avion, lequel touche le sol le premier ... ... ... ... ... ... Reponse : Peu importe ! (Merci les Nuls) #! rnews 0000001490 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-lyon1.fr!swidir.switch.ch!newsfeed.ACO.net!Austria.EU.net!EU.net!howland.reston.ans.net!swrinde!sgiblab!uhog.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!news.kei.com!calliope.wln.com!rs6a.wln.com!tshenkel From: tshenkel@rs6a.wln.com (Tshen) Newsgroups: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.postmodern,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,alt.cyberpunk.movement,misc.writing Subject: Re: Fantasy is the mother of all genres! Followup-To: rec.arts.books,alt.cyberpunk,alt.postmodern,alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo,alt.cyberpunk.movement,misc.writing Date: 24 May 1995 20:42:42 GMT Organization: WLN Lines: 16 Message-ID: <3q05o2$91a@calliope.wln.com> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: rs6a.wln.com X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8] Xref: sct.fr rec.arts.books:4551 alt.cyberpunk:335 alt.postmodern:225 alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo:116 alt.cyberpunk.movement:53 misc.writing:1601 Wendy Chatley Green (wcgreen@cris.com) wrote: : In article <3puaa5$pk8@panix.com>, jimcat@panix.com (Jim Kasprzak) wrote: : : . . . The reason it sold as science fiction : : is because, as Niven himself once pointed out, sufficiently advanced magic : : is indistinguishable from technology. : : -- : : : Arthur C. Clarke said that. Actually, no. Clarke said that sufficiently advanced technology is indistiguishable from magick. Niven switch the two around, called it a collalary and named it after himself. Nice work if you can get it. --Tshen Qodaxti Institute, 87th stratum #! rnews 0000001273 Path: sct.fr!boisson From: boisson@netpress.fr (Stephane Boisson) Newsgroups: fr.comp.sys.atari Subject: Re: Concerne message pric Date: 24 May 1995 21:31:25 GMT Organization: Netpress, France Lines: 22 Message-ID: <3q08je$421@sct1.sct.fr> References: NNTP-Posting-Host: client33.sct.fr X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Jean-Jacques Ardoino (ardoino@musical.fdn.org) wrote: | Mais, de toute facon, meme si on a transcode, quand on envoie le texte sur | internet, il y a encore un probleme de transcodage. Et le mieux est | d'ecrire sans accents. Bah moi je trouve que c'est domage de ne pas profiter des accents sur Internet.. MIME gere ca tres bien! C'est du Latin1.. le standard sous X11, Amiga et Ouindoze (d'apres le FAQ accents). Sinon, il y a `recode' un utilitaire GNU qui, comme son nom l'indique, fait des convertions de tables de caracteres (dont celui de notre cher Atari!) PS: Je sais plus qui disais que les accents sous PC et Atari etait les memes.. J'ai pourtant le douleureux souvenir du contraire.. Me trompeujeu? PPS: Pour ceux qui cherchent la petite bete, j'ai pas d'accent dans ce message car j'ai pas mis sur patte un traducteur Atari<->Latin1 (mime Encoded). PPPS: Oui, j'ecris de mon Falcon #! rnews 0000000613 Path: sct.fr!rain.fr!jussieu.fr!univ-angers.fr!news.univ-rennes1.fr!news.emn.fr!sun14!raillard From: raillard@sun14emn.fr (for-in-94) Newsgroups: fr.rec.humour Subject: Re: Tamer' Date: 24 May 1995 12:33:18 GMT Organization: Ecole des Mines de Nantes Lines: 3 Sender: raillard@sun14 (for-in-94) Distribution: world Message-ID: <3pv92e$g9b@caro.dsic.emn.fr> References: <1995May18.063144.17825@news.unige.ch> <3pspe2$kib@vishnu.jussieu.fr> <3psq0l$dl0@caro.dsic.emn.fr> NNTP-Posting-Host: sun14.eleve.emn.fr Enfin une bonne TAMER !! DESOLE, MAIS J'AIME BIEN COICER MA TOUCHE CAPS LOCK. #! rnews 0000000000